Wednesday Nba


Pretty much a regular
Went 1-2 yesterday with new york shitting the bed and memphis fucking up. Only one that pulled it off was new jersey and that was by a cunt hair!!! On to tonights card.


PHOENIX-14 1unit
INDIANA-5 3units

Goodluck with all your plays people.
Thanks beLIEve.
Too bad memphis fucked us yesterday huh? first they tell us that bibby aint gona be getting too much playing time no more the next thing you know he goes all out and kills the grizzlies.
Thanks beLIEve.
Too bad memphis fucked us yesterday huh? first they tell us that bibby aint gona be getting too much playing time no more the next thing you know he goes all out and kills the grizzlies.

Luck for me, or MAYBE unlucky for me, I was too involved in the Pacers game to throwdown on Memphis.
The thing about Bibby is that he has a player option for next year. So he can either come back to Sac and make his 11mil, or go to a contender for less money. If he wants to win and get out of Sac, he has to play well down the stretch to earn the most possible for next year.

If I was him, I'd stay and take the 11 or 12 mil personally. I am selfish and could care less about winning games.
yeah. Im hoping the pacers don't shit their pants tomorrow. front court advantage definitely belongs to the pacers. and in my opinion also back court advantage.
I think the Pacers are a safe bet tonight. Orlando plays at Detroit tonight, so Indy shouldnt lose any ground with a win.
The thing about Bibby is that he has a player option for next year. So he can either come back to Sac and make his 11mil, or go to a contender for less money. If he wants to win and get out of Sac, he has to play well down the stretch to earn the most possible for next year.

If I was him, I'd stay and take the 11 or 12 mil personally. I am selfish and could care less about winning games.

I would do the same brother. better to be a star in a subpar team than to be a subpar player in a star team. just my opinion and apparently yours. Money is everything when it comes down to it.
He's not going to get 11 million elsewhere... but he may do a sign and trade extension right around the 10 million dollar mark. Some team over the cap will offer up the Kings some expiring contracts and a 1st round pick for him. If I was Bibby I'd want to be happy... and he's not right now in SAC.

I'd take 3 or 4 million LESS to be with a contender when I've probably already grossed $100 million in contracts and marketing deals.