Weather Week 4

I coulda swore I heard one place or another mention could be rain in the fsu/clemson game which I totally don’t want as a fsu backer knowing they have the vastly better passing game and much more creative play caller. So I added clemson sc to my weather app this morning and it shows warm sunny skies, lol. Of course my weather app been known to be a liar, sometimes the same app tells my phone one thing and Theresa’s something totally different!!

So I felt somewhat better but not totally convinced since this thing has told me it was raining while I was standing outside blocking my eyes from the sun!! Let’s call it 70% chance of good weather until confirmed!
I'm gonna dig in before or after I wake up. Looks like a lot of digging from what I've read
The same untrustworthy app shows anything northeast could def be impacted. Unfortunately it looks nice in south bend, I’d def take some rain there as my desire to bet the Irish has kinda been wavering!!