Very special day: 40th Anniversary of 10-cent Beer Night

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Forty years ago, the Indians staged Ten Cent Beer Night at the old stadium -- and it ended, infamously, with a riot, the Texas Rangers leaving the field armed with bats and the Indians forfeiting the game.

(Contrary to a common misconception, this was NOT the night I enjoyed my first beer ... although maybe it piqued my curiosity.)
rangers color man, tom grieve, went yardo twice in this game. every year they bring up the game and make him talk about it.
I actually went to that game. It did get a little crazy. You'd buy $1 worth and no matter how fast you drank it the shit would get piss warm. After a while you didn't want to drink the warm ones so you chucked it at someone. Always brings a tear to my eye and makes me proud to be from this area. GL
Do you remember the death of disco night? That was where the fans brought all their 45's (records not guns for you children) and between games of a double header some dj's started a bonfire with them on the field. Of course they made great frisbees and fans were throwing them all over the park someone told me. We had to forfeit the second game if I remember correctly but it was to the White Sox I think. I wasn't there that night. I watched that one on tv. Ahhhhh. Good times. GL
Do you remember the death of disco night? That was where the fans brought all their 45's (records not guns for you children) and between games of a double header some dj's started a bonfire with them on the field. Of course they made great frisbees and fans were throwing them all over the park someone told me. We had to forfeit the second game if I remember correctly but it was to the White Sox I think. I wasn't there that night. I watched that one on tv. Ahhhhh. Good times. GL

Yeah, that was the White Sox at Old Comiskey, "Disco Demolition Night", one of Veeck's crazy promotions.
Can't believe you were at the game, wire! I do have a T-shirt commemorating it.

Dan Coughlin wrote a great and hilarious chapter about it in one of his books, I'm sure the whole thing could be found on line if you look hard enough. Here's an interview from this morning's paper with Coughlin, he covered the game.

Dan Coughlin, 75, author, retired sportswriter and television broadcaster sat in the Florida room of his Fairview Park home talking about the infamous Ten Cent Beer night he covered 40 years ago today -- June 4, 1974. Just beyond his backyard a group of kids were gathered in Linden Park playing baseball. Coughlin began the interview by offering his box score from that historic game. His story about the game appeared in his book, "Crazy, With the Papers To Prove It."
He spoke with Plain Dealer reporter Michael Heaton.
Q. Looking back how would you sum up Ten Cent Beer Night?
A. There were 25,134 fans.
60,000 Genesee beers at 10 cents each.
50 cops.
19 streakers
7 emergency room injuries.
9 arrests.
2 bare moons.
2 bouncing breasts.
1 sportswriter punched in the jaw.
It was the perfect storm. If they ever make a movie out of it, George Clooney will have to play the lead.
Q. I understand this was not the Indians' first event of this kind.
A. In 1971 they had a nickel beer night. It was a sun spangled Sunday afternoon. There were strolling musicians in costumes. It could not have been nicer.
Q. So what went wrong just three years later?
A. Everything. The Tribe had just come from Ten Cent Beer Night in Texas where fans had thrown beer and food on them. When Rangers manager Billy Martin had been asked by the press if he was worried about retaliation from Cleveland fans, he said Cleveland didn't have enough fans for them to worry about. Sports radio host Pete Franklin spent an entire week on the radio whipping Cleveland fans into a frenzy over the Billy Martin insult. The place was full of college kids home from school for the summer. A lot of people showed up already drunk before the game even started. Did I mention there was a full moon that night?
Q. Could you tell the crowd was drinking up a storm?
A. The late Tim Russert was there that night. When asked how many beers he drank he said that he had two dollars with him. Then he said, "You do the math."
Q. What was the first sign of trouble?
A. Very early in the game Leron Lee hit a line drive into the stomach of pitcher Ferguson Jenkins. The crowd started chanting, "Hit him again! Hit him again! Harder! Harder!" Something outrageous from the crowd happened every inning.
Q. Did announcers try and talk to the crowd?
A. The stadium people had announcer Herb Score implore the fans not to run on the field. It had no effect. A woman ran out and lifted her shirt and flashed the crowd. A father and son mooned the crowd and then slid into second base. More and more people began streaking through the outfield.
Q. When did it turn from silly to nasty?
A. Late in the game fans started throwing cherry bombs on top of the Rangers' dugout. That's when things got menacing. A fan ran out and grabbed Ranger player Jeff Burroughs' hat. Burroughs went to kick the kid and fell. From the dugout Billy Martin thought his player had been attacked. That's when the whole Ranger team charged the field with bats. The Indians even defended the Rangers as a form of professional courtesy. The game was called then because fans had stolen all three bases. The game couldn't continue.
Q. Did anyone from the Indians front office get fired?
A. Jackie York and Carl Fazio were the Indians promotional team responsible for the event. The next morning they were called into Indians managing partner Ted Bonda's office. They were sure they would be fired. He told them he had booked them both flights to Milwaukee where they were having their Ten Cent Beer Night. He said, "Go find out how they do it."
Q. How did you get punched?
A. I'd had a few beers and was leaving the stadium. I had my reporter's notebook with me. A dozen high school kids were standing on top of the Rangers dugout, yelling for them to come out and fight. I asked them what they thought they were doing. I told them the Rangers weren't even in the stadium anymore. That's when a kid came out of the crowd and socked me. It didn't phase me. I could take a punch back then. That's when I decided to get out of there.
rangers color man, tom grieve, went yardo twice in this game. every year they bring up the game and make him talk about it.

The guy here who is probably sick of talking about it is Mike Hargrove. He's kind of an Indians lifer now, but he was a young player with the Rangers on that night.
I was 22 and there with a couple of buddies. We got seriously drunk and it was fun until they started with the big fire crackers. Some of my friends were still not over the war so when that started it really upset them and we left before the real bad stuff happened on the field. I still don't know how we managed to get back to Akron without killing ourselves. GL
Going down tonight, wire, will have one in honor of you survivors at ground zero of 10-cent beer night. Of course now, every night is 10-DOLLAR beer night.
Do you remember the death of disco night? That was where the fans brought all their 45's (records not guns for you children) and between games of a double header some dj's started a bonfire with them on the field. Of course they made great frisbees and fans were throwing them all over the park someone told me. We had to forfeit the second game if I remember correctly but it was to the White Sox I think. I wasn't there that night. I watched that one on tv. Ahhhhh. Good times. GL

That was Tigers at Chicago though...
Wow Wire that is awesome. As a Rangers fan this story always blew me away.

MLB, like the NBA, was just a different world in the 70's and hard to imagine anything like that happening in todays MLB.

In 1979-1980 my dad and I use to get into Arlington Stadium after the 4th inning for free, even parking. Would go after little league practice or games and must have seen 80 games those two summers, now The Ballpark in Arlington has a $26 hot dog and a gluten free dog on the menu....what the hell happened to America ?
Wow Wire that is awesome. As a Rangers fan this story always blew me away.

MLB, like the NBA, was just a different world in the 70's and hard to imagine anything like that happening in todays MLB.

In 1979-1980 my dad and I use to get into Arlington Stadium after the 4th inning for free, even parking. Would go after little league practice or games and must have seen 80 games those two summers, now The Ballpark in Arlington has a $26 hot dog and a gluten free dog on the menu....what the hell happened to America ?