Vegas baby


Pretty much a regular
Races won from starting pos 1: 1 [of 19]
Races won from starting pos 2: 2
Races won from starting pos 3: 2
Races won from starting pos 4: 1
Races won from starting pos 5: 0
Races won from starting pos 7: 2
Races won from starting pos 9: 1
Races won from starting pos 11: 1
Races won from starting pos 17: 1
Races won from starting pos 18: 2
Races won from starting pos 19: 1
Races won from starting pos 20: 1
Races won from starting pos 23: 1
Races won from starting pos 24: 2
Races won from starting pos 25: 1
Races won from the top 5: 6 of 19
Races won from the top 10: 9 of 19
X race
To W
Larson 2 = 20
Kez 4 = 16
Austin 2 = 40
Sadler 2 = 50
Ty 1 = 40

Match ups
Larson o. Logano 8 = 11.6
Sadler o. Allgaier 15.6 = 12
Austin o. Suarez 8 = 15.2
Almirola o. Bryon 8 = 13.2
It's hard to bet against Kyle B. and I probably just threw away 11 units by betting against him, but it's so hard to swallow barely better than even money odds on someone to win a race. I bet him quite a bit last year in this situation, but I didn't fell like there was as many cup regulars in all of those races. If he wins today, I might be back betting the short odds on him moving forward.

On the match ups I feel like Sadler as consistently found a way to be fighting for top 5 finish over the last year or two. The other three, I felt like the odds were too large to pass up.
Grand total +193.2 after Atlanta

X race
To W -11
Larson 2 = 20
Kez 4 = 16
Austin 2 = 40
Sadler 2 = 50
Ty 1 = 40

Match ups -39.6
Larson o. Logano 8 = 11.6
Sadler o. Allgaier 15.6 = 12
Austin o. Suarez 8 = 15.2
Almirola o. Bryon 8 = 13.2

Yesterday's total -50.6
Grand total +142.6
after X race in Vegas
Monster Racing:
To W
Kez 5 = 28.75
Truex Jr 5 =45
Blaney 3 = 75
Larson 5 = 85
Chase 5 = 40
Harvick 5 = 37.5

Top 8 to W
(2,4,18,20,22,24,48,78) 58 = 20

Match Ups
Chase o. Kez 10 =16.5
Larson o. Bowyer 22.5 = 10
A. Dillon o. Suarez 13.5 = 10
Kahne o. E Jones 14.5 = 10
Blaney o. E Jones 16.5 = 10
Bayne o. Ty 13.5 = 10

Top 3
Harvick 5 = 8
Chase 5 = 11
Kez 5 = 7.75
Truex 5 = 12.25
Kenseth 5 = 17.25

Top 5
Larson 10 = 16.5
A number of other drivers can obviously win. Starting with Logano and JJ. Do like my mix and we'll see what happens.
Once again the top 8 bet is something I'm going to stick with most of the season. I believe it only didn't hit a few times last year.
Chase is a pure odds bet. The other match ups are once again mostly going against rookies. Bowyers times were pretty bad and Larson's times were really strong.
If I can get 2 of the top 3 then it makes a few units
I really like the Larson top 5 bet
To W +22
Kez 5 = 28.75
Truex Jr 5 =45
Blaney 3 = 75
Larson 5 = 85
Chase 5 = 40
Harvick 5 = 37.5

Top 8 to W +20
(2,4,18,20,22,24,48,78) 58 = 20

Match Ups +43
Chase o. Kez 10 =16.5
Larson o. Bowyer 22.5 = 10
A. Dillon o. Suarez 13.5 = 10
Kahne o. E Jones 14.5 = 10
Blaney o. E Jones 16.5 = 10
Bayne o. Ty 13.5 = 10

Top 3 +8.25
Harvick 5 = 8
Chase 5 = 11
Kez 5 = 7.75
Truex 5 = 12.25
Kenseth 5 = 17.25

Top 5 +16.5
Larson 10 = 16.5

Today's total +109.75
Grand total +252.35
after Vegas
Much better result today.
Had a bunch of help at the end of the day.
Kez losing power, Kyle and Logano banging fenders helped me get a truex win (which paid more than a Kez win) Chase into the top 3 (which also paid more than Kez top 3) Chase winning a match up against Kez. Those 3 things accounted for about and extra 45 units or so.
Also KK some how got ahead of E Jones and he had been behind him all day.
On to Phoenix