Washington Redskins fans

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Hello everyone my name is Daniel Snyder. How many more Sean Taylor....errrr Laron Landry jerseys do you think I will be able to sell now?

I mean I could have drafted a defensive lineman like Okoye or Jamaal Anderson to help our anemic pass rush. But there is only one problem....Who wants to buy a defensive linemans jersey??!!!!!!
What in the HELL is Cooley wearing??

Redskins actually got quite a steal today; they signed UDFA RB Terry Caulley from Uconn..he will make their roster and could get on the field in the next few years.. very quick little back
Who the hell is going to rush the passer????

19 sacks ( NFL low)
6 interceptons ( NFL low )

There were 2 former redskins that had more picks than their entire team last year!

Who is going to rush the passer? Is old man gibbs going to strap on a leather helmet and rush?
Who wears short shorts?
Chris Cooley wears short shorts!

They have such a penny pinching cheap ass kosher hot dog owner who is more concerned about shutting down public parking lots to make a dollar, than win football games. He'd rather sign free agents and sell jerseys than build a team. What a joke!
I'm a Skins fan...I'm not sure the problem is Snyder, at this point. The problem is Gregg Williams, and his philosophy of how to get pressure on the quarterback. When you say who is going to blitz, the answer is probably LaRon Landry...in our good D of 2 years ago, a lot of the pressure came from S Ryan Clark and Shawn Springs.

The problem is, this horseshit D that Gregg Williams plays is all smoke and mirrors, and teams are starting to figure out what is going on. The only way the team's D is going to be good again is if Cornelius Griffin gets back to his prime/top shape, and Joe Salavea or someone else can fill the other DT spot well. I didn't like the DE Anderson, so I'm not upset they skipped him...but I do think that Okoye would have been a huge upgrade and help over Salavea or whatever shit they are going to put in there...

As for the other picks, HB Blades is going to be ok and I agree with Husky (well, we are both CT fans) that Terry Caulley could be a steal, although the Skins are not a good team at all for a scatback to go to. With Portis and Betts, I'm not really sure where Caulley will fit, regardless-but the kid is a fighter, and if healthy has the talent to stick around.

The pick that slays me, though, is Jordan Palmer. I think we all know as guys who have gambled on UTEP games that the kid is absolutely horrible. Again, if his name was Jordan Smith, guarentee he goes undrafted. Absolute waste of a pick, and UDFA Sam Hollenbach, IMO, has a better chance of sticking.
Seabass- The funny thing is I was saying this LAST year when ESPN and Redskins fans had their team in the super bowl.

but yes, the owner is the problem. The guy made his money with "marketing". He's more concerned about bringing in 23 proven free agents to sell jerseys ( than the 1 of them that made the pro bowl). The guy uses his team to make money instead of wins games. Great if your the owner, but sucks if your a fan.
Okoye is going to be a FORCE in this league in 2-3 years when this kid grows up. What is he 19? almost 20. When he is 23-24 he is going to be a beast in this league. He would have been a better fit in washington, but "The Danny" was to concerned about bringing in someone with a shitload of hype....like Landry. Who sells more jerseys next season...Landry or Okoye?

Houston is on the right track with taking Mario Williams last year and then and DT in the first round this year. Okoye and Williams next to each other...watch out.
little danny snyder is a major problem with that piss-poor team. little danny's leadership is deplorable due to the little, bespectacled man's "Texas-sized" ego.

I could probably type for several hours on how this little man's lack of humility has translated to sub-par performance out of the football operations since 1999.

But aside from that horrible owner, the GM, scouting department (and that's a misnomer) and coaching staff are all contradictions in terms.

There is no legitimate GM in place. "White-shirt Vinny" is no more than a little danny snyder stooge. Gibbs seems to be so well past his prime that I wonder if he's senile. His leadership is pathetic.......how on earth can a goddamn head football coach lose big game on a routine basis by several scores and then get up in front of the press and yap about how hard his team "competed?" WTF??????? They "competed?" That's great. They have about 5 million reasons per season (on average) to compete.

"Competing" is cool for a little pee-wee league football outfit. That doesn't mean "jack-shit" in the NFL.

I've done enough "bash snyder" threads, but I can certainly close with this to get my point across......

Think any of these yearly horrific performances would've happened under Mr Jack Kent Cooke?????????????

Yeah, I'd say the Washington Redskins are the most over-rated, over-valued, under-achieving outfit in all of the NFL. They are, and should be, the laughing stock of the sportsworld. No team pays as much for their "less than mediocre at best" record over the past 8 seasons.

But it all starts at the top, and little danny snyder is the worst of all.

Anyone who is paying to go to a live Redskin game is wasting money. The product on the field is terrible.

Let's face it.
Look like Sean Taylor is already jealous of Laron Landry. He wants a new contract because he see's the way The Danny spent on Archuleta, and what he will be spending on their first pick Landry who could get around 15 million guarenteed.

This will be his 4th year in the NFL and Spitting Sean Taylor is bitching about a contract already? Wasnt this baby a top 10 pick? Whats a matter Sean....not getting paid enough?

I agree. I once was a big Washington fan, but 3 years of little danny snyder (1999-2001) was enough to run me off and turn me to sports gambling where I had no favorite teams in anything anymore.

I loathe Mr Snyder and really enjoy seeing his team fail miserably on the field.

For 2007, "on paper," Washington seems headed for another horrific season. However, the one thing they have going for them (and this is HUGE) is that the entire world couldn't be more negative on their 2007 prospects. On planet NFL, there is nothing better than being under the radar and having the public totally against you. Likewise, there is nothing worse than being the public's darling.

The public hates Washington this year, so I am inclined to think they do better than most would think.
Clay -

I totally agree, but washington is only under the radar outside of DC. The fans around the area are still as optimistic as ever. However the public is really dogging this team. It's kind of funny how cgold pointed out that ESPN and the public had this team in the superbowl last year! I remember when ESPN did that dumbass special, what a joke.

On paper they have just as much talent as any other team in the NFL...if not more. IMO the only weaknesses I see in this team is in the trenches. Their defensive line didnt create much pressure last season, and they lost Dockery on their O-line. Who knows how good this team will be, a lot of it is on the shoulders of Jason Campell and his development.
Problems with the redskins

- Jason Campbell will be a game manager at best
- Once again you have a terrible pass rush, and you will need to employ creative schemes like last year ( that didn't work)
- Receivers are too short
- Your O-Line will be worse next year. Not just because of losing Dock, but because they were almost perfectly healthy last year and that will NOT happen again

- I don't like the word "chemistry", but this team had chemistry problems last year. QB and RB contraversy, the freaking coaches couldn't even get along...

Portis was on the John Thompson show ripping into the team after last year. Seems like Gibbs loves portis, and Al Saunders doesn't even really talk to him.

I'd peg the Shitskins as last place in the east, but one of the other 3 teams will probably have injuries/problems so who knows. Their last place schedule isn't that bad.
cooley had to have lost a bet with somebody. john stockton wouldnt even wear those shorts.
They need a coach who will build the team more through the draft, instead of mostly through free agency. That is, IF Snyder will let him.

They had Mike Nolan, at one time, as D-Coordinator. The way he is building the 49ers is great. He adds free agents, but keeps bringing in talented young players to build depth and put quick players on the field.

The 49ers were crap, when he took over the team. Now, they are at least respectable. They have my hopes up, that they can reach the playoffs.
little danny snyder ran Mike Nolan off in 1999 when midway through the season he hired old man Bill Arnsparger as a "defensive assistant."

Another totally unsolicited move by little danny snyder.

Mr Snyder is flat out no good as an owner of an NFL franchise. He may make a lot of money (and he does) by duping the fools from the DC public, but the NFL considers Washington a complete laughing stock.
Washington has so little direction and leadership it is truly shocking. They let the cat out of the bag before the 2005 draft and let the entire NFL know they want this guy Campbell out of Auburn as a QB. Because they tipped their hand cause that a---hole owner can't keep his gd yap shut, they essentially forced themselves to trade up and draft Campbell much earlier than his worth.

Campbell demonstrated last year that he can't play in closed space. His play inside the red zone was so horrific that old man Gibbs looked like he was going to have a heart attack every time his sorry team got near the opponent's 20.

I agree Brunell is, "at best," the mid 90s answer, so they kind of had to play Campbell to keep opposing pass coverages from basically just flooding all routes inside 13 yards and giving the old guy a free shot on anything deep cause they knew he couldn't make them pay over the course of the game.

Washington Redskins football franchise is a contradiction in terms.
Clinton Portis ...
looks mildly retarded
can't speak english
cross dresses before games and roleplays southeast jerome
gets injured
calls his team out on John Thompsons radio show after last year
calls out his front office on JT's show last year
The hate in here is overwhelming. Clay clearly is bitter that the Skins haven't won the past few years, to the point where he forgets that Bill Arnsparger was brought in partially because Mike Nolan was GOD DAMNED HORRIBLE...C-Gold is bitter because the Redskins are employing a starting quarterback who is black...etc etc etc.

Hate on Snyder all you want, but I appreciate having an owner who tries so hard to win...even if he is still learning what the right way is to do that.
The hate in here is overwhelming. Clay clearly is bitter that the Skins haven't won the past few years, to the point where he forgets that Bill Arnsparger was brought in partially because Mike Nolan was GOD DAMNED HORRIBLE...C-Gold is bitter because the Redskins are employing a starting quarterback who is black...etc etc etc.

Hate on Snyder all you want, but I appreciate having an owner who tries so hard to win...even if he is still learning what the right way is to do that.

Errrr ok?

I live outside of washington and can't stand the front runner fans who talk about "super bowl tickets" after every free agent signing. The only bowl the redskins have been to in the last 15 years is the toliet bowl... and they make it all the time.

No matter how shitty the Redskins or Cowboys are, their fans think they are the #1 team in the league. That is why they hate each other. If the Redskins are a 4-12 team, they still talk shit like the Redskins are a 12-4 team.

Giants and Eagles fans have their share of problems in the NFC East, but at least when those teams suck, their fans will be the first to admit it. Find me some Giants fans that were touting the Dave Brown, Danny Kannel days? How about the Eagles with the Bobby Hoying Koy Detmer days. At least their fans knew they sucked.

The Redskins fans are just dillusional.

I agree, man. Mike Nolan was horrific, and his '99 defense was so horrible at times that it did in fact make me miss Ron Lynn. But as an owner, you can't start making unsolicited changes without the consent of your coaches midway through the season (like little danny synder did). Why? 'Cause then the coaches have no control over the inmates (I mean the players).

FTR, and not that you give a damn, little danny snyder ran me out of being a DC fan when he fired Marty to hire Steve Spurrier. That was the last straw, and I'll never like that team again until little danny snyder is gone. Until hiring Spurrier, I did my best to give little danny the benefit of the doubt. Isn't it funny how when Washington played its best ball in the second half of 2001, Marty had it in the contract that little danny snyder was forbidden to meddle????

Mr Snyder is a terrible owner. If he were so good and interested about winning, then he'd have hired a legit GM to run personnel. Gibbs was a great coach.................20-25 years ago, and today, he sucks. Let's face it. Cerrato has never been worth a gd as GM (look at his track record). All Cerrato is is a little danny snyder stooge puppet.

The average Joe playing fantasy football on NFL.com knows as much about putting an NFL team together as little danny snyder. Mr Snyder could do the DC football world a favor by simply playing fantasy football on yahoo.com and buying the latest version of Madden. Leave the real football to pros....and that doesn't include Gibbs or Cerrato.

I agree, Dallas is over-rated. What I can tell you about the difference between Washington and Dallas (at least last season) is this....
When you look at the Dallas sideline, there is no question who was in charge-----Coach Parcells. When you look at the Washington sideline, unless you know who Gibbs is, it's hard to tell who is running the show. Senile old man Joe Gibbs.

The Snyder team is void of leadership.

But, since the public sucks at capping NFL, the Snyder team will do better than the pundits think this year simply cause they're under the radar and the NFC East is in disarray. Snyder may win 8, maybe 9 games and ham and egg a WC berth, but his team will be demolished in the playoffs, and then senile old man Gibbs can talk about how is team "competed."

The Washington Redskins football franchise is a contradiction in terms.
I'd agree with a lot that clay said. The average NFL fan knows about as much about football as little jewish hotdog danny snyder.

I haven't pegged it all, but the team does look like they can with about 8 with that last place schedule, but they wouldn't REALLY compete.
Oh, sure, Snyder was a bad owner early on...borderline terrible. The fact is, though, since hiring Joe Gibbs, he's more or less just stayed out of the way and given Joe all the help he needs-whatever Joe wants, Joe gets.

The problem lies within the fact that Joe Gibbs may or may not be senile at this point. Maybe I'm overly patient with Snyder, but it comes from being a die-hard A's fan-I'd rather see an owner spend and make money TRYING to win than have an owner who has all the pieces in place, but could give a damn about keeping them around. Snyder might be slow to figure out the right way to win, but he wants to win. Good enough for me.

With that being said, looking at this team rationally, they have a pretty good chance of competing. Everyone is high on Campbell, but whether he is great or not really is meaningless-the fact is, he is not the negative that Mark Brunell once was. Portis is healthy...at least for a couple weeks, and the receivers are fine. The O-Line has the Dockery replacement question mark, but the O seems to be in fine shape. On D, its more of a mixed bag, but Fred Smoot and London Fletcher should help a bit.

And lets not forget...this is a team that was one dropped Carlos Rogers INT TD away from making the NFC Championship game over the Seahawks 2 years ago.

Well done. Maybe they will be 500 or better this year, and maybe they won't. Mr Snyder doesn't have a legit GM in place.

Vinny Cerrato????? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Why not? A real GM wouldn't allow Mr Snyder to boss him around.

Yes, one Carlos Rogers int away from an NFC title game, and also one converted third down away from no playoffs (remember they started 5-6 in 2005).
Since Washington is hated by the public this year, and no one (not even fans) is touting them for anything other than last place in the division, I seriosuly think they win 8 or maybe even 9 games and somehow ham and egg their way in to maybe a wild card playoff game.

But, once they run in to legit opposition come playoff time, they'll be sent home at once.

NFL is so built on momentum. Every team in the league has the talent to bury an opponent if the stars align correctly. Even Mr Snyder's team is talented enough to stomp the guts out of a powerhouse. Yeah, for sure, Snyder's team could catch a good momentum ride somewhere during the schedule and win 4 out of 5 games. May be ugly as hell, but 4 wins out of 5 is a "plus 3" to the final record; thus, 8-8 or 9-7 is possible.

Yeah, Snyder's teams' wins this year will be ugly as hell.......games like 13-12 and 17-16 with tons of penalties and mistakes and turn-overs and blocked kicks and punts. That's just the only way they can win.

I haven't seen an Over/uNDER on their season, but I figure Vegas sets it at O7 -110 and u7 -110, assuming no one gets hurt or suspended between now and when odds are released. Wouldn't shock me if there are suspensions, as that team has plenty of knuckle-heads on it that can and will run afoul of the law at all times.

I do sort of feel sorry for old man Gibbs dealing with a dummy like Sean Taylor on a daily basis. The young man is such a talent, but as athletically talented as he is, he is that mentally impaired, so it's all one big "PUSH."
Bullshit, that Seahawks game was not even as close as the scoreboard lets on. The same dogshit redskins offense that had an NFL record low offensive performance against the Bucs, and had touchdown called back on the Bucs.

Joe Gibbs said that he didn't think the D-Line was a problem last year...

woah woah woah. Not drafting D-Line might be understandable because you pissed away most of your draft picks, but not RECOGNISING the problem is absurd. The redskins couldn't put pressure on opposing quarterbacks, couldn't force turnovers. and couldn't stop the run.

Denver had problems witht their D-Line and they brought in 3 high profile guys to address the problem. Washington doesn't even address the problem and is hoping that if they ignore it, it will just go away!

It's not like Carlos Rodgers made some fluke play... butter fingers couldn't catch anything last year either.

The redskins aren't as talented as you think. Remember 4/5 of their D-Line was coming off major surgery the year before. They weren't hurt last year but are DUE. They also lost that big rock at LG.

Campbell is still young and inexperienced. Portis is hurt. Marcus Washington is coming back from injury and was just cleared to RUN.

The D-Line was just plain terrible last year and the team sends out the same guys this year.

Yeah, you're right as usual on the state of the Snyder team. But we've beaten this in to the ground.

Now that you're here, let's start talking the rest of the NFL.

In your opinion, tell me what "under the radar" teams you think may do better than the pundits think? I appreciate it man. I may not agree with everything you say, but I do know you know your NFL as well, if not better than, as anyone on this board, so I want to hear what you're thinking now.

Moreover, what "in the radar" teams do you think may disappoint all the "experts" who will simply pick last year's playoff teams for this year?


We all know last year won't be the blue print for this year, but who has the smarts and balls to start making the predictions?
I pounded NFL futures on the New England Patriots and Philadelphia Eagles. Neither team are under the radar, but I got very fair prices on them. ( 35/1 for the Eagles and 12/1 for the Patriots).

I posted those wagers on my blog months ago, and I tried to Email whoever I could that I loved those wagers. Since then, the eagles wagers have become about twice as expensive to 3 times as expensive, 12/1, 15/1 and 18/1 depending on where you find them, and I saw the pats futures go all the way down to 2/1 at bodog. I emailed Glyde and anyone else I could that I loved both of those numbers.

Warren Buffet said that your better off investing in a good company at a fair price, rather than a fair company at a good price. The Eagles and Patriots have been two of the winningest organizations in football this past decade. They both have top 5 QB's, coaching and organization stability, and their defenses should be improved. I pounded that Eagles bet so hard, it went from 35/1, down to 32/1 to 30/1 pretty damn fast.

Under the Radar? Last year I bought small futures on the Packers and Titans for about 100/1 respectivly. Those teams didn't really do shit, but at 8-8 they almost made the playoffs, and I could almost hedge and make SOME money ( at least my money back). They performed better than they were supposed to.

In the NFC, People have been calling arizona for years ( I was one of them last year), and people are now calling for the 49ers. I really don't like the loss of Norv Turner for SF and I'm not a big Mike Nolan fan. Alex Smith has impressed me for his age.

In the North and East, everybody continually bashes the Giants, but I wouldn't be suprised to see them make the playoffs for a third straight year.

All points well taken, man. Thanks.

I'm looking for Over/uNDERS (maybe) on regular season and maybe divison futures (big maybe).

I'll reply back sooner than later.....just swamped with work now and no time to really do the message board thing rest of week.

Hope all is good.

Team over unders are better IMO. I've bet the cleveland brown spots UNDER last year and the year winslidiot went down.

The good thing about unders, is that it is more likely for a team to get destroyed by injuries and worse... then a team to suprise. For every new orleans saints, there are plenty of teams that have their star players hurt and they fall down the shitter.
Wow, I can't believe I miss this thread. I got pretty excited thinking it would actually be Redskins fans, but not surprisingly it was more Cowboy haters. I really believe the Redskins QB situation is much brighter than Dallas'. Romo is the only option, he played well for about 5 games, got into the pro bowl on those alone and sucked ass afterwards. I'm not sure who reads it, but footballoutsiders.com (the guys who come out with the NFL Prospectus) think that Campbell is going to be a pro bowler this year. I tend to agree.
We are one year removed from the playoffs, and now we're projected last in a comparably week NFC East?? The Cowboys are really the obvious favorites?? I don't think Parcells would have been leaving if he felt like this team was Super Bowl bound.
I think the offense will be great this year if they stay healthy, it takes time for Al Saunders to get his offensive system in place, but I think this will be the breakout year. The Skins have an above average line, good recieving corps, great RBs and a QB that is improving everyday and has all the tools necessary to become a great QB (most notably a thick mustache).
Lastly, I have no clue whats happening with the defense, all I know is that the linebacking core and DBs are pretty strong. I'm going to trust that last years D was a fluke. Even though they passed on a DL, Landry and Taylor combined are going to give the defense an identity, they'll make everyone better. Any negative talk about Taylor is just Cowboy fans talking shit because they know he's wayy better than Roy Williams.
I really believe the Redskins QB situation is much brighter than Dallas'

What kind of weed are you smoking??? I'd love to get some of it.
I really don't understand why every Dallas fan acts like he's a superstar .. he didn't deserve the pro bowl last year for sure, he had a nice 5 game stretch and thats about it. He played pretty damn poorly in the last 5 games when it really mattered, he had a 1:2 TD:INT rate. Campbell is younger, better physical tools (has an absolute cannon and can run albeit not as well as Romo), has a better pedigree (2004 undefeated and SEC player of the year vs Romo 3rd team D1-AA), and better coaching (Al Saunders). I think Romo is servicable, but definetly no Aikman, which everyone is making him out to be. I mean, it's kind of hard to argue since he's so young and this year is going to be his breakout year, but it's just soo ridiculous how Cowboy fans think Romo's god because he had 5 good games and dates a pop star.
I never said he was a superstar, I said how is the Redskins QB situation better than the Cowboys?

Who else desvered the probowl over Romo? Mcnabb got hurt so that eliminated him so please tell me who makes it then....Vick? Delhomme? Eli??? Come on now. His QB rating was 95.1, thats 5th best in the NFL bud. He completed 65% of his passes....compared to Campells completed 53%.

I dont know where you are coming up with a 1:2 TD:INT rate. You should check your basic math skills. In his last 5 games he had 6 TD's and 8 picks
(3:4). IF you watched any of the games it was the defense that let Dallas down when it mattered.

Campbell is younger, better physical tools (has an absolute cannon and can run albeit not as well as Romo), has a better pedigree (2004 undefeated and SEC player of the year vs Romo 3rd team D1-AA), and better coaching (Al Saunders).

Who cares if Campell is younger or has a better arm? Even though he is only ONE YEAR younger. Kyle SHOULDA BEEN A Boller has a CANNON for an arm!!!!!! And I can guarenFUCKENtee that Auburn would have NEVER gone undefeated if they didnt have Cadillac and Brown in the backfield. Two top 5 picks for fucks sake they better go undeafted. Good for him that he was the SEC player of the year....Romo was the D1-AA player of the year if that makes you feel any better. Dallas also didnt mortgage the future to draft Campell. They found him as an UFA and actually DEVELOPED a player....something the Redskins know nothing about.

I never said he was Aikman or God, those comparisons are just unfair. We will see this year who is better, but its just so ridiculous how these Redskins fans think Campell is God because he had a TD pass in every game and he has a cannon for an arm.

Being the QB of the Cowboys Romo could prolly get any chick he wants, dont be jealous that he dates a babe.
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My bad on the stats, you're right, but I can't rationally talk about this, clearly, neither can you. Comparing him to Boller is just ridiculous, Campbell is smart as hell and a great leader already .. attributes Boller clearly didn't possess. Romo on the other hand seems like a complete dumbass on the field and makes about 3 completely ridiculous decisions a game. But I can't stand the Cowboys and love the Redskins too much to agree with anything .. I shouldn't have even stepped in.
Nope, I cant agree on that. I dont have the time right now to get into the Williams vs. Taylor debate, I gotta eat lunch and go back to work. I will try and respond sometime this weekend though. I love how you can SAY Taylor is better than Williams but the stats do not back it up. Exactly how is Taylor better than RW? He could possibly be worse than RW in coverage. I'll get more into it later.

I can speak VERY cleary on the redskins, I know their roster and have watched every one of their games the past few years. Heck I live in the middle of deadskins country and get to hear about how great they are going to be on a daily basis.
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Jason Campbell has so much work to do on playing in closed space that it is staggering.

I never saw a QB last year do worse when inside the 20.

Campbell, while a better answer than old man Brunell who can't throw a ball in an NFL game safely unless the distance is about 7 yards, has so much work to do.