Virginia AG Threatens NCAA With Lawsuit if JMU Is Excluded From Bowls


Pretty much a regular
Very good news for sports fans, bad news for the NCAA as the Virginia AG is threatening anti-trust action if JMU is not allowed to play in a bowl game.

The suits at the NCAA and at the major conferences care nothing any more about college football. It is all about how much of the money pouring into college football they can control and stuff into their own pockets.

The most revealing paragraph in the letter the AG sent to the NCAA is:
"Whether analyzed under a 'quick look' or full rule of reason analysis, the end result is likely to be the same: the rule is anti-competitive, prohibiting more qualified teams from competing in bowl games to the advantage of incumbents in the market without any pro-competitive justification to support it," the letter states.

Couldn't have said it better myself if I were the lawyer bringing the case (and I wish I were).

The actions of the NCAA show they care nothing about the student athletes or the fans, they want to protect one of the teams from the Power 5 leagues who play like shit all year but finish 6-6 because they had the money to schedule four cupcakes and make sure they get every dollar they can steal. The suits at the NCAA and in the Power 5 athletic departments are all the same--they think they can ignore the law and the players and the fans and do whatever benefits them the most

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Bellarmine couldn't play in the NCAA tourney two years ago for the same reason. Let's not clog up the courts with shit like this. Just my opinion.
I'm more along the lines with this. The rule has been in place forever, you know what you've signed up for when you make the jump.

Now randomly JMU should get to circumvent what every other team that's made the leap has had to pay for over the years just because of their season? Nope, completely wrong.

And rare I ever side with the NCAA because the rule itself is archaic but until they change it, you don't get to bark when it actually pertains to you.
I'm more along the lines with this. The rule has been in place forever, you know what you've signed up for when you make the jump.

Now randomly JMU should get to circumvent what every other team that's made the leap has had to pay for over the years just because of their season? Nope, completely wrong.

And rare I ever side with the NCAA because the rule itself is archaic but until they change it, you don't get to bark when it actually pertains to you.
Sounds like people trying to circumvent the rules to fit them after they knowing what the rules were.

Did James Madison not know the stipulations they were agreeing to when they moved up to the FBS?

This is the best part of the article linked:

The NCAA added that if Division I members don't think the transition requirements are appropriate, the concerns should be addressed through rule changes as opposed to waiver requests.
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