Vap's Over/Under System FINALLY Revealed! New Years 2008!!!


***NOTE*** With The Wife Due To Have My Second Child In 4 Weeks, If Anyone Would Like To Post These Plays, That Would Be Great!!! Don't Have Time To Do It Like I USED TO...:36_11_6:

Its Always Numbers With Me...Systems...Baseball Systems, Football Systems, And Basketball Systems... I Play With Numbers, Then If It Loses, I Blame The System...Not Me...HAHA!!!

I Thought I Was The ONLY Guy In The World To Figure Out 'Systems'. But I Realize Now, Other People Do The Same Thing. Sometimes This System Gets Hot, Sometimes Cold. Let's Get On With O/U's With Vapster...

1. On Covers, Click On The NBA Link, And Go To Scores & Matchups.

2. Click On Any Game... I'll Use Saturday's Game... New Jersey AT Atlanta...4 West 7 East...

3. Matchup<---- ***Click On Matchup***

3. Under 'Overall New Jersey at Atlanta' Click Overall...

4. NJ Points 92.5 Off 97.3 Def
Atlanta Points 94.5 Off 95.1 Def

5. Add Em Up...NJ 92.5+97.3= 189.8 (190) Atlanta 94.5+95.1 189.6 (190)

6. Click Home/Away Next To Overall...Do Same Thing...

7. NJ 93.3+97.2 =190.5 (191) Atlanta 99.6+97.9=197.5 (198)

8. Now Take Both...And Divide... 190 And 190... (190) 191 And 198 (Diff Of 3.5 Add To Lower Number) 194.5 (195)

9. 190/195 = 192.5

10. Click ***Last 5 Offense/Defense***
NJ 97.0+98.4=195.4 (195) Atlanta 99.8+98.6=(198) 195/198-196.5

11. Take The TWO Numbers...192.5 And 196.5 (Diff Is 4) 194.5 (195)

12. You Now Have A TOTAL Of 195...Vegas Line Is 187...8 Point Diff...(I Usually Look Hard At A Game With More Than A 6 Point Diff...)

13.Now...(And This Is IMPORTANT!!!) It's Up To YOU...To Decide... ***It's Up TO YOU To Factor In Injuries... I Usually Try And Look At, If The Back Ups Have Stepped It Up, Or If Team Is On A Downfall Because Of The Injury (s).***

Good Luck Guys!!! :cheers:
Your wife is having 2 children in 4 weeks? Wow! That's got to be some sort of record!

GL to you and your bride, man!
Yes I Would. It's Over The 6 Point Diff I Look For. I Don't See Any Major Inj. New Jersey Is Scoring 101.0 Points During Their Current Winning Streak. I'm Sure Part Of The Lower Line Is Due To The 87-82 Final Score Back On Nov 6th. And Also That Both Teams Played Last Night.

Me Either...Guess I Am Not That Bright After All...:36_11_6:

Thanks Kash480:cheers: I Can't Cap Every Night Like I Used To...Week Nights Are Almost Slim And None...

Hopefully Someone Can Take This Info, And Post Some Plays If It Fits The System...:tiphat:
8. Now Take Both...And Divide... 190 And 190... (190) 191 And 198 (Diff Of 3.5 Add To Lower Number) 194.5 (195)

9. 190/195 = 192.5

I was trying to use your system ... I'm just unclear about whats going on here... how does 190/195 = 192.5 -- I think im missing something here.

Could you explain how you would do it for step 8.
Kash - Come on, man. 190+195 then divide by two is 192.5. Is 192.5 obviously not the average?

Vap - thanks for sharing, but if this worked, every square in America would win. BOL.
Not saying it works everytime. But I've had months of 68% And Higher And Never Lower Than 54%.

I Find It To Be A Helpful Tool If Your Already Leaning One Way Or The Other.

Any Other Questions Or Thoughts Let Me Know...:cheers: