Warriors @ Hornets

reNew Orleans

Clubbin' with Rasual Butler
Alright, I've seen the line drop 1.5 pts already and maybe it'll keep dropping, who knows but I am on my boys.

1) We were EMBARRASSED by the Warriors the last time they came. We want revenge and the playoff race is anything but over.

2) We played awful vs the Knicks. We've gotta step it up this game and the team knows that. The home winning streak is up to 10 games and we definitely want to keep it rolling. The 4th quarter has been ours at home for a long time, thats when we just explode and usually our defense become stifling.

3) Home court has been amazing now, we have sellout turnouts, there's no way the team leaves now. The Hornets have a connection with this city, it feeds off it, I don't know how to describe it, this is a Saints-esqe season basically and we've been pretty unbelievable in general for the last couple of months.

4) National Television - period, we don't get much coverage but tomorrow is going to be all about CP3 for MVP, bobble heads, free CP3 4 MVP shirts, I even think they are trying a blackout with the fans, not sure its going to work but thats what the shirts are apparently for. This just shows this is one of the biggest games for the year for us.

5) Warriors don't play D, they can be a mismatch for anyone, especially Monta for us in particular because no one on our team can really guard him and Tyson is slow to rotate inside often, he needs to play with more intensity. Baron will get booed every possesion but he showed us up last time and obviously thrives off it but if the game gets physical, and you will certainly see at some point, that will build to our advantage. The booing want only be fore Monta, but if there's one call deemed awful by the Hornets fans, its booing for the rest of the game and it gets raucous from that point on. It's something I've never seen before.

6) The addition of Bonzi Wells has been big for us. He provides a defeneder we didn't have last time. He and Juju give us some athleticism that can keep up with the warriors. The birdman has slowly been integrating into the team, and if we get up enough he provides precious time for Tyson to get some rest. Pargo can thrive in this type of game as well. It appears we've gone with Hilton now, not to crazy about him but he's matured and can provide some decent minutes off the bench.

Basically we are a much different team from our last meeting.

I'm not sure if I should wait and lock this in the morning or now but I think I'll risk waiting. I can't see it breaking 6.5 and I like that #. I expect we may see a 5.5. I would probably take it up its opener at 7.5, but smaller bet in that case.


Don't you think Warriors will also be pumped up considering they saw Denver lose last night? But i'm no expert on these teams. i'll take your word on the Hornets.
The total strikes me as low. they've totaled 219 & 220 their previous 2 meetings this season, and both involved the home team bringing a lacklustre effort. Golden State is in a tight playoff race and off an easy game, no excuses for them not be lacklustre (= should score), while you have laid the ground for why Nawlins shouldn't reproduce their lacklustre effort from their previous home game vs GS.
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but seriously, as this is a big game for NO, this ia way bigger of a game for GS. the biggest GOY for GS will be at home againt denver but this this shit tied, with tough games for GS being @ nO, vs Denver, @ Phoenix, and tough games for Denver being @ GS, @Utah, vs Houston. GS will be gunning and I'd honestly say motivation here goes for GS.

quite difficult to say this is a big revenge game for NO, since the game we won at NO was a revenge game for GS since NO embarassed us at home earlier- (the CP3-Tyson pick and roll was scary good). also... I wanted to ask this earlier, but I'll ask it here

Who does New Orleans want to play?
they may very well get to choose. I know it may seem crazy that teams chose to beat one team to help/hurt the other team, but it very well is possible. Ie: letting GS get a W here and giving it all in last game vs Dallas can very well make it a GS-NO 1st rd matchup. Who does NO wanna play? Dallas or GS? I knwo Denver is in it, but come last game of the season, it may come to the point where New Orleans win- they play GS. they lose- they play Dallas. it is definitely in the back of their heads, and possibly in the crooked NBA's heads as I'm sure the NBA would like to have GS vs NO 1st rd for publicity (GS 2nd time in a row, 2nd time in history 8 can beat 1, both run n gunish teams, Baron vs CP3- winner takes on Utah- either cp3 vs deron, or GS vs Utah again in a rematch)

Peja and Jackson have both been cold lately, and whoever catches hot may be the difference in this game. 2 very very streaky shooters

Honestly, no lean for me and no play on this game. Although I will be hoping for shit that we kill... just think about it. you can help yourself watch exciting warriors in the 1st rd!

I'll be cheering on a GS str8 uyp win, but if it dont get it, I'll kinda cheer on a NO cover for you....
SF - Nawlins has by no means wrapped up the 1 seed in the West (let alone their very own division title), therefore I doubt very much whether they care who they meet in the 1st round. Their primal concern will be for the Western conference winner to have to go through their homecourt, which means they still need every win they can get.
Great analysis, let's hope Golden Showers sleepwalk due to early start, I concur, NO smashes GS. Let's cash. Lean on under also.
thanks everyone, gotta run but just responding and posting my plays

for anyone who thinks one team in the west isn't more pumped up than the other right now... it's kind of a moot point. Everyone is fighting for some kind of position. Each game is still as important as the next. I'm not denying that GS will be fired up but I stated why I believe the situation is right for the Hornets. I'm not being just some homer because last thread I made on a Hornets game I believed we were in an awful spot vs the C's and they beat us into the ground.

why you gotta come and bring that thread up SF haha. That was awful, that lost still stings when I think about it because your guys just lit us up.

Jackson - we no longer have SF, but someone be cold as of late

I also don't know why the line just dropped a full point but it did. now -5

Hornets -5 (-110) (4 Units)
Hornets -1 4Q (-115) (4 Units)
To be the man, you have to beat the man, we will always remember you Ric, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
thanks pirate88 - lol I remember him from when I was a kid, sure as hell did age a ton.

thanks red - got scared there in the 4th when they rolled out 10 straight in the 4th. but it turned out like most games do in the 4th for the hornets.

thanks linewatcher - appreciate it, still a fight for the top spot with your lakers, congrats on clinching a spot.
Great Call, didnt play the game...wish I would have. Your squad could surprise alot of people come playoff time.