Vick told to stay away from Falcons' camp

i couldnt see the whole thread title and thought it was gonna be "dogs" at the end.

you had your chance to be funny didnt take it tho.

= )
Ugh, I've been working an office gig for a month or so now. My schedule isn't terribly bad, but as I left tonight I had the same feeling I did when I walked in the door--if I didn't need to come in today, I wouldn't have.

Two day weekends are simply not enough.
Then it will be worse. Because I will actually be 'working' on the weekends too.

Of course, that's a labor of love.

Have a good night, Brewer.
I told ya so...

Vick is a thug, and there are no ifs ands or buts about it. Send the hip hop homme right to jail.
Oh, but I saw on the music videos that...

- treating women poorly is cool
- dog fighting is cool
- the dirty dirty is cool
- being dumb is cool

That makes Dick Vick the coolest guy on earth!
Maybe Rae Carruth could be his prison mate?

Nahh, that wouldn't be a good QB to WR combo anyways because Vick isn't smart enough to throw anyways, he just runs from his problems. He is one primitive beast.