Wednesday MLB Discussion Thread

As I was saying in our cardinal thread the cards/cubs game is virtually impossible to cap. Gotta figure flaherty won’t sniff 5 innings (40-50 pitches my best guess from way ppl have sounded), no clue who will follow him? Could be cards actually try to win this one and if it tied, we have lead, or at least close they might use the guys who actually supposed to be in our pen! Gant seems like a good idea but who knows? They could continue treating it like spring training and bringing in dudes only their momma recognizes! Can’t cap that shit!!
Gomber be my best guess for gm2 but Shildt isn’t announcing those until they almost have gm1 wrapped up!! He another younger arm I wouldn’t expect gets more than 50 pitches or so. They not gonna risk the young future core pitching. Waino went 5 cause he old and if he breaks they wouldn’t lose any sleep!! lol, sorry waino. Nice job tho!!
As I was saying in our cardinal thread the cards/cubs game is virtually impossible to cap. Gotta figure flaherty won’t sniff 5 innings (40-50 pitches my best guess from way ppl have sounded), no clue who will follow him? Could be cards actually try to win this one and if it tied, we have lead, or at least close they might use the guys who actually supposed to be in our pen! Gant seems like a good idea but who knows? They could continue treating it like spring training and bringing in dudes only their momma recognizes! Can’t cap that shit!!

Cards are actually favs in gams 1 which obviously on the strength of Jack which as I said not a good idea to count on going more than few innings, especially if he not efficient! I can’t imagine books have any more clue on who the hell gonna follow him than I do! Not sure Shildt knows!!

Gotta say there prob a little value with cubs just based off uncertainty. Problem on cubs bet being Let’s say cards do use the legit big leaguers after jack, that prob 3, maybe 4 innings of pen, if they go with some combo of Gant, Gallegos, Miller, whoever else available (not real sure! Lol) that would be a rotation that could hold cubs down. On the other hand one these minor leaguers or even worse Webb gets slipped in then all the value on scrubbies! This why I been laying off most cards games thus far even tho it killing me!! Lol
Maybe it a game live betting makes some sense? Wait and see who follows out of pen should tell us everything. They follow with gant then safe to expect cards semi-elite pen will be in action. They follow with another minor leaguer and safe to assume none the big guns come in later imo.
Overall #1 in 2018 draft

Ah. As much as I’m into baseball I do not pay attention to or scout farm systems! Lol. Has he been good in minors? Got a crib note scouting report for me? I’m sure I could look but I’m lazy and we have so many sports at once!
How good is mills? I’m having such a hard time capping everything with all these freaking sports going!! It great in some ways but a real pain!

Here's his history vs Cards:


St. Louis Cardinals
Think only way to play cards game is take cubs or better yet play live if we see cards gonna use major leaguers after Jack leaves!
Snakes Ff looks real nice at plus money. 2 of the hotter teams in the league right now battling it out. Snakes ops vs lefties this year been poop but still think they a tough lineup for lefties and that should climb as they continue hitting better!! Kelly has been fantastic, don’t see any reason he can’t hold the As offense down. Lean Ff under as well but think I like snakes more.
Nats+120, Continuing to fade this wright kid for Braves, he has some serious control problems and nats swinging some hot bats right now. Not that fedde is anything special but he keeps ball on ground and doesn’t walk guys (or strike them out! Lol). I’ll take my chances with the plus money cause I expect nats to put up a solid number.
Got a freaking terrible ump for the Ff under in San Diego but man I still like it. Lynn has had great success with Marquez but it been years since he called one his games. If any rangers pitcher gonna put a halt to pads offense lynn would be the guy. Paddock off a bad start I think will bounce back vs rangers suspect bats. Lynn at plus money really tempting also, the guy is a quality start machine!
cashed Cincy under, the only full game unders I bet been these 7 inning double header deals. Don’t worry so much bout the pens when I like the under in these cause obviously I’m expecting starters to do well.
Whew. Got the Ff under in San Diego. Thought I was fucjed when pads extended inning to tatis, luckily only a single tho, then lynn got manny Mo. now rangers need to come back and win!!