Vick's Apology


Power Boat Enthusiast
Anyone have a changed opinion about vick now you've heard his apology. I think he was coached into saying what he said, so therefore my opinion does change about him 1 iota.
that's the problem with us as a society we read into stuff to much. He said it and we don't know how he feels about his crime like no one knew he invested in dog fighting.
We will never know the full truth about this. Their was too much B.S. going on behin the scenes like many criminal cases. He knows he did something wrong finally after not seeming to realize it. I give him credit for making a public statement whether or not if it was scripted. He'll go serve his 1-2 years and everyone can get on away from this topic now.
I'm sure it was written for him, I'm sure the religious stuff is in there because it's the south and because that's accepted these days as the quickest path to both forgiveness and redemption.

Actually, that's what I'm thinking of doing every time I lose a play this year, saying that I've now found Jesus and will try to be a better 'capper in the future.
I agree with all responses in this thread. While scripted or not it was the best thing for him to admit his wrongdoing, do his time and move on.
The apology has suddenly changed the tone about Vick completely. I think his sudden Christian faith will melt many an American heart.

Looks like he'll get off easy after all, so he might be back next season.
i really think him saying he has now found god will hurt him because everyone knows that is what they all say after they get in trouble .its almost hilarious
He didn't read from anything, I've went to watch the replay. The reason (probably) is he is a poor speaker and came from the woods in VA.
Oh, he proved he was a liar when he lied to Blank and lied to Goodell, though, I can see the argument of 'what was he supposed to say, 'Gee, Commish, I just love watching dogs rip each other to shreds, there's nothing wrong with that, right?''

Still, he's got no one to blame here but himself. He put himself in the spot, he lied to try to get out of it, and now he's going to the Jesus card in the hopes he won't end up in bankruptcy court. Hey, it's his life, he can flush it if he wants to.
i would be perfectly content with the judge handing vick down a sentence of 3 years. I am sure in those 3 years he will have plenty of time to truly find god. Thats a lot of reading time for teh bible as well.
what a joke.

He's not sorry for anything... except getting caught.

Now he "understands" what he did wrong. How dumb would you have to be to understand that hanging a dog or bashing it's head into the ground until it dies is wrong?

what he did is disguisting.

The poor folk out there picketing and defending him, or cheering him on are disguisting and so biased to defend this guy.

He only pled guilty in the first place because his homeboys got caught and ratted him out.

Send this homeboy to jail.
3-5 years, lifetime ban. Virginia has plans for this liar. "I don't try to lay the blame on anyone else" (except earlier when I denied everything and blamed it all on my cousins).
3-5 years, lifetime ban. Virginia has plans for this liar. "I don't try to lay the blame on anyone else" (except earlier when I denied everything and blamed it all on my cousins).

He's used to throwing everyone under the bus... he did it to his receivers, O-line and whole team in atlanta.

- flicked off the fans in atlanta
- lied about why he missed a congressional hearing
- weed picture on my space
- weeder bottle at miami international airport
- lied about having herpes in the ron mexico scandal
- got caught illegally trespassing/fishing on someone elses property
- lied about dogfighting to the commish's face the same month he was killing dogs.

The guy is a freaking hood rat thug. HE has no regard for anyone but himself.

each time he gets caught it;s " just a misunderstanding", or a " learning lesson" to hang out with different friends etc. The guy says all this stuff with such a dry face like " can I just get my slap on the wrist and we move on".

F huck that. Jail that thug.