Wednesday Openers/Discussion


Pretty much a regular
<TABLE cellSpacing=1 width=540 bgColor=#cccccc><TBODY><TR><TD class=dataheader width=540 colSpan=10>NBA
Wednesday, February 25th</TD></TR><TR><TD class=datasubheaderleft2 width=35>Time</TD><TD class=datasubheader width=40>Gm #</TD><TD class=datasubheader width=120>Team</TD><TD class=datasubheader width=75>Score</TD><TD class=datasubheader width=60>Opener</TD><TD class=datasubheader width=60>Hilton</TD><TD class=datasubheader width=60>5Dimes</TD><TD class=datasubheader width=60>ABC Island</TD></TR><TR class=scores-whitebg><TD class=scores-whitebg-left>02/25
4:05p</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg>501
502</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-team> MEMPHIS
INDIANA</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-team><TABLE padding-left="5"><TBODY><TR><TD class=scores-whitebg-team-bb>
</TD><TD> </TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-team-bb>
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>209½
</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>207½
7½ </TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>207
7½ </TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>207½
7½ </TD></TR><TR class=scores-greybg><TD class=scores-greybg-left>02/25
4:05p</TD><TD class=scores-greybg>503
504</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-team> PHILADELPHIA
WASHINGTON</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-team><TABLE padding-left="5"><TBODY><TR><TD class=scores-greybg-team-bb>
</TD><TD> </TD><TD class=scores-greybg-team-bb>
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>5
</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>4½
195½ </TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>5
195½ </TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>4½
195 </TD></TR><TR class=scores-whitebg><TD class=scores-whitebg-left>02/25
4:35p</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg>505
506</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-team> CHICAGO
NEW JERSEY</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-team><TABLE padding-left="5"><TBODY><TR><TD class=scores-whitebg-team-bb>
</TD><TD> </TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-team-bb>
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>203½
</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>204½
1½ </TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>204
1½ </TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>204
2 </TD></TR><TR class=scores-greybg><TD class=scores-greybg-left>02/25
4:35p</TD><TD class=scores-greybg>507
508</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-team> ORLANDO
NEW YORK</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-team><TABLE padding-left="5"><TBODY><TR><TD class=scores-greybg-team-bb>
</TD><TD> </TD><TD class=scores-greybg-team-bb>
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>
</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>2½
219 </TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>2½
219 </TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>2½
219 </TD></TR><TR class=scores-whitebg><TD class=scores-whitebg-left>02/25
5:05p</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg>509
510</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-team> DETROIT
NEW ORLEANS</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-team><TABLE padding-left="5"><TBODY><TR><TD class=scores-whitebg-team-bb>
</TD><TD> </TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-team-bb>
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>181
</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>180½
8½ </TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>180½
8½ </TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>181
9 </TD></TR><TR class=scores-greybg><TD class=scores-greybg-left>02/25
5:05p</TD><TD class=scores-greybg>511
512</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-team> UTAH
MINNESOTA</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-team><TABLE padding-left="5"><TBODY><TR><TD class=scores-greybg-team-bb>
</TD><TD> </TD><TD class=scores-greybg-team-bb>
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>
</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>8
212½ </TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>8
212 </TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>7½
212 </TD></TR><TR class=scores-whitebg><TD class=scores-whitebg-left>02/25
5:35p</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg>513
514</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-team> PORTLAND
SAN ANTONIO</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-team><TABLE padding-left="5"><TBODY><TR><TD class=scores-whitebg-team-bb>
</TD><TD> </TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-team-bb>
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>183½
</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>179½
1½ </TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>179½
1½ </TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>179½
1½ </TD></TR><TR class=scores-greybg><TD class=scores-greybg-left>02/25
5:35p</TD><TD class=scores-greybg>515
516</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-team> MILWAUKEE
DALLAS</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-team><TABLE padding-left="5"><TBODY><TR><TD class=scores-greybg-team-bb>
</TD><TD> </TD><TD class=scores-greybg-team-bb>
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>211
</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>208
7½ </TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>208
7½ </TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>208
7½ </TD></TR><TR class=scores-whitebg><TD class=scores-whitebg-left>02/25
6:05p</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg>517
518</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-team> ATLANTA
DENVER</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-team><TABLE padding-left="5"><TBODY><TR><TD class=scores-whitebg-team-bb>
</TD><TD> </TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-team-bb>
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>205
</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>203
10 </TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>202½
10 </TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>202½
10 </TD></TR><TR class=scores-greybg><TD class=scores-greybg-left>02/25
7:05p</TD><TD class=scores-greybg>519
520</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-team> CHARLOTTE
SACRAMENTO</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-team><TABLE padding-left="5"><TBODY><TR><TD class=scores-greybg-team-bb>
</TD><TD> </TD><TD class=scores-greybg-team-bb>
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>4
</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>3
200½ </TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>2½
200½ </TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>2½
200½ </TD></TR><TR class=scores-whitebg><TD class=scores-whitebg-left>02/25
7:35p</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg>521
522</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-team> BOSTON
LA CLIPPERS</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-team><TABLE padding-left="5"><TBODY><TR><TD class=scores-whitebg-team-bb>
</TD><TD> </TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-team-bb>
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>8
</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>10
200 </TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>10
199 </TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>10
199½ </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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NBA - Feb 25
4:05 PM

4:05 PM
503 PHILADELPHIA -4½-110 o194½-110
504 WASHINGTON +4½-110 u194½-110

4:35 PM
505 CHICAGO +1-110 o203½-110
506 NEW JERSEY -1-110 u203½-110

4:35 PM
507 ORLANDO -2½-110 o217-110
508 NEW YORK +2½-110 u217-110

5:05 PM
509 DETROIT +8-110 o181-110
510 NEW ORLEANS -8-110 u181-110

5:05 PM
511 UTAH -7-110 o211-110
512 MINNESOTA +7-110 u211-110

5:35 PM
513 PORTLAND +5-110 o184½-110
514 SAN ANTONIO -5-110 u184½-110

5:35 PM
515 MILWAUKEE +7½-110 o209-110
516 DALLAS -7½-110 u209-110

6:05 PM

7:05 PM
519 CHARLOTTE -3½-110 o200-110
520 SaCRAMENTO +3½-110 u200-110

7:35 PM
Got Jersey in as a 1 point fav. Love them coming off the buzzer beater and the Bulls playing a b2b.
Washington got their win the other day, I kinda like that Philly chalk there.

Thought total at MSG would be higher. Opened 216 per LVSC. Hoping they don'
t use much effort in Chicago tonight and shoot like shit and have same number or close to it.

Detroit has terrible dribble-drive defense. Take that into consideration. Plus, Chandler looked solid last night.
Washington got their win the other day, I kinda like that Philly chalk there.

Thought total at MSG would be higher. Opened 216 per LVSC. Hoping they don'
t use much effort in Chicago tonight and shoot like shit and have same number or close to it.

Detroit has terrible dribble-drive defense. Take that into consideration. Plus, Chandler looked solid last night.

Sixers have to have a small hangover from the Harris shot. I'm hoping they come out bad in the 1st half and play them in the 2nd.

Magic opponents lately have kept that total in the teens I think. Had they had games against a NY like opponent recently we might have seen 221 or higher.
surprised at the total for the philly/wash game. maybe its their 67 points they put up vs S.A. . i have played wash over 2x now, and won 2x.. and if i can get this number tonight, when my book posts it, i will make a very large wager on the over.
I think both teams will be happy to see each others defense. my .02
Knicks could be in trouble tomorrow. Orlando got stomped tonight, no one played huge minutes, and they just have no one to offer any kind of resistance to Howard. Definitely a 36-18 kinda game for him.

Strange line in Minny too? When was the last time Utah poured in a solid DD win on the road?
mavs vs bucks

have been watching interviews with mavs players....dirk was super basicly said the team is performing poorly....josh howard was speechless...mavs are headed in the wrong direction, teams are battering dirk and nobody can score.....i'm leaning bucks tomorrow +7.5 even in a revenge situation
Would say right now my best bet is the Bulls. Nets cured no problems in the last game. Rebounding was still a joke and they needed luck to beat a drowning team. Bulls could easily be the 3rd best team in the East now. This is the second game of a four in 5 set that ends with them playing Houston in a fourth game in five nights situation. To make progress here they must win all 3 of the first games. Nets failed the test even though they won the game last time. Still had a lot of turnovers and played bad defense along with bad rebounding. Instead of a drowning team this time they are about to play a confident STRONG team. Not taking any chances here. i think the number will move. If I can get a ml bet tomorrow I will take it but right now I am riding the MIGHTY GOOD BULLS who I say again are at least the third best team in the East.
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Probably be on the WASH Under . The way I see it Philly is struggling offensively and is basically good for low to mid 90's not more really . Wash ended teh huge over run but also the defense has been better lately probably thanks to having Blatche available. Think 103 is the most allowed last 5 and probably closer to high 90's avg. So what makes one think Philly scores 100 or breaks it ? They had 104 at home when they were playing better and Blatche was out despite missing a couple of FTs that could have padded the score they did shot very well. After the buzzer beater which also dont forget Philly had a DD lead after 1 quarter and then Miami loss up 3 with 3 to play they are in bad shape IMO. Have to think Wash 1st Q and 1st Half....

Do I get my mugshot on the dollar bill after calling tha CLE game perfectly ? Jump out to the big lead at half and then Memphis wins the 2nd Half . So much so they backdoored the game in the final minute even cashing my +16 ...anyway Indy laying 6 or 7 points is probably way to many if thats the line but Fords status is qustionable ...

Thought about the ORL under today but passed when Pietrus was ruled out . Clearly he makes a huge difference in their defense . Alston has put the offenseback on track though IMO. 217 hard to pass up though for an over maybe 1st H over ...

Nets 1st Half and game ...Bulls couldnt win vs a depleted Indiana team on Sunday and NJ after the 1st Q played well IMO..

Jazz laying 8 is high but Wolves cant finish a game let alone win any . So 1st H lean maybe but after 2 chokes? Not sure I touch the Wolves to be honest they played 1 great quarter and that was it ...dont look nowbut Utah with AK 47 back has been playing some defense since the break....dont think Wolves crack a 100 here....

Pass on Det for sure. Hit them 1st Half and passed on the 2nd H although leaned Miami cause cant expect DET to win a 4th Q....

I cant buy the Bucks on the road yet and dont expect any defense in this one..

Probably go with Port 1st Half again. Lost it @ Houston but they rallied nice for the backdoor but I didnt have it have personally....SAS got up w/o Duncan so tough spot for them IMO..TD will play otherwise it would be OTB.

Check the status of Bibby and the Hawks think he had the flu...

Bobcats as road chalk ? :cheers:

Almost certainly playing the Knicks. Orlando in their last 6 wins has beaten Miami at Orlando where we are talking Major domination, the slumping Bobcats twice although one of the winsat home was by very tight 5 where they almost lost, NJ at home, the Clippers and Toronto away. They lost to Denver and Dallas both at home and away lost to Indiana and NO. If this impresses you I have swampland for sale cheap. Orlando management did their best but Lue and Alston do not equal Nelson. He was an excellent offensive player and a fine distributer. Hard to replace those. So they have gotten worse.
Knicks traded some trash for some trash but also picked up Wilcox who helped their center situation. They improved. Management showed they cared and they have a coach they will work for. Orlando lost at Indiana. The Knicks just beat Indiana home and away. Last 10 away Orlando is 6-4 and last 6 away they are 2-4..While last 6 at home at home Knicks are 3-3 losing to 3 top teams and beating Spurs, Toronto and Indiana. They are 7-3 last 10.
What I am saying is tht they have gone from a giant to a b+ level team. This is a tough game for them. They played on 17 and 18. They played on 20 and 22. They played on 24 and now they play on 25. That is worst 4 in 6 and 6 games without a 2 day rest. Knicks are playing 4 in 6 too but they had a day off and are 19-14 with 1 days rest. Orlando is 6-3 on no rest ats but have been beaten badly the last 2 times. This is the new Orlando. Its the stock market. Some go up some go down. Knicks have the edge here. It could lose but its probably worth a play.
By the way indiana is currently 11-2 last 13 at home where they have beaten Orlando, Cleveland, and Houston to name 3. In that period they have been a dog 4 times and won 4 times. Chicago was the fourth and I played Indiana that day. It was the first game with the Bulls for Salmons and Miller and Indiana at 11-2 lst 13 at home compares to a 7-6 mark for the Nets who have 3 reasonable wins this year against good teams and those 3 all had serious question marks. I see Chicago as a strong team now. Miller firmed up a weak rebounding situation and Salmons joined with Gordon gives them constant strong offense. Do not see this as much of a game.
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don't like it but from this

Orlando probably wins a close one in MSG. I can see a show although I still don't think Orlando is going anywhere as a team, and think this line is a point high, prolly still play it since 2.5 and 1.5 arent too different

gonna pray Minnesota and Detroit are up at half. Hate laying that many so I won't, so gotta hope for value in a 2nd H bet with nola and utah who should both win

think I'll pass on the jersey/chicago game though I can see arguments for both sides. Chicago is playing solid right now. Philly was -2.5 at jersey and now we get chicago +2? Chicago is on b2b off a big W, while jersey is off that crazy shot

Philly is giving too many, although this is a washington team that just put up 67 ponts at home.

I don't do many totals, but SA has givin up 79, 67, and 76 last 3. Duncan got rest so dont worry much about SA b2b. SA looks decent

doubt i touch this dallas game, but I will say Terry's lack of presence is really showing on the road. Dallas could unload frustraion on Milwaukee or continue their freefall. Will look to fade them on the 2nd and 5th, not here likley

Denver should blow Atlanta out. Will play this one

Wanted Charlotte until I saw the line. Think this one comes down a little enough for it to be playable. Fading Sac is fun. gooden should play to mess them up even more.

This screams flat spot for Boston but I don't think I have the balls to do it. Clips are relatively healthy and dangerous, but cmon. Boston's dominance over teams not named the cavs and lakers is ridiculous
Did not even look at the Dallas game. Feel more than a little stupid. Dallas is playing the Bucks at home tomorrow. The Bucks----the team that beat them by 34 points 15 games ago. BC could not have looked at that. I know I did not. Possible plays over for the game and Dallas team total? Why is this not a major war.
Celtics have to be super pumped now. They pick up Moore and Marbury and Cleveland stares at the sky and says "WHY' Lakers probably not very happy either.
Philly is 10-2 to Under on the road w/Brand present this season

Philly is 11-2-1 to Over on the road w/out Brand present this season
Feel more than a little stupid. Dallas is playing the Bucks at home tomorrow. The Bucks----the team that beat them by 34 points 15 games ago. BC could not have looked at that. I know I did not.

I picked my nose yesterday. Thank god the cricket (w/live betting options) has returned tonight my time to good effect (this was a gift at the time I placed it. NZ should have been -500, not -250).
Chicago has gone 11 road games w/out suffering a 9+ point loss.

Over the last 3 seasons their longest stretches of games without such a result have been (figures in brackets 2nd & 3rd longest stretches w/out such a result)

05-06: 8 games (6, 6)
06-07: 7 games (3, 3)
07-08: 4 games (3, 1)

This season their 2nd & 3rd best stretches w/out such a loss have been 3 & 1 games

In other words, this is one bum team that is way over it's head with road performances in recent times. Whether Jersey is the team to manage this feat is arguable, but the fact they're on rest to CHC's B2B situation and CHC is off such a big win and travels, the basis can be seen to be there.
Sacramento +3

I'm looking for an obscure play that will not attract the attention of too many players, and this one kinda stuck out to me.

Kings as a home dog. They don't win much, but when they do, they're usually at home versus a weak team on the road.

What say you guys?
Moore and Marbury are HUGE for Boston. Wow. Look out NBA.

I think this card is rough. My thoughts on this card really begin and end with Dallas. Can't believe Dallas isn't getting more love from you guys in this spot (except tuck's post). They lost by 34 fucking points to this team. This game is absolutely circled. Dallas has just smoked three losing teams at home by 21, 15, and 18. They just had their worst Texas two-step in years. They took out their frustration on Sacramento after the Houston loss, now they'll take it out on Milwaukee after the Spurs loss. This is one of those 'if they don't romp here, they're fade material the rest of the season' type games for me. They have Milw-OK-Tor at home the next three games. They desperately need three solid, DD wins.
Sacramento +3

I'm looking for an obscure play that will not attract the attention of too many players, and this one kinda stuck out to me.

Kings as a home dog. They don't win much, but when they do, they're usually at home versus a weak team on the road.

What say you guys?

Jumped out at me too, thought it was Sac -3 when I first saw it, and thats probably what the line should be. Who are the Bobcats to lay chalk on the road against anyone? (let alone a team with a good home court advantage cross country) I think they blew their load last night in Phoenix, probably an emotional game for Bell and Diaw who played well. B2B is trouble here for the Bobcats, and Sacramento played the Hornets pretty tight after the slow start.
SN, I don't see how Blatche will make that much of a difference, sure he is a big man, but he will only play 20 minutes or so, when he is not in there, wash has no size, and no defense, and guys who can score a lot. while agree philly is in a scoring slump which is why i think this number is low. i may be square on this play, but i think both teams will be pushing the 100 mark. but similar to the jersey game, if its close the free throws at the end will put it over. good health with your play..
Leaning to the OVER again in Sac. I like playing their OVERS at home since they tend to quit on the road. As I've said, the Kings play NO defense and on the other side are a pretty good scoring team. Killa's favorite guy Kevin Martin is pretty explosive on the offensive end, gets to the line, and can drop 30 on any given night.

Charlotte though is not an uptempo team and is on a back to back. I don't think it'll matter though.
For me so far played Nets 1st half -0.5 -115 and maxed out the Nets ML @ -125 ...clearly my POD. Be back in a moment :cheers:
BC didn't you throw out a stat last week about going back since 2004 teams coming home after long road trips covering the first game back almost never cover the 2nd? Wouldn't the Blazers be a play vs the Spurs based on this?
great thread boys.

...i'm leaning to NJ and ORL, but the Nets are awful at home. Like to hear that Chi-town is basically due for a big loss, but i'm thinking the new pieces could prevent that from happening. I think there's a little too much love out there for NYK and KryptoNate, but i'm thinking the Magic will miss Nelson a bit tonight. At the same time the SSOL offense that D'Antoni runs could get Skip2MyLou back into the street ball days with the lack of defense that the Knicks play.

...i'm thinking ORL is my only play tonight as i don't want to fade the streaking BabyBulls
BC didn't you throw out a stat last week about going back since 2004 teams coming home after long road trips covering the first game back almost never cover the 2nd? Wouldn't the Blazers be a play vs the Spurs based on this?

The Spurs road trip was interrupted by the AS break, which nullifies matters. Decent rest undermines the fatigue aspect.
SN, I don't see how Blatche will make that much of a difference, sure he is a big man, but he will only play 20 minutes or so, when he is not in there, wash has no size, and no defense, and guys who can score a lot. while agree philly is in a scoring slump which is why i think this number is low. i may be square on this play, but i think both teams will be pushing the 100 mark. but similar to the jersey game, if its close the free throws at the end will put it over. good health with your play..

I was trying to say that if you look at the games Blatche missed you see how their PPG soared in his absence . You look at the recent games since he has played even at 20 minutes they have come to more normal levels IMO ...

Not sure its a square play but its more for me not expecting more then what they have been doing. Think even after the high 1st half at NJ the game didnt go over until the half court 3 to win it . Which NJN is really no better maybe worse defensively then Wash (in terms of points allowed I mean) . So that opened 189.5 closed 2 pts higher and barely snuck over . This was around 195 ...

Just my opinion ...GL as well
Chicago has gone 11 road games w/out suffering a 9+ point loss.

Over the last 3 seasons their longest stretches of games without such a result have been (figures in brackets 2nd & 3rd longest stretches w/out such a result)

05-06: 8 games (6, 6)
06-07: 7 games (3, 3)
07-08: 4 games (3, 1)

This season their 2nd & 3rd best stretches w/out such a loss have been 3 & 1 games

In other words, this is one bum team that is way over it's head with road performances in recent times. Whether Jersey is the team to manage this feat is arguable, but the fact they're on rest to CHC's B2B situation and CHC is off such a big win and travels, the basis can be seen to be there.

nail that coffin shut