USGA with a change.


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USGA announces U.S. Open playoff will now consist of two-hole aggregate instead of previous 18-holer.

Mike Davis: "Everybody really wanted to see a Sunday finish."
Not a fan. It's not like a playoff happens that often anyways ... The US Open is a "test". Seems like a grueling week comes down to nothing. At least make it like the Open and use a 4 hole system.
This is stupid. If you're going to do aggregate, 2 holes seems like a waste. Is basically still sudden death. Not enough holes to recover from a bad bounce or shot. USGA needs to do more adjusting to course setup than format
I am fine with it. What overtime is worth a crap in any other sport? If I buy a Sunday ticket, fly in for the event, I damn well better see a champion crowned or I didn't get what I paid for.
Inherent risk with a sport that requires daylight to play...the 6 hole playoff a few weeks ago at the Farmers, still no luck if you had to leave Sunday night
Obviously there will be more daylight in the summer so that won't be an issue but 2 hole aggregate is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Like GPS said, no room to make anything up with a terrible first hole, so might as well go sudden death. I get that they want to be different than the Masters but I can't believe that solution passed allegedly intelligent people. I could buy 3 aggregate I guess.

A chip off would be better than what they came up with
This smells like the USGA wanting to differentiate itself from the Masters (sudden death), PGA and Players (3 hole aggregate) and British (4 hole aggregate). The only options left were 2 or 5. Agreed that 2 is dumb. Might as well just go sudden death.
Hopefully we get a playoff the first time and someone triples the first hole while the other birdies... Will make for an exciting finish .
I am fine with it. What overtime is worth a crap in any other sport? If I buy a Sunday ticket, fly in for the event, I damn well better see a champion crowned or I didn't get what I paid for.
Weather delays etc... Part of what you sign up for ...
I kind of get it

The tiger playoff was incredible, but I think there have been 2 others? Maybe 1

It was a slog
Yeah, that would be different enough. I like 4,4,3,5 in a playoff. That would be fun. The two is just silly.
Good point on the weather.

However, as someone who travels a lot, I have a lot more patience for issues related to weather as compared to issues related to decisions by the airline. Acts of God vs Acts of the USGA are easily distinguished for me. Good point though. There is potential with golf to plan your whole weekend around it and then it not happen at all. Par for the course (pun intended).