USC already used a timeout !!


Give me Football or give me death
USC coach Pete Carroll says the NCAA can have a timeout from Saturday's crosstown rivalry game with UCLA. He just wants his players to wear their home colors.

Carroll said on Monday that the Trojans would wear their cardinal red home jerseys on Saturday at the Rose Bowl. That violates an NCAA rule that requires visiting teams to wear white, and the infraction will cost a timeout.

The Pac-10's interpretation of the team wearing the wrong colored jersey is that they are penalized a timeout at the start of the game. UCLA is taking USC's side in the dispute. The Bruins plan to call their own timeout immediately after USC is assessed that penalty at the start of the game to even it out. Both Carroll and UCLA coach Rick Neuheisel had talked about restoring tradition back at the Pac-10 media day in July.

The last time the Trojans and the Bruins both wore home jerseys -- the Trojans in red, the Bruins in blue and gold -- was in 1982, when the schools shared the Los Angeles Coliseum.

"I just thought it was a really cool tradition," Carroll said.

As for losing a timeout? "I don't care about it right now," Carroll said. "I think it's the fun thing to do, and I think the fans will appreciate it over time." Carroll said the decision to wear home jerseys is not meant as a sign of disrespect to UCLA, adding that he discussed restoring the tradition with former UCLA coach Karl Dorrell and with Neuheisel, the current coach.

"It's exciting," Neuheisel said. "I think wearing the home jerseys is a great tradition."

In the meantime, the Pac-10 has forwarded a request to NCAA football rules committee secretary Rogers Redding, seeking to change the rule. Pac-10 commissioner Tom Hansen said he expected a decision by Tuesday.
LSU has always worn white at home, and they don't use a timeout to do so :)

When did football teams become prima donnas that insist on wearing a certain color? Gimme a break...

You are misinterpreting it. One team must wear the road white jerseys in every contest. In LSU's case, they get consent from visiting teams that the Tigers wish is to wear white jerseys so the visiting team brings their home uniforms. There was one visiting team several years ago who refused to wear the home uniforms at LSU and the Tigers were forced to wear their bluish-purple home jerseys, or whatever color they wear.

Georgia Tech also likes to wear the road white at home. They, too, need to get consent from the visiting team, and the visitors must wear their home unis in the road game.

In the case of USC-UCLA, BOTH teams want to wear the home jerseys, which points back to a tradition in the 60's and 70's whereby both teams, regardless of playing at the coliseum or the rose bowl, would wear the home jerseys. That's why when you see old film of OJ running the ball against Gary Beban's Bruins, both teams are wearing their home unis and it looks awesome.

If LSU and/or any team in the country want to to wear their home unis while another team does as well, they will likely be charged a timeout as well.
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I heard on ESPN Radio that Neuheisel will burn a timeout as soon as he can in the first half (I am guessing 2nd half as well) to even things up. Pretty classy and right thing to do in my opinion.
I heard on ESPN Radio that Neuheisel will burn a timeout as soon as he can in the first half (I am guessing 2nd half as well) to even things up. Pretty classy and right thing to do in my opinion.

i agree...hopefully pete doesnt run the score up and lets ucla cover because of this nice gesture :tiphat: