Vince Carter, Eddy Curry named in trade rumor

H.R. Pufnstuf

Pretty much a regular
According to an report posted late Tuesday night, the Knicks are in preliminary talks for a three-team deal that would bring Vince Carter to New York. Eddy Curry would be sent to the Heat, while Miami sends the expiring contracts of Jason Williams and Ricky Davis to the Nets.

The Nets are stripping their team of over-priced assets, and Vince Carter's three-year, $49 million contract qualifies as excessive. Nothing has actually happened yet, but the trading block has been incredibly active this season, so stay tuned.,1,4564268.story
look at it this way...with curry out, randolph will be better.

with carter, the knicks will have..............hmm...............he's been better recently this season, though he's still got that lingering sore pussy that flares up any time he wants to pout.

...i dunno if I can think of a bright side to having VC on the knicks.

sorry bro.

welcome to the site, anyway.
Miami is such an attractive place to lure free agents. I don't understand why they would want to lock up their cap room with Eddy Curry. He is garbage.
Weclome Pablo!

New Jersey, if this happens, will have in a week set themselves up perfectly before the mov to Brooklyn
building around zach is first smart thing i seen outta isiah in a long while.
I think the Knicks would make noise in the playoffs with this move. Curry and Randolph and fucking things up for one another, and Curry's defense is putrid on a good day. Keep the better big man and add another shooter. Randolph, Crawford, Carter....Lee off the bench, nice.

Now whether or not it makes sense financially is another matter. I would bet Curry and Carter are equally priced?
Writers for the Sun-Sentinel and Newark Star-Ledger sound very confident that the rumored three-team trade that would send Vince Carter to the Knicks, Eddy Curry to the Heat, and Jason Williams and Ricky Davis to the Nets is not going to happen.

The Sun-Sentinel's Ira Winderman blogs that Pat Riley said "Wrong, Wrong...Not that I don't have respect for him," today when asked if Curry was coming to the Heat. And the Star-Ledger's Dave D'Alessandro writes that he sees no way Vince Carter is traded this week, saying that we can "book it."