Wednesday Discussion Thread


CTG Super Moderator
Staff member
Jul 19 Wed 2023

I need to only play bank’s plays. I can’t even get an out a run lol
Going to get a bit tough to take overs in about a month when teams either start resting guys for the playoffs or after August when the motivation switches to see what the call ups have in the tank. Toughest sport for me anyway but mid-August on I'm better off playing the lottery.
Going to get a bit tough to take overs in about a month when teams either start resting guys for the playoffs or after August when the motivation switches to see what the call ups have in the tank. Toughest sport for me anyway but mid-August on I'm better off playing the lottery.

NFL Pre X is the best sports betting has to offer. That’s my ish. I won’t be paying attention to this other than tailing here and there.
Doubled down and took Sandy over 15.5 after he had decent innings early. Glad they trotted him out for the 6th to get it. Too many long counts after that first to get the extra out I need for the 18.5. Oh well. Happy to be even.
Snakes Ff total was juicy but 1.5 in that park after the way they raked last night? I like Morton and all but 2 runs seems pretty easily attainable. Sometimes I don’t like a team after that kind of output but offense was so bad in Toronto I think they continue scoring some runs this series. I’ll pay to see Morton hold them to less than 2.
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Snakes Ff total was juicy but 1.5 in that park after the way they raked last night? I like Morton and all but 2 runs seems pretty easily attainable. Sometimes I don’t like a team after that kind of output but offense was so bad in Toronto I think they continue scoring some runs this series. I’ll pay to see Morton hold them to less than 2.
Yeah I'm hoping Toronto was just a big ASB hangover, offense had struggled running in to it as well, think it was just one of those mid-season type things that hopefully just needed a game like yesterday to break out of. Most of the lineup will be above average by the end of the year.
Yeah I'm hoping Toronto was just a big ASB hangover, offense had struggled running in to it as well, think it was just one of those mid-season type things that hopefully just needed a game like yesterday to break out of. Most of the lineup will be above average by the end of the year.

Yea I think they be fine, mostly good contact rates and bunch of speed that puts pressure on teams.