Wednesday let's keep it rolling Discussion


Meatballin' in Celtics Stadium
leans from the BOL open:
DET +134: Blakney
HOU -103
MIN u7.5 +100
ARI +163: Hallion
PHI +208

on the radar:
MIA -103
updated leans:
DET +156: Blakney
ARI +170: Hallion
PHI +212: Reyburn
MIN u7.5 +105: Hoberg
Definitely a big let down spot after Tuesday night but I don't see how Colby Lewis and the Rangers bullpen stops the Yankees. It's insane how hot the bats are. Taking it with a grain of salt because the ball is jumping off the bat in Arlington but they are beasting from top to bottom.
Quintana off 120 pitch CGSO. Not sure how much it hurts him though as it is not unusual for him to throw a lot of pitches, but 120 is a season high. CWS needs 2 more wins to reach .500.
Re: Verlander, His last 2 road starts have been very good, but he has been bad in the day.
DET lineup okay, took 56 last night and hope Longoria sits cuz he's played 11 straight games and 11 of 12 days
Twins 11-7 @ home vs. LH's hitting .269 and scoring 5.6 r/9. Major wind in Minn today out to left 21mph. Liriano has excellent GB/FB ratio at 4.18. Pitt bullpen an advtg. Hoberg 1.19 whip on season.
Balt/Tor parlay looks pretty solid. Phil has been playing well but this is Jerome on the road and RA pitching pretty well. Decent leadership in Tor with Martin, etc will have team ready to play. They made their trade and have to make a run now. Atl in shambles.
Balt/Tor parlay looks pretty solid. Phil has been playing well but this is Jerome on the road and RA pitching pretty well. Decent leadership in Tor with Martin, etc will have team ready to play. They made their trade and have to make a run now. Atl in shambles.
yesterday the jays were out of it, they were all sulking cause their friend was's a business get over it ...... today joey bats came out questioning the trade when just last year he bitched when the team didn't make any moves...get over it and play the damn game, you picked up the best current SS in the MLB and have probably the best left side of the infield right now..
yesterday the jays were out of it, they were all sulking cause their friend was's a business get over it ...... today joey bats came out questioning the trade when just last year he bitched when the team didn't make any moves...get over it and play the damn game, you picked up the best current SS in the MLB and have probably the best left side of the infield right now..

surprising that they didn't realize Reyes is washed up. Sad I didn't make the PHI play, just too many reasons not to
Been out with Doctors. Dodgers looks sweet. Oakland 2-10 after a shutout and Dodgers 5-2 after a shutout.
Have to admit Cards are probably better
surprising that they didn't realize Reyes is washed up. Sad I didn't make the PHI play, just too many reasons not to
that non call was a pretty big turning point (foul ball off knee for a single), but the jays had their chances and mucked up..

people are worried about chemistry, C-Man said it..Russ and Josh will get those guys on point...Jerome will help their confidence today.
Played Houston because it made sense. Stranded while getting a tire changed. 1 unit play on Padres. Bartolo 1-3 5.60 ERA with Scott and with it being a night game----