Wednesday NBA Picks


The Spurs can suck my manhood
Orlando -2 - 7 units stakes.

The bookies did 180 flip and from giving Wizards 7.5 points line against the Hornets, gave only 2.5 points and dropping line against the Magic, team in the same size as the Hornets. I backed Wizards against Hornets without thinking twice, but here I will take the mistake that bookies made and back the Magic.
Wizards are a team that either does well against some opponent or loses to him time over time. Magic took four lines in the last five encounters between the two teams in D.C. and I don't see any reason for them not to continue that. Wizards as I said, does well against some opponents as <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
><st1:City w:st=
Dallas</st1:City>, NO, <st1:City w:st="on">Boston</st1:City>, all of which they beat twice so far. What about <st1:City w:st="on"><ST1:pOrlando</ST1:p</st1:City> Well the two teams met already in the beginning of the season in <st1:State w:st="on">Washington</st1:State> and with <st1:City w:st="on">Butler</st1:City> and Arenas, <ST1:p<st1:City w:st="on">Orlando </st1:City></ST1:pwon by 12 points, 94 – 82.

Wizards are without <st1:City w:st="on"><ST1:pButler</ST1:p</st1:City> and Arenas already in two games stretch, beating the Bulls on a road and winning NO at home. To go 3 – 0 under those conditions will be difficult, almost impossible.
<st1:City w:st="on">Orlando</st1:City> saves strength against <st1:City w:st="on"><ST1:pToronto</ST1:p</st1:City> and besides Turkoglu that played 40 minutes, all other players played under 40 minutes. They know that they got <st1:City w:st="on"><ST1:pCleveland</ST1:p</st1:City> on their back and won't let this one slide by them.

Don't like the other games too much tonight - still thinking about Under in Denver and Detroit if they get +5 and higher without buying the points...

Best of luck everybody!!!
Hmm, Orlando is as good as New Orleans? I disagree. But I am leaning Orlando here, they're still money on the road. :shake:
I'm very different than most backers on this site and in Israel as well. I really don't hold NO very high, the opposite is true.
It was the same with Portland and I kept fading them in most games and we in the end it proven it self, but that is beside the game tonight :)
You right, I saw that only after I placed the bet, but still, haven't changed my mind one bit. It is nice record, but too small to matter, since I don't know who are those teams. Also, the line tonight is very low, much better for those who want to fade the Wizards than normally.
Divol, you can't compare a Portland team that had ONE good stretch and are now back to .500 to a team that is 40-19 after 59 games. You have to give them more credit. Orlando is a jump shooting team with Howard in the inside, Hornets play defense, they have a very smart coach (two times NBA finalist), one of the league's top playmakers, Chandler who is playing much better with a pass-first kind of PG than he did in Chicago with Hinrich and Gordon, they have a very underrated David West who has been very consistent (23 consecutive games in double digits, averaging a double-double like numbers), Peja is a sharp shooter, solid bench, etc...

The Hornets may not be elite YET, but all things considering (the fact that they're playing in the smallest town in the NBA, smallest market, New Orleans having much more problems than basketball and sports), it's amazing what they have done.

Again, they are not 31-30 like Portland, but 40-19, which is better than Phoenix.

And this is their FIRST season in which they're 100% healthy, up and running. If they keep growing this way they'll be contenders as soon as next season. Just my two cents here.

GL tonight.
i do agree new orleans > orlando. new orleans playin in west is enough.

but i do lean orlando with you bro. GL.
Don't get me wrong, I don't compare Hornets to Portland. Hornets have great team, but they aren't in the top 5 - 6 teams in the NBA as many people describe them. They belong to the second wave of teams like Utah, Houston, Denver, Orlando, Cleveland type of teams I believe.
im going to the game tonight...............i can't be cheering for da MAGIC at Verizon Center so, I'll just take the OVER....LOL
Divol, I rate New Orleans above Phoenix right now, and not only because they absolutely owned the season series (3-0), but simply looking at the two teams, D'Antoni hasn't made anything to actually IMPROVE the team and equip them to finally win the title or reach the finals.

Dallas is not better than New Orleans, should be in their tier, so what's left? Lakers and Spurs. Houston with Yao are right there if you ask me. East? Celtics and Pistons. Wouldn't say Cleveland has ANYTHING on New Orleans sans LeBron who owns everyone.

I agree that NOH are not contenders this season, this will be their first playoff appearance as far as THIS team goes, but next season, knowing how Scott works, they will be RIGHT there. Good discussion. :shake: :)
I agree about the fact that right now, Suns are worse than the Hornets. Hell, they play like crap right now.
Dallas I disagree. I watched them a lot the past two week and a half (4 games I think) and they got the energy, but lack a solid three point shooter I believe. They remind me a lot of Detroit over the past two seasons. Many good players, but all can hit from mid range and no one that been solid from the three point mark or under the rims. That makes your team too predictable. I doubt that Lue will change it, but they got something that many teams lack right now, the energy. I watched them play the Spurs and the Lakers and they had play off atmosphere and were highly motivated. Kidd still haven't adjusted fully and besides Dirk who first of all searches for him, as soon as Dallas gaines possesion, others aren't there yet. Also there isn't too much pick and roll yet and one of the main things that good PG does, get someone to screen for you and than give him the ball, still isn't there yet, but I believe they will be ready soon.
I do got problem with the Hornets. Peja is inconsistent no matter what. Paul is an allstar without a question. Still, you got West and Chandler giving 120% just to be equal to Duncan, Boozer/ Okur, whatever the big guys Lakers are playing for the moment. What happens when they will hit bad streak? Who will cover them? What about the bench? Pargo is the answer??? Wells looks totally out of it right now.
I believe that Lakers, Dallas, Spurs, Boston and Detroit are better than them and Suns got the potential to become better. I know it is fashionable to diss them and I did so in the beginning, but having watched them play Lakers, Detroit and Boston, they can adjust to Shaq without losing their strength, but this is work in progress I believe and if in Dallas case, I believe they will be ready to go come play off, I'm not sure we can assume that about the Suns this year and the next one, Nash and Shaq won't get any younger...
That's exactly what my point was. Look at the perspective for all those teams. Phoenix has two old men in the lineup (Nash, O'Neal), Spurs are all veterans. The Hornets are still very, very young.
Magic did the job, crushing the poor Wizards.
Now I can enjoy the Suns - Nuggets game :)
By the way, Satyr, about the Suns, they looked totally shut down tonight. One thing I saw and didn't think about before and that is Amare. Before, many attacks of the Suns, Amare stayed behind. Now, when ever he plays with Shaq, he can't do that and forced to make a run as well. Usually it is ok, but in B2B in Denver, where the air is thin as we know, he seemed dead tired in the second quarter already. If I didn't know better, I would have thought it is an Overtime by the way he looked.
One small thing that I just can't understand. Giricek??? He looks like a fan that by accident got on the floor. No connection with the team what so ever. By the way, is he the up tempo player that should cover for Matrix? Don't make me laugh!
Didn't understand this signing before the game and after I saw him (yeah, I know it is his third day with the team), I can't understand it even more.