

To the left, to the left, to the right to the righ
-4.20 units (For any record-stalkers out there, my last 10 plays were a 10-pack of overs, posted not in my thread but in the in-game thread, exactly one minute before the tip of the Denver/Washington game. They went 6-3-1, earning me 2.7 units, bringing me from -6.90 to -4.20. Since I'm varying units this year, keeping a record makes no sense. So I'll just track the units. No plays over 5 units, for the sake of credibility.)

Jizz/Fucks OVER 206 {1.1/1}
See thread of JPicks (best NBA capper on the internet) for reasoning. I talked about the play with him last night for a while, and we both agree that the Fucks should score at will, and Memphis certainly has the offensive talent to keep it close. The Killa 8-Ball says 111-103.

Bricks/That other team from L.A. UNDER 200 {1.1/1}
Bricks have some, uhh, issues right now. Their starting point guard, who plans an imminent move to Italy and has openly declared his preference to not win an NBA title, is currently in the process of blackmailing their head coach, who was recently on trial for sexual harassment. Their other "point guard" is named Mardy Collins, all 6'6'' and 220 pounds of him. Oh yeah, he got hurt 6 minutes into his first start last night. Zach Randolph's grandmother died 6 months ago, but he's still in mourning. Eddy Curry was recently declared too fat for a fat farm. The situation is not good. The Clipps' best offensive player is 47 years old. 101-89 Clipps.
Wasn't sure if the Jizz were the Jazz or the Grizz today. You're confusing. Hilarious w/up on the Bricks game though. Nice to see you're following along on my Randolph theory.
Orlando +3.5 {1.1/1}

Reasoning? Sure.


This was late last night, in New York City. 'Nuff said.
I was liking the Magic as well.. think you sold me on it with LBJ in NYC.. nice info bro
Yeah we won't be watching hoops all night to maybe go 2-1 and win less than one unit.... Going for the middle

NYC/LA 2H O98.5 {1.1/1}