Wednesday Bases


CTG Psychiatrist - Dr. Tim
YTD Record
Parlays 4-7, +0.0
Favs 15-10, +3.55
Dogs 5-7, -1.65
Totals 15-10-2, +4.46
1 RL 1-4-1, -3.94
1.5 RL 0-1, -1.15
1st 5 Totals 2-0, +2.0
1st 5 Sides 2-2-3, +0.2
1st 5 RL 6-3, +2.65
Grand Sal. 0-1, -1.1
Team Totals 3-5-1, -3.1
Overall 53-50-7, +1.85

3-0 on Tuesday.

Sea/Pitt over 6 -110 1*
SF -1 -101 1*

ML Parlay TB/LAD 1/1.48

GL on the action :badass:
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well hell, that was kinda like kissing ur sister wasnt it...yes, i was on it also But stiilllll much better than the 1.5 RL

GL tonite
Hopefully not, I think you are talking about one of the other 1 run gms in the book already?