

To the left, to the left, to the right to the righ
Miami/Washington U195 (-110 @ Greek)
Four times in the last week that IC and myself have had the same play. Twice he posted first, twice I posted first. But again go to his thread for reasoning, he likes to write.

Let's get even LUCKIER than I've been getting the last few weeks!

Dorell Taylor is going to get some of ADs playing time beware !

Rogers Mason



those guys can put up #s
I had this one circled... I just hope Wash doesn't change things up and try to employ a run and gun... they've played well slowing things down... and should continue it...
Damn it, on the otherside, I should probably get off this with you and IC on the otherside... GL though, and Cake don't throw Roger Mason Jr into that mess, he can definetly score .. Go UVA
Thanks Dan........ Wassup with u man, u back in the game or what?