VK, .. 'hound, ..Rex, . . anyone ? ? ?


Coattailing Cheerleader
I have wondered about this question for years. Certainly not a worry, just a strong case of curiosity fever.

WHO is it that numbers the games and determines the order of the game list. For example, last week, Iowa - Purdue was first up and SJSU_SDSU was last. In between there seems to be no logical order in the numbering, or am I missing something?

All the books - at least the ones I frequent - have games in identical order, as does our local newspaper. So tell me, WHO is this person and WHY/HOW does he decide which game goes first, which goes last, and everything in between. :confused2:
MrBull...leave it to U Sir to come up with this question. :)

I can only speak from my experience from running a book back in the late 70ties and early 80ties before there was such a thing as the internet. A company out of Las Vegas assigns the rotation numbers to the games and they once were uniform throughout the sports betting world. I payed (contracted) this company to provide the lines and updates to me by phone and fax. In the last few yrs there have been some changes with the overseas books assigning some different #s. The Greek changed to differ rotation #s for a while and some of the British books use some different #s for non US customers.

thank you , mr hound. your knowledge and contributions to this forum are immense. and appreciated.
thanks tru. that's good enough for me unless someone else comes on here and refutes it. Much appreciated.

Had my best day of the year Saturday, and I hope you did well , too.
Got the FCS bus rolling a bit after a bit of a dry spell
the info in tru's link is mostly false. While Don Best does indeed make the rotation numbers that most people follow, they are also easily the worst value for what you pay than any other business or service in the world, in any facet of life. They charge gobs and gobs of money to provide a mediocre service that's no better than sports options, which is scads cheaper. At some point, there is a rumor that the M Casino (Cantor) in Vegas is working on their own odds service as well, but who can trust those scumbags? You have a mobile betting platform with a built-in delay, you identify sharp bettors and you stop 70 percent of their bets from coming in by moving the line, while at the same time blasting into Pinny et al.

The line service industry is a fucking joke. Sorry taurus for that - end rant.
the info in tru's link is mostly false. While Don Best does indeed make the rotation numbers that most people follow, they are also easily the worst value for what you pay than any other business or service in the world, in any facet of life. They charge gobs and gobs of money to provide a mediocre service that's no better than sports options, which is scads cheaper. At some point, there is a rumor that the M Casino (Cantor) in Vegas is working on their own odds service as well, but who can trust those scumbags? You have a mobile betting platform with a built-in delay, you identify sharp bettors and you stop 70 percent of their bets from coming in by moving the line, while at the same time blasting into Pinny et al.

The line service industry is a fucking joke. Sorry taurus for that - end rant.

I like to think I'm fair and impartial given that I've been on the betting side of things for much longer than the risk side, but anyone who says we reject everyone and move numbers without taking a bet from at least one person is totally full of shit. If you're just a screen watcher and someone else beat you to it, tough fucking luck.
no offense of course, it was not a personal attack as i respect your work linde. The bulk of the stories I've heard from credible sources (a lot of which talk to each other and have to move money around) mostly comes from even before you moved out to Las Vegas. It's sorta similar to when groups of sharp poker players identify that there's a player that has superuser access. QT doesn't have a lot of friends with the way he does things but he does know a lot of people and can put two and two together, like many others that like to bet high and originate.
no offense of course, it was not a personal attack as i respect your work linde. The bulk of the stories I've heard from credible sources (a lot of which talk to each other and have to move money around) mostly comes from even before you moved out to Las Vegas. It's sorta similar to when groups of sharp poker players identify that there's a player that has superuser access. QT doesn't have a lot of friends with the way he does things but he does know a lot of people and can put two and two together, like many others that like to bet high and originate.

I don't really know how we handled the sharp players back in the day, so maybe that used to be the case, but I can tell you I haven't seen many originators since I've been around. 90% guys just chasing numbers and trying to pick you off. I like to think the current regime wouldn't alienate those sharper guys if we saw more of them.
I don't really know how we handled the sharp players back in the day, so maybe that used to be the case, but I can tell you I haven't seen many originators since I've been around. 90% guys just chasing numbers and trying to pick you off. I like to think the current regime wouldn't alienate those sharper guys if we saw more of them.

Those 90% will be the guys sprouting they are sharps and are pros, but are just taking where you are slow to move off Pinnacle. They think they are the shit, but don't have an opinion to save their lives. Fuck 'em

Most of the sharper guys have left town. Many became disillusioned after Billy Hill came in and brought their shenanagins with them. Now you all play the man and not the market