Wed bases


Pretty much a regular
Yeah well it was a total debacle Tuesday night, but I'm getting right back on the horse. At least USA won for me early on the +.5, that was a miracle though I should have been assed out and 0-4 yesterday, thank you Howard you saved the day. That guy is crazy in goal, damn, I couldn't believe the saves that mothafucka was makin, unreal. Anyway back to bases, I said I was done with bases guess not. Probably will bet a late game as well, but will put that up later on tomorrow. In the morning and afternoon it's all horses for me. Could put up my Belmont and Delaware pick 5's I suppose.

It's funny cuz in my other thread Tuesday I was joking about betting Myanmar +715 vs Vietnam, and I'll be damned a shit load of money came in on Myanmar, maybe should have rolled on it, ha, I really had no idea about either of those teams. Now Myanmar is +570 on 5 dimes. I am rambling on here, time for the 1st pick of the day.

Cleveland at LA -148 risking 95.48 to win 64.52, and -1.5 risking 64.52 to win 93.55. So in total it is risking 160 to win 158.06 on the LA -1.

Been using the -1 run line calculator at That is a good fucking thing to use it saves ya money. Just enter what you want to risk, and then it tells ya how much to bet on the ML, and the RL, to make it -1. I know 5 dimes totally fucks you over on the -1 lines they offer. Use this shit and you get what you should. Anyway onto the game at hand, ha, none of this crap matters if I don't win. Think LA can bounce back after that debacle last night. They have been playing pretty damn well lately, and Bauer for Cleveland isn't very good. Bauer has a 1.46 WHIP and has allowed a .283 BA, those kind of numbers aren't gonna make you a successful starter in the majors. Ryu is pretty solid for LA, not spectacular, but he usually gets the job done.

May put up a Belmont or Delaware pick 5 tomorrow if anybody cares, probably not ha.
Well shit, fucking Dodgers had a 3-2 lead then let the meltdown begin lol. 2 errors in the top of the 8th, oh my, guess it is getting to be the usual for me. Dodgers should have already won this game, and covered the -1, with a 4-2 win, but nope, 2 errors in the top of the 8th, and now I lost.

Oh the fuck well, won on the horses today. Hit the Belmont pick 5 for 865 bucks, and the Delaware pick 5 for 516. Why I insist on bases is beyond me. Cuz a horse running can't make an error ha, no, well he could get injured or something but it is a lot more stable. The bases hell you never know some dumb ass drops a throw at 2nd, then a retard throws it over the head of the 3rd baseman and all of a sudden your losing your ass. That was a Dodger recap there for ya, that's what happened in the 8th.

I bet one for tonight, fuck it should happen, but I don't know maybe not. Seems like a good situation for runs.

LAA at Chi Sox over 5 runs for the 1st 5 innings, -105 risking 157.50 to win 150

The Angels are really smacking the ball around right now. Danks is probably in for a world of hurt. Skaggs struggled before being put on the DL, and his rehab start didn't go well at all he got smacked around. 3 innings 5 hits and 5 walks, 7 runs, ouch.

Wooooooooo here we go Dodgers rally in the 9th. Kemp up here maybe he can drive this shit outta here get me the win on a homer.
Fuck of course loser. The bases sure do suck ass. Seems my team always makes the costly huge errors, and the other team doesn't. The Dodgers made the total retard errors in the 8th, so I lost, ha, fucking figures.
I got horse races to look at. Doing 4 tracks tomorrow, gonna bang that shit for a few thousand, jeah niggaz. Both me and yg were right about our singles today on the horses, although mine destroyed by about 5 lengths, yg's single won barely, ha, fuck he was hangin on for dear life at the finish. The 5 in the 5th at Belmont, bang, that mothafucka rolled ass, put it down seriously, this 4 horse rolled up on the 5 and that bitch took off buried their ass.
Have to say though if yg wasn't helping out on the horses I would probably be screwed, or yeah for sure I think. I mean I know what I'm doing, but he does sometimes see things I don't, and he fucking breaks those races down way quicker so then I can just look over his work and see if I disagree on anything then I can make changes on it if need be. Made a good call adding the 11 on Delaware in the 7th race, oh my if we wouldn't have had that bang we're done in the last leg of the pick 5.
Shit, 4 tracks tomorrow Belmont, the main strip, that and Santa Anita, but Santa is done sadly they finished Sunday, damn, done for a while. Then have Delaware, Arlington, and Canterbury. I'm not sure about doing Arlington we haven't been, but oh well, guess will give it a try.
Fuck no more Santa Anita, fucking last Friday hit for almost 4400, then Saturday 2362, I am sad to see Santa Anita go.
Guess I don't know why the fuck I'm talking about the horses I haven't been putting em up on here.

The bases are sucking ass the usual. Watch this Angel game end up 1-0 after 5 innings ha, yeah probably.
I am fucking wasted for sure. Talking about horse bets that I made, that nobody fucking cares about on here ha. Well I didn't even put em up on here, so why talk about it. Just drunk and talking to myself, the fucking fun is about to end ha, gonna be probation I'm sure soon. Then it is back to misery.
Yeah bases, I'm done now, got my ass kicked again. None of those tomorrow. Fucking losing my horse winnings to these bums.

Something I will bet though.

France pk, +121, yeah this game may end up in extra time a push, but think France could win. They have looked better than Germany to me.

Belgium pk, +166 vs Argentina, I think Argentina is gonna lose, they have been teetering on the brink of losing so far. Think this is the loss. Plus shit it goes to extra time I get a push. That + money is a nice bet.

I'm not too sure about the other two games, probably will lay off, but those 2 look good. Netherlands is -1 right now, fuck they may kick Costa Rica's ass not sure.
No runs, what a shocking development ha, the usual. Yeah won't be on here tomorrow, fuck no. Got better things to do, like win, on real fucking bets that you can make money. Baseball is retarded I hate it. Horses are way better.
I really hate baseball, fuck, if it never happened I would be happy. Last baseball bet of the year here, no more, fuck, this is stupid giving my horse winnings back on these bums. Danks that guy blows, the Angels have been cracking everybody, but not tonight. Then Skaggs that guy has been terrible and got lit up in his rehab start for 5 million runs, then oh no, nothing tonight. It is just a constant fucking waste of time and money to even bother with this retarded bullshit. I guess the weather kind of sucks maybe that is what is doing it, the rain or whatever the fuck I don't know.
Yeah, I'm out, ha, may put up my World Cup winners. Well the France pk, and Belgium pk, one of those will win at least. Maybe both, but probably 1 wins, and then get one push I suppose.
Load up on Colombia +0.5 and PK for Friday.

Start drinking before the early game and hope for the best
Shit Columbia you think? Well I don't know about that, I mean I like how Columbia has been looking and Brazil hasn't played the best so far, but damn the home favorite betting against em I don't know. Good luck the king, I may lay off that one.
I do know the money for Belmont tomorrow, well shit gave out two singles last night that both cashed. Then we hit the pick 5 for 865 oh yeah. Should have fucking double up damn it, oh well, 865 is ok. Too bad that stupid 6 horse scratched in the 5th at the last second, damn it, would have had 926, that sucked ass, cuz that 6 had no chance. Well the 5 was the beast that race, I knew she was gonna have the lead alone unpressured then when they came for her, draw off, and she did. The 4 came up on her, and then Ortiz said go baby, and she rolled with it.

Got two singles, guess they are a bit obvious ha, but I think the 3 horse in the 1st at Belmont, oh yeah that fucker is gonna roll. Then the 1 horse in the 3rd, well that is really obvious, but I mean if you can hit a couple decent prices in the other legs of the pick 5 then you have something. I mean I'm gonna bet a 2 buck or 3 buck pick 5 on it, not .50 like I do usually. Cuz everybody will have those 2 horses I'm sure. Still can make good money there. But I'm betting Arlington too, which will pay big, oh yeah, if we get the single in. I think we can, and I think a lot of people will single the 1 in the final leg I'm not, and that mothefucker is even money and ripe for an upset, I'm spreading there, fuck that maiden, somebody will upset not sure who, got a few candidates.
Ha I'm drunk, I said the final leg at Arlington on that 1, I actually meant the 8th race the 4th leg, there is a crappy maiden that is even money, no way. That fucking piece of shit isn't winning that 8th race at Arlington the 1 horse, nope.
That Arlington 8th race the 4th leg of the pick 5 is fucking perfect, ha, oh yeah. Everybody is gonna single that 1 horse and that piece of shit is gonna lose. Me and yg are gonna have like fucking 6 horses in that race, then watch as everybody's tickets burn ha.
Shit I am just cashing signers at the track like fucking crazy. Everybody there is like what ya think about this race, lol, well those bums can't cash a big ticket out there. Fuck I got all these W-2 forms now, shit I am not sure how I'm gonna claim that shit, well I kept the losing tickets so can deduct those. Fuck I will deal with that when it comes.

The Belmont yg disagrees with me, on the 2 singles. He thinks that 3 is gonna get beat in the 1st race, don't think so, no. Well he can do his thing I'll do mine. I'm singling the 3 in the 1st, and singling the 1 in the 3rd, spread out others in that pick 5, and I'm banging that shit. That 3 isn't losing, well yg said that horse has been running at parx and shit. But that horse has run at Aqueduct before and rolled ass, won 2 in a row there. So I don't think this is a problem moving to Belmont, shit that fucker has been dominating yeah. Guess gotta be worried about that 6 horse, cuz she may go early, and just won a pretty big allowance.
Yeah I don't know maybe I should listen to yg, ha, he does put me in check quite often. I just don't see that 3 losing, but that 6 horse does concern me for sure. If that horse wasn't in there it would be an easy win for the 3. Ha I am just rambling on about Belmont to myself, sure nobody gives a fuck or is betting this tomorrow on here.
Yeah got Belmont, Arlington, and Delaware on the menu tomorrow. I still don't know what the fuck I wanna do about probation which is coming. I mean I know I have to show the probation officer proof of work or being a student or something. Damn it that sucks, I don't wanna work for sure. I need somebody like Joe on Reservoir Dogs that movie, ha, I love that movie, somebody to set me up with a job that I don't have to go to, yeah that was Mr. Blonde in that movie, he was on parole. I kind of wonder if I could just sign up for classes and not go, but they might check on that, guess I don't know. Could probably do that sign up for community college and not go, ha, yeah that sounds like a plan. Fuck I sure as hell don't need a job pulling in 5 k a week on fucking pick 5's ha.
Well I should say 5 k last week, that hasn't happened every week no, but I think if I stick with these pick 5's I can maybe make a go of it. As long as yg keeps helping out, if not that will probably derail the whole damn thing, cuz I usually make a stupid call here and there. Fuck the 3 in the 1st at Belmont maybe I should listen to him on that.
I guess if I signed up for classes that wouldn't work if I didn't go or didn't do anything with em. Cuz the probation officer would want to see my grades I suppose. Yep straight up F's ha, shit yeah that wouldn't work. Fuck suppose I will have to get a damn job.
Or no signing up for community college classes would work to satisfy the probation officer. Cuz hell I could just sign up for the minimum to be a full time student and take easy classes where I didn't have to do anything and pass em, hell yeah, shit I could do that. Yeah fuck a job, I'm signing up for all the easiest classes they have out there at the community college. Shit I know those classes don't cost much, shit I can make that money and more on one pick 5 ha. Yeah this will be easy getting through this probation, no work, no.
Shit managing to not drink and pass the tests will be a bigger challenge, yeah fo sho. I mean I've been on a drunk rampage for a while, this is gonna be rough when I have to quit. Well they test ya all the time on probation I've been there before, yeah you can't drink or anything else. It's sober up or fail.
I will be sick as hell for a few days when I quit drinking, oh my, that will be rough. Have done it before after one of my drunk rampages and it is not fun, no, it sucks ass for a few days.
Will be climbing the walls for a few days when probation begins, yeah that will suck ass, the withdrawals.
Shit, I don't wanna fucking think about probation ha, I keep thinking about it though damn that's gonna suck ass. Fucking that retard Lane Hames running into me, ha, I am fine drinking and driving as long as no retards run into me. I couldn't even believe that shit, I had a green light for over a block at least 10 seconds, and this dipshit fucking blows through there and nails my ass. Of course I was drunk, cuz I am all the time lol. That shit damn, damn, that is rough. Well just lucky there was a witness that stopped and said what happened. Cuz Lane's ugly ass girlfriend got hurt and went to the hospital, that woulda been my ass, if that witness wasn't there and said it was his fault. Ha I saw his face book, there is his stupid looking retard ass, and his ugly girlfriend. Well I'm not gonna talk about that anymore, I'm pissed everyday about it, can't get over that shit.
I was talking to younggun earlier, and he said don't fucking ramble on and keep posting on CTG all night until 4 am or something, ha. Well I am getting there. Yg is a good buddy, I should listen more often. Well I suppose nobody I'm sure is reading this nonsense. Drunk ramblings of Tuck. Well we got the Belmont, Delaware, and Arlington on lock, fucking break yo self Lincoln Racecourse, give up the 100's baby, Tuck is straight jackin yo ass, ha.
Well when I get my winnings on the w-2 it says Omaha Exposition and Racing Inc. So that Lincoln place must be owned by the Omaha Horseman's Park, that's the track up there. Yeah well I'm rolling their ass, they may need to come down and take me out ha. Actually they get into the national pool I'm sure so whatever they pay out doesn't matter I wouldn't think.
I just wanna get this probation delayed as long as possible, I am having too much of a good time getting hammered all day and winning pick 5's fuck yeah, this is great. Can't beat this shit, no. Ha I put on Wisconsin at Nebraska basketball, I have that on DVR, I was there in the 5th row. Fuck the Huskers rolled their ass, nobody was beating Nebraska on that night, that arena was nuts, fuck Cameron or whatever, that shit was wild. I knew going into it, I bet everything I had on the Huskers. Last game of the season to get to the tourney. Boooooom Petteway for 3, bang, shit it was loud then.
I mean fuck we'll see tomorrow but I don't think anybody is as fast as that 3 horse at Belmont in the 1st, fuck I'm singling that fucker, and that 1 in the 3rd. Fucking make money, money, money, make, money, money, money. Take money, money, money, take money, money, money.
Shit single those 2 horses then I'm putting a bunch in the other 3 races and get a damn payday. Cuz there are some shots that could come in on the other races.
Baseball is the worst sport to bet. I am never betting it again, ha, I mean fuck Danks is mediocre at best, and the Angels have been smashing everybody, yet nothing tonight. Then Skaggs for the Angels he has been completely terrible for a while, then his rehab start he gave up 7 runs. No nothing, ha, you never really know on baseball shit anything can happen. Guess maybe the rain and shit and kind of cold around 60, maybe that had something to do with it, fuck who knows, I'm done trying to figure out those fucking bitches. I would rather bet horses. Well may take a soccer game.
Picked up the Phil Steele college football preview today. Suppose as long as I can take classes on probation and not work I will have time to do college football, but horses are first. Fuck my football is hit and miss at best, I had some good years, but shit I never know. I'm not makin a government mint, like that 1 guy says ha, don't remember his name on here, he isn't really totally coherent always, or make complete sentences, but he does seem to do okay, ha. I can't dog on anybody winning no.
Shit the vodka bottle almost gone, damn, it is after hours too, can't get more at 2:09, no, everything is closed. Got nothing to do now, shit the work is done for tomorrow on the pick 5's, well may do some Canterbury later, but that is totally on yg, that is his home in Minnesota and if he likes something I will do it, but I'm not gonna bother looking at that shit.
Shit that Belmont pick 5 is mine niggaz, oh yeah, fucking Omaha Exposition get prepared to pay Tuck, and yeah break out the 100's baby. Cuz I'm singling 2 horses, the 3 in the 1st, and the 1 in the 3rd, and I'm not betting a .50 pick 5 no, I'm betting a 2 buck pick 5, shit I will spread the other races, gotta hope a big shot comes in or 2, which it could, we'll see. Fuck I know I'm fucking sharp as shit on those singles, shit, better pay me mothafucka. Ha, bow down bitches.