Utah should be national champion


This claim is disputed
They played in a tough conference , the mountain west.

They went undefeated.

They defeated 6 bowl teams.

They went undefeated.

They defeated a team from the mwc , the big ten , the pac ten , the sec, and the wac

They went udnefeated

They defeated two teams that will likely finish in the top ten in bama and tcu.

The mwc went 3-2 in bowl games.

They went undefeated.

The bowl teams they played ( excluding bama who they played ) went 3-2.

They went undefeated.

They scheduled oregon state and AT michigan out of conference.

They went undefeated.

The win over alabama was a win over a team that played in the SEC title game ... a win away from the SEC championship in the last week of the year.

They went undefeated

The win over oregon state was a win over a team that controlled its own destiny in the final week to win the pacten but lost to oregon.

They went undefeated

They defeated the team that beat USC and the best team that Florida played all year.

They went undefeated

The two teams in the bcs championship game have a loss each .. one was at home and one was on a neutral. Neither loss was a true away game.

They went undefeated.

The mwc was 2-0 vs the SEC this year ( i think , correct me if wrong )

They went undefeated.

They were more impressive in victory over alabama than florida was

They went undefeated.

They proved it on the field. That is the definition of sport.
I agree. I wish they could have a chance at the winner of the okla. v Fl game.

Tough to argue that if Oklahoma, Texas, or florida played the same schedule they would be in the Championship game.
I'd be fine voting them as National Champion. Along with USC, Texas (if they win), and the winner of the OU/UF game.

Why not have four champs? Out of 119 programs, that sounds reasonable until they get a fuckin' playoff.
the point is we all think that USC would kill them. We don't actually know it.

People thought bama was double digits better too.

I put my money on the line every week in this sport , putting a ton of effort into it .. my money ... and i was right less than 3 out of 5 times.

So the fact that i think utah would lose to texas, ou, florida , usc , tcu , etc is meaningless ... in fact they beat tcu already.

Sport is supposed to be decided on the field. UTAH started the season ranked... they proceeded to go undefeated in a better than average conference while facing 6 bowl teams including two teams that likely finish in the top 10.

Had iowa , tosu , or pennst run the table in the weaker bigten or had usc run the table in the proven to be weaker pacten , or had clemson or florida st or VT gone undefeated in the weaker ACC .. they would be playing in the national title.

the system is a complete screwjob on the have nots.
You're right, VK. They have done everything they have needed to do all season, but at this point, are just getting screwed by the system.

It seems every year something like this happens where a "have not" team has a great year, or there is some other controversy with the top 2 or 3 teams, and I think to myself, "surely the ncaa has to be considering some sort of playoff system".......but the powers that be have shown incredible reluctance to this point. Maybe Utah can be the head-turner this year, but I've almost stopped getting my hopes up for a playoff.

I also agree with your point about Utah possibly having a hard time winning SU against FL, USC, OU, TX, etc., but let it be decided on the field, not by the fact that they would be DD dogs in those games (we saw where that got Bama tonight).
I loved this team all year..been pimpin Sakoda, great weapon. They have no weaknesses.
The power is in your collective hands. If nobody showed up at the bowl games, how fucking quick do you think change would be implemented? like lightening.
You're right, VK. They have done everything they have needed to do all season, but at this point, are just getting screwed by the system.

It seems every year something like this happens where a "have not" team has a great year, or there is some other controversy with the top 2 or 3 teams, and I think to myself, "surely the ncaa has to be considering some sort of playoff system".......but the powers that be have shown incredible reluctance to this point. Maybe Utah can be the head-turner this year, but I've almost stopped getting my hopes up for a playoff.

I also agree with your point about Utah possibly having a hard time winning SU against FL, USC, OU, TX, etc., but let it be decided on the field, not by the fact that they would be DD dogs in those games (we saw where that got Bama tonight).

The current system is more similar to olympic figure skating or gymnastics than sport in my opinion. The only difference is instead of having to overcome the russian judge , teams have to overcome the california judge or the florida judge or the texas judge or the east coast cfb hating bias judge.

Just a shame.

More than half of the college football teams are eliminated before the season starts .. that doesn't seem like sports to me.

How many people gave your ncstate team a chance to win the ncaa tournament the year they beat houston ?? We can never get that kind of game in college football.. ..... or the villanova over georgetown .... or the ny giants over the patriots ....
The power is in your collective hands. If nobody showed up at the bowl games, how fucking quick do you think change would be implemented? like lightening.

you are right .. but a lot of us are addicted to cfb like its crack..... even when we know the dealer is screwing us ,,, we still need our fix
What would be so great about a Bowls-plus-playoff format is that you'd get both sides of this.

Teams like Utah would prepare for four weeks, come out and beat an Alabama, then have one week to prepare for USC and get their f**king doors blown off. But it would be fun as f**k because you'd occasionally get true Cinderellas and on any given day a 40+ dog like Stanford can beat a USC outright.

It also wouldn't minimize the regular season or the bowls because you'd have to win all your games just to get to the first bowl to have a chance to get into the playoff.
The power is in your collective hands. If nobody showed up at the bowl games, how fucking quick do you think change would be implemented? like lightening.

Yeah, that's good in theory, but it doesn't work like that in reality. Put something on TV and people will watch it, put it in a stadium and they'll go, especially if it's pimped out right.
Can't disagree with you Kyle...Utah definitely deserves all the #1 votes they get.

I'd vote them #1 too, just saying that they'd get crushed by a team like USC. Alabama was the perfect match, having just lost to Florida...playing a small school like Utah, it fit...kinda like Boise/OU a few years back

Then again, maybe they are just the perfect "team" and they WOULD beat anyone.

How great would it be to see them play Florida (Meyer)? OOOOhhhhh how we can wish.

And ya BC, would never work cause of TV :-\ Then again we could all refuse to watch I guess...
This is the reason why we need a playoff. Every year there will be one or two teams that will say they deserve to be the champion. Texas will probably have that claim too if they blowout Ohio St. This BCS shit is bullshit. College football is the only sport ever I believe to not have a playoff. Enough of this shit, give us a playoff.
And Hunt, I distinctly remember you calling Sakoda early in the year and saying you liked Utah a lot

Great call there...
Wow . You guys sip the record punch to heavily . Records mean nothing in CFB whne you have 100 -110 programs and each team plays 11 ,12 games . It's impossible to weigh a team soley on record ..

Another team who is getting to much credit for peaking at the right time . OU and FLA dont have bad weeks they have a bad half a season . You can look at a bunch of Utah games and walk away unimpressed . They beat Bama but lets not forget Bama was exposed @ LSU for being entirely overrated ...

Naming a National Championship without some true criteria is comical and saying UTAH should be Nat Champ because they went 12-0 and played 5 tough games all season which 3 they barely won is a joke ...Just like not understanding teams like Alabama and even Miss who come in with no expectations always shine brightest because it suprising ...

Parity is sports these days and we dont see many dominant teams anymore . Some teams have hiccups or peak earlier then postseason ...

You look at USC and think wow when there backwas against the wall they came out and shined bright ...Hell thank Bama's missed 2 FGs and untimely penalties and turnovers and a coach who has no balls and never gambled despite trailing the whole game ...How can Bama have never attemped a 4th down and trailed 21-0 after 1 Quarter ?

Three best teams come from FLA , OU and USC how the hell one can clearly crown a Nat Champ I have no idea . They could start by having some real Conference Champions and have some sort of Tournament of Champions with the conference winners to crown the Champ rather then guess at it .....still its always an unblanaced playing field ...pretty simple IMO each conference sends their best and they have some sort of blind lottery to seed the teams , no home fields have the same regionals like the Hoops tourney and let them play it out...

This is the reason why we need a playoff. Every year there will be one or two teams that will say they deserve to be the champion. Texas will probably have that claim too if they blowout Ohio St. This BCS shit is bullshit. College football is the only sport ever I believe to not have a playoff. Enough of this shit, give us a playoff.

Problem is basketball is condusive to tournaments and footballs issue is its a 1 a week sport ...Imagine trying a playoff system with 105 MLB teams the pitchers would be scrapping their knuckles on the ground from overuse ...

It's impossible to fairly select a National Champ...Scheduling is so fucked to begin with and teams dont even play the same amount of games . The season should be something that you are forced to play not pay to play ..
I'd be fine voting them as National Champion. Along with USC, Texas (if they win), and the winner of the OU/UF game.

Why not have four champs? Out of 119 programs, that sounds reasonable until they get a fuckin' playoff.

exactly. this is just yet another reason why there needs to be a playoff.

congrats to utah for tonight. bama, for whatever reason, didn't have the motivation...they were outplayed...and they were outcoached.
that said...even though undefeated...i can't forget a couple of utah's games this year...and i'm not just talking about tcu.

bottom line, to me, is that (like rj says) there'll be 4 teams at the end of the bowls that have a legitimate argument. and it's all just BS unless it's settled on the field.

every year may not be the same...but this year would require a plus 2. usc, utah, the texas/tosu winner, and the oklahoma/florida winner...if we wanted to reach a "true" national champion.
It would have to go 16 teams. A representative from each conference. Each of the 12 (including indy's) have a conference champion to represent them. That would leave 4 at large. Take the top 4 ranked teams, despite the conference, and let them in. Each conference would need 12 teams. Each team plays 12 games. 11 in conference games, in order to get a true conference champion, and one out of conference for the OOC rivalry game if one truely exist. Bracket it off with seeding system in demographic fashion. Meet in the middle of the countty for the national championship game. Somewhere like Indianapolis or another domed stadium.
First off, congrats to Utah on a stellar season.

Playoff supporters are shoveling shit against the tide by arguing. They (incl. me) are right, but it won't matter for a while. If college football (and more specifically college football fans) have ever taught me anything at all about humanity and human beings, its been a re-affirmation that unless people want to change their minds or are willing to listen to counter-arguments, their minds won't be changed. Right now you have a whole bunch or powerful people that like the way things are and don't want to change. I only wish they could be honest enough to admit that they are unwilling to change rather than coming up with disingenuous, illogical, ignorant, and stupid arguments that support the current structure.
Utah deserves credit, lots of it but not a national championship... Fact is if we had a playoff, I can name 5 or 6 maybe more teams they would be at least a TD dog to... In fact if they played Iowa right now on a neutral field, I'd make it a pick... But VK is right, the team we perceive to be better rarely wins consistently... Makes a cappers job more fun IMO.. I prefer the chaos actually, allows me to find the perception flaws and profit.. At least that is the plan...

I wish ESPN would do something good and start pushing the playoff envelope to the masses. I know Fowler is a proponent of it but it needs full support from that network to get the wheels turning, this current system is bullshit, plain and simple.

With Fox having a Yag pride parade with the BCS until I die, its also in ESPN best interest to somehow get into this mix. Yippie, they got to Pimp the Rose bowl for a month meanwhile we all have to suffer through Fox's shit CFB setup for the biggest bowl games of the yr
utah is the national champion in my mind.

texas had one true road game that was remotely tough and they lost it--to a team that has proven since that they should have never been ranked as high as they were in the first place. oklahoma lost to that team. florida lost at home as 21 point favorites. usc lost as 20 point favorites to what i consider a very average team. so i definitely don't want to hear strength of schedule excuses--those were teams they were supposed to dominate and they didn't. letdown because of tough and continuous conference play? championship teams don't let that happen. period. no excuses. they didn't take care of business. utah did.

and i have a hard time seeing that people have watched utah football all year really believe they would get waxed by usc, or anyone...but i guess you're all entitled. that bama team was very, very good---i don't know how you call them overrated after they won 3 quarters against florida and everyone thinks florida is hands down the best team in the country and has already annointed them champions. would usc kill bama? i don't think so. utah just beat that team's ass--if a couple of tiny things go bama's way they're playing for the national title.
Here is what I am saying.

Texas ( if they win ) and USC will both have a beef when the season is over and a claim that they are the best team but i simply have less sympathy for them than i do for utah.

The bottom line is that if usc goes out and wins all of their games ( easier schedule than utah in my opinion ) , they are a national champion.

If Texas had gone out and won all of their games they are national champion.

Those two teams ( and in fact florida and oklahoma as well ) had their chance to be champion on the field but lost a game they should not have or breaking it down further , just lost.

Utah is denied the opportunity.

I can't feel sorry for the teams that had their chance to be a clear champion but failed when utah has never failed.
utah is the national champion in my mind.

texas had one true road game that was remotely tough and they lost it--to a team that has proven since that they should have never been ranked as high as they were in the first place. oklahoma lost to that team. florida lost at home as 21 point favorites. usc lost as 20 point favorites to what i consider a very average team. so i definitely don't want to hear strength of schedule excuses--those were teams they were supposed to dominate and they didn't. letdown because of tough and continuous conference play? championship teams don't let that happen. period. no excuses. they didn't take care of business. utah did.

and i have a hard time seeing that people have watched utah football all year really believe they would get waxed by usc, or anyone...but i guess you're all entitled. that bama team was very, very good---i don't know how you call them overrated after they won 3 quarters against florida and everyone thinks florida is hands down the best team in the country and has already annointed them champions. would usc kill bama? i don't think so. utah just beat that team's ass--if a couple of tiny things go bama's way they're playing for the national title.

I wish ESPN would do something good and start pushing the playoff envelope to the masses. I know Fowler is a proponent of it but it needs full support from that network to get the wheels turning, this current system is bullshit, plain and simple.

With Fox having a Yag pride parade with the BCS until I die, its also in ESPN best interest to somehow get into this mix. Yippie, they got to Pimp the Rose bowl for a month meanwhile we all have to suffer through Fox's shit CFB setup for the biggest bowl games of the yr

I was under the impression that ESPN had just won the rights to some BCS television contract. Is that not accurate?
at least now all these morons can stop pimping their plus one system on TV that wouldn't fucking work half the time.
Todays Headline in the Tuscaloosa News was ....

What Happened ?

I love it ..but now i will have to listen to all kinds of excuses ....There will be no word of Saban being outcoached or Utah being the better team... Utah wont get any respect, they were just lucky ..

Fuck Eli Gold and the tide radio network , pompous assholes