Vick Indicted


Pretty much a regular
Falcons' Vick indicted by grand jury in dogfighting probe news services

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<!-- end story header --><!-- begin left column --><!-- begin page tools -->Updated: July 17, 2007, 6:15 PM ET

<!-- end page tools --><!-- begin story body --><!-- template inline -->Michael Vick has been indicted by a federal grand jury in connection with the dogfighting probe of his property in Virginia.

Vick indictment

Len Pasquarelli talks about the ramifications of Michael Vick's indictment in an alleged dogfighting ring. Listen

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The indictment alleges that Vick and his co-defendants began sponsoring dogfighting in early 2001, the former Virginia Tech star's rookie year with the Falcons.
The Falcons quarterback was indicted for conspiracy to travel in interstate commerce in aid of unlawful activities and to sponsor a dog in an animal fighting venture in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District in Richmond, Va. Three others -- Purnell Peace, Quanis Phillips and Tony Taylor -- also were indicted by the grand jury on the same charges.
According to a press release: "If convicted on the Travel Act portion of the conspiracy charge, each defendant faces a statutory maximum of five years in prison, a $250,000 fine, and full restitution. If convicted on the animal fighting venture portion of the conspiracy charge, each defendant faces one year in prison, a $100,000 fine, or both. The indictment also includes a forfeiture allegation seeking recovery of any property constituting, or derived from, proceeds obtained directly or indirectly as a result of these offenses."
A Telephone messages left at the offices and home of Vick's attorney, Larry Woodward, were not immediately returned.
A woman who answered the phone at the home of Vick's mother said the family knew nothing about the charges.
On July 7, federal authorities conducted a second search of the Surry, Va., property owned by Vick that is the center of the dogfighting investigation.
According to court documents filed by federal authorities earlier this month, dogfights have been sponsored by "Bad Newz Kennels" at the property since at least 2002. For the events, participants and dogs traveled from South Carolina, North Carolina, Maryland, New York, Texas and other states.
Fifty-four pit bulls were recovered from the property during searches in April, along with a "rape stand," used to hold dogs in place for mating; an electric treadmill modified for dogs; and a bloodied piece of carpeting, the documents said.
During a June search of the property, investigators uncovered the graves of seven pit bulls that were killed by members of ``Bad Newz Kennels'' following sessions to test whether the dogs would be good fighters, the documents alleged.
Members of "Bad Newz Kennels" also sponsored and exhibited fights in other parts of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Maryland, New Jersey and other states, according to the filings.
On Vick's Web site, he lists his birthplace as Newport News, "a.k.a. BadNews."
The documents said the fights usually occurred late at night or in the early morning and would last several hours.
Before fights, participating dogs of the same sex would be weighed and bathed, according to the filings. Opposing dogs would be washed to remove any poison or narcotic placed on the dog's coat that could affect the other dog's performance.
Sometimes, dogs weren't fed to "make it more hungry for the other dog."
Fights would end when one dog died or with the surrender of the losing dog, which was sometimes put to death by drowning, strangulation, hanging, gun shot, electrocution or some other method, according to the documents.
Vick initially said he had no idea the property might have been used in a criminal enterprise and blamed family members for taking advantage of his generosity.
Vick has since declined to talk about the investigation.
I'm amazed every day by the different ways professional athletes find a way to blow their free pass on life. This guy could have easily paid his great grandkids' college tuitioin and now he's potentially going to be in jail for the next few years. Seriously disturbing.
Sorry if my language is not acceptable but Vick is an Uneducated Piece of Shit. There is no other way to say it.

Really, does anybody believe this moron took one real course at Virginia Tech? I hope the Falcons cut him, he never wins a Superbowl and somebody steals his money through bad investments as what happens to many athletes.

I'm just as disgusted by Clinton Portis who said publicly Vick has every right to torture dogs. And the Redskins are my favorite team! I'll never root for Portis again. I hope he breaks both legs in the preseason.

Life certainly isn't fair. So many of our Country's best are dying and being maimed in Iraq while the lowest form of life such as Mickael Vick are living it up here.
isn't it ironic that dolphins release culpepper the same day that vick gets indicted.

i wonder who picks up culpepper?? I will take a wild guess.
Well an indictment isn't a conviction, but with that thrown out there, I think this guy is, in the words of Rink Rat, f**king f**ked.

I think they're going to try to spread his cheeks as wide as humanly possible, then ram a truck up his *ss just to make a point.
What makes it worse is that they refused, forever, to trade Schaub. They wouldn't do it. Everybody said they were being stupid, but they held onto him.

Sure as s**t, they trade him and f**king Ron Mexico is out there running a dog fighting ring.
"Rape stands"
Killing dogs by "drowning, strangulation, hanging, gun shot, electrocution" and other methods.

Gee, this is going to go over really well with children who are the most loyal fans of the NFL!

How are the Falcons going to promote this shithead if he's not suspended? By passing out severed dog heads at a football game to fans 12 years old and younger???

If anything happens at all, the Falcons absolutley have to cut Vick!
ATLANTA fans are so lucky though,
they get to watch JOEY HARRINGTON handle things at QB.
(he's just the worst QB that the NFL has seen in 10 years).
OK, I guess I will be the jackalope to liven this up. In the grand scheme of what athletes do ... this isn't much. The outrage of a thousand dog tortures and two thousand dog fights should not equal the outrage of a single beating of a wife or child. I'm sorry , dogs do not equate to humans at all. So while this is vile and disgusting and illegal and mr vick should pay for his crimes ( if he committed them-- looks like he did), it doesnt compare to other star athletes that beat their wives or children. Hell this horrific display of lack of empathy for another living thing doesn't even compare to another athlete doing crack cocaine. Really what I am trying to say is that I have never understood why there is always such outrage over animals and so little over humans.

With that said... if this is true .. what a sick piece of dung this guy is.
2 Vick props up on BoDog

How long will Michael Vick be suspended by the NFL?

Michael Vick must be suspended by December 31st, 2008 for action. A suspension reduction doesn't count towards the prop. No Parlays. Max $100
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>No suspension

</TD><TD>5/1 <INPUT title="Click to bet on No suspension to win straight up" onclick=checkWC(); type=checkbox value=2410940 name=lineID></INPUT>

</TD></TR><TR><TD>1-4 games

</TD><TD>4/1 <INPUT title="Click to bet on 1-4 games to win straight up" onclick=checkWC(); type=checkbox value=2410941 name=lineID></INPUT>

</TD></TR><TR><TD>5-8 games

</TD><TD>2/1 <INPUT title="Click to bet on 5-8 games to win straight up" onclick=checkWC(); type=checkbox value=2410942 name=lineID></INPUT>

</TD></TR><TR><TD>9-12 games

</TD><TD>1/1 <INPUT title="Click to bet on 9-12 games to win straight up" onclick=checkWC(); type=checkbox value=2410943 name=lineID></INPUT>

</TD></TR><TR><TD>13-16 games

</TD><TD>2/3 <INPUT title="Click to bet on 13-16 games to win straight up" onclick=checkWC(); type=checkbox value=2410944 name=lineID></INPUT>

Which will be the first company to terminate their endorsement contract with Michael Vick?

Any wagers placed after results become public knowledge will be No Action. If no endorsement contract is terminated by December 31st, 2007 all wagers will be No Action. No Parlays. Max $100
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>Nike

</TD><TD>5/1 <INPUT title="Click to bet on Nike to win straight up" onclick=checkWC(); type=checkbox value=2411169 name=lineID></INPUT>


</TD><TD>9/5 <INPUT title="Click to bet on Kraft to win straight up" onclick=checkWC(); type=checkbox value=2411170 name=lineID></INPUT>


</TD><TD>2/1 <INPUT title="Click to bet on Rawlings to win straight up" onclick=checkWC(); type=checkbox value=2411171 name=lineID></INPUT>


</TD><TD>7/2 <INPUT title="Click to bet on Powerade to win straight up" onclick=checkWC(); type=checkbox value=2411172 name=lineID></INPUT>


</TD><TD>4/1 <INPUT title="Click to bet on Coca-Cola to win straight up" onclick=checkWC(); type=checkbox value=2411173 name=lineID></INPUT>

</TD></TR><TR><TD>EA Sports

</TD><TD>5/2 <INPUT title="Click to bet on EA Sports to win straight up" onclick=checkWC(); type=checkbox value=2411174 name=lineID></INPUT>


</TD><TD>2/1 <INPUT title="Click to bet on Hasbro to win straight up" onclick=checkWC(); type=checkbox value=2411175 name=lineID></INPUT>

Vick will be suspended more than 16 games. I would ask bodog if the "13-16" games option applies to any suspension more than 16 games.

Just heard the Jim Rome ESPN show. Apparently, if dogs would not fight, Vick and his friends would kill the dog by slamming it on the concrete, drowning it or strangling it. I hope Vick gets raped in prison because that's where he should spend the next few years of his life.
Apparently, if dogs would not fight, Vick and his friends would kill the dog by slamming it on the concrete, drowning it or strangling it.

Holy f**k.

If that's accurate--which it's going to be somewhat hard to know, at least right now--but if that's accurate, I'm fine with him never setting foot out of prison again for the rest of his life.

Oh, and I'll take Hasbro at +200.
Here is the quote from Jim Rome's ESPN TV show today. I was lucky to find it on his website. (most of it is a pay site but this was free):

"Michael Vick might be fast…but he’s not fast enough to outrun the Feds…or his own stupidity! Oh, he’s a freak all right…apparently, not just a dog fighting freak, but according to Tuesday’s indictment, a dog murdering freak. Make no mistake, this cat has huge problems. Legal and mental ones! An indictment is not a conviction, but the Feds don’t indict unless they think they can convict. And if they could nail Lord Conran Black, Jeffrey Skilling and Al Capone they should have no problem taking down Vick.

And you can stop with this nonsense about how NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell won’t suspend him because he’s a first time offender. An NFL suspension should be the last of this guy’s worries. A conviction probably is going to land him in a 10 by 12 concrete block. The indictment says if Vick’s dogs weren’t willing to fight, they were executed by hanging, electrocution, and in at least in one case, slammed to the ground until it was dead. Maybe it’s just me, but dog murderers don’t typically get probation or a few Saturdays of picking up trash on the side of the roads. Freaks like that get sent to the ‘can’! How ill is this guy!? Now we really know how Mike likes to get down…by killing dogs! Allegedly! These charges make Vick’s brother Marcus look like Grant Hill by comparison.
There is actually strong historical evidence that violence towards animals is a symptom of psychopathic behavior and is also a common trait amongst most serial murderers.

Want to make one correction. Dogs cannot be murdered only killed. They are not humans, they are animals.

Anyways, I am travelling to Atlanta today ... I hear they are having tryouts. Besides I always wanted to meet Jeff George and Daunte culpepper. Hell. If I am lucky maybe Todd Masrinovich will be there.
There is actually strong historical evidence that violence towards animals is a symptom of psychopathic behavior and is also a common trait amongst most serial murderers.

That's true, usually they start with animals and escalate.

Though it's usually an individual thing, I believe. That's what gets them all jazzed, the pain to a specific animal. Dog fighting, I think, would be a little different because I'm not sure the people who do that see them as much different from a pack of ants, something easily disposable and easily replaceable.

Also, good find on the source for that line from the indictment, Team Player.

That's seriously damming.

I saw something yesterday about how they apparently have like three or four witnesses who've flipped in this thing--and that that cousin who was living at the house appears to not even have been charged.

There's a real possibility that guy is one of the guys who flipped and, if so, I think you can say goodbye to Michael Vick in the NFL as well as on the street for the next five to ten years.
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95% probability Vick Goes to Jail

On ESPN's 10:00 am EDT television show today, "First Take," they said that the Feds have a 95% prosecution success rate. It wasn't clear to me if the 95% success rate pertains to all their cases or specifically dog fighting/killing cases but the point remains that Vick is most likely going to jail.

Considering that Vick is going to prison, it's not even worth debating how many games the NFL will suspend him. By the time he gets our of prison, he'll be past his prime and he it's not like he has any brains to fall back on even on the football field!

:whip:Go Straight to Jail Vick!
So do people finally believe me that this guy is a scumbag? I was always the guy with the irrational "vick hate". I heard of worse things from friends/family that went to VT that this guy is worse.

All along I was just irrational huh? Vick is a complete and utter thug, and belongs behind bars ( so does his little thuglett brother). If Mike Vick wasn't fast,strong, and able to throw a ball, nobody would care when the STD, crime ridden thug went to jail. What about all the mike vicks that don't make it? The guy is trailer park trash.

He tried to plea ignorance to the commish at the draft... well I hope his homeboys throw him under the bus like he deserves. His thug friends will help reveal what trash the guy really is.

Oh yeah, but he's cool, and fast.

Look at how he treats women for crying out loud. Oh yeah, but that is cool too. I guess he tool those hip hop music videos too literally. Dog fighting.
If Mike Vick wasn't fast,strong, and able to throw a ball, nobody would care when the STD, crime ridden thug went to jail.

Right, but if he wasn't fast, strong, and able to throw a ball he wouldn't be Michael Vick. The only reason 90% of people care about any athlete (and that's a conservative number) is because they're fast, strong, and talented.

Look, I'm a huge Donovan McNabb fan, and I hope he's a great person, but the reality is, I've never met him and though I root for the guy wholeheartedly, I only know him because of his talents. He could be a complete scumbag, so could Brett Farve--word is trickling out now that Matt Leinart is exactly that, but do Cardinals fans care? Of course not, unless he starts to suck on the field.

I think we all agreed with the Ron Mexico episode that the guy was a jackass and an idiot, and he's never had good judgment on the field as far as his passing is concerned. But he was exciting and he sold tickets.

Unfortunately that wasn't enough for him, and now he may very well never play again. Which is sad, but what will be more sad is if, as you suggest, people don't learn from him as a cautionary tale. If people don't get that being fast, strong, and able to throw a ball will only get you so far.

Talk about a family of wasted talent. Yikes.
I've heard that Donovan Mcnabb is super cocky, but that is what I heard about him in college parties ( where most guys with nut sacks are cocky). I think he has matured a lot, and the guy puts his time in studying and in the film room ( unlike a Mike Vick). Donovan seems like a good guy.

Leinart seems like a class A prick. Just look at the post game interview of the 2006 national championship game. The guy thinks he's too cool for life.

What about the reports that Vick let his dogs run loose in the neighboorhood around small children ( with wealthy parents). One of the parents went to Vicks house to ask him to either leash or keep his dangerous dogs in a fenced in area and Vick just laughed in the guys face and slammed the door.

The is the #1 example with what is wrong with todays athlete. He just never grew up. He got off on his STD fiasco, the weed, and probably lots of other "minor" incidents, but now that fish is about to get fried.

I hope him ( and one day his brother), get their phucking asses beat in prison.

The world would be a better place with all the Vicks in prison.
The world would be a better place with all the Vicks in prison.

I'm not exactly sure what that means, but what I do agree with is the assertion that he is another prime example of the problems with the modern athlete.

But I blame the society around these guys almost as much as I blame them. At the end of the day the responsibility is still theirs, they should not ever be excused from it. But you look at someone like Arthur Blank and you see someone who's made excuses from day one about Vick. You look at VT, they coddled both brothers, and many others. And that's just two of the many, many people who have enabled this guy to do the things he's done.

Again, he made the ultimate choice, but it's not as if he had to work real hard to do it.

All these college program coddle and enable these top tier guys, because they were coddled in High School--because there's money in treating them better than everybody else. If they treat them better than everybody else, they keep them happy, and if they're happy, chances are they're playing better, and if they play better the team wins and everybody gets paid.

The problem is very few people have any sort of vested interest in not enabling athletes of any stripe and until the culture changes, there will always be guys like Vick just like there will be guys like TO who believe they're above the rest of us, be it on the football field, on the street, in the courtroom, or all of the above.
If the Vicks and Pacman Jones weren't good at sports, they would be in a jail cell or coffin like many of their friends.

I am sick of ESPN hyping up these thugs and trying to "make" them into "role models". These guys are terrible people, and shame on the ESPNs and MTVs for promoting that crap.