USA Men’s Basketball Team

Fortunately our lord and savior LBJ carried us to a win vs the Germans though. Wash, rinse, repeat.
Steph and KD already started with “NBA is more global, way more NBA players now”
All which is true…. But cmon
Wonder what kinda effort we got today.
I couldn’t have lined this game, just don’t know enough but that’s a lotta points.

You’d have to think pretty focused. The bench is what kills these other teams from what I’ve seen, while the US can sit guys like Tatum and bring in AD for Embiid.
Also S Sudan has the kind of length we always talk about FSU and Miami having

I think they should be favored over Serbia. They will absolutely ball out in that game
Bunch of losers. How are these guys this lazy they get outscored in 2 quarters
Steph ungodly.
Not sure we’ll see someone like him again in our lifetime at least.
We ride those first six guys hard, and second group is so limited offensively it catches up. Wish Steve would go more O for D than wholesale subs for blows for starters.

Too many 3 and D guys but to be fair Serbs made 60 triples so hard to defend.
Derrick White shouldn't play any more. I also would have had Tatum in there just for his D. Finally, they at least got Durant in there and his length really bothered their offense.
Sure did. And a couple timely shots.

I don’t get the Tatum thing — he keeps saying matchups…how is that true when he can actually guard? Is he hurt or something
Oh, and another thing is our P/R defensive is laughable. Jokester had something to do with that but they ran a Spain action look about 8 straight possessions and scored on like seven.

Steph went crazy at the end to seal it. Four threes in a row and blocked shot. Just madness! Especially that last three!