Wednesday Bases


CTG Super Moderator
Staff member
Faves: 88-63, +27.73
Dogs: 45-42, +35.30
1.5 RL: 8-9, -3.325
1 RL: 8-7-1, -4.33
F5 Faves: 3-4, -2.35
F5 Dogs: 1-2, -3.00
F5 1/2 RL: 3-10, -25.00
Overs: 19-11-1, +20.28
Unders: 2-0, +6.00
F5 Overs: 1-0, +2.00
F5 Unders: 6-3, +7.05
Team Totals: 8-4, +6.55
ML Parlays: 7-7, +9.30
Player Props: 0-1, -1.50
Overall: 200-164-2, +76.765

Tues: 2-1, +2.70

Wed, 6/19


951 - MIA (Fernandez) +130

959-60 - PIT/CIN F5 Under 4.5 (Locke/Arroyo) -120
961 - CHC (Jackson) +145
966 - CLE -1 (Masterson) -112
971 - CHW (Sale) -122
981 - LAD (Ryu) +130
Seems difficult to bet against the Cards playing after a loss. I guess Miami might win despite the 0-10 record on Wednesday and the major look ahead to SF. sale does look good. BOL
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