Universe play- Navy is the play the universe has spoke

I asked myself ok the universe will tell me and show me a sign on the army navy game. Those who read my other post know that I said never look for a sign just pay attention and the signs will present themselves.

10 minutes ago I asked myself well I'm in my living room. If there is a sign it will come but army vs navy how will I receive a sign on who to bet?

I look and see a bag with boots in them. The bag was from Old Navy the store in the mall.

Right there it told me navy is the play. This I believe is the universe communicating with me through the use of the old navy bag.

I've experienced this before and if you trust the universe it will Deliver.
I'm going to play Navy vs spread. It will come through. Thank you universe for communicating with us. We appreciate it.
Lol ya the wife bought some kid stuff from there. I did no research. Haven't seen either team play. I was going to watch the game and see for Inplay opportunities.

However I said just trust just trust the universe that they will deliver and communicate. This sign of the old baby bag is exactly the type of signs I've been trying to explain.

I just bet Navy. I trust the universe. The universe will deliver. These universe guides are amazing.
What if the universe just prompted an ad for Paradise Valley Community College with a black female (Black Knights) who said she just got back from the Army and enrolled at PVCC? Just saw that commercial. What am I to do? I'm conflicted Sammy.
She was overweight, maybe the Army team total over is the play the universe was signaling
Pregame there will be commercials so those are to be expected.

What I'm talking about is randomness events. Things that we don't normally notice. Like the old navy bag. The universe cannot physically speak to us do this is how the universe communicates. It sends a message somehow to me who notices the bag and believes it to be a sign from the universe.

I have seen these signs before and I learned always trust the universe.
K Johnson. This is the beauty of this world. We think we know everything and can see everything. We know very little.

Old Navy is the universe telling it will be the same old Navy team beating Army the same way it's done it in the past.

I feel so relieved. No matter what the universe has FAITH on it's side.
But I'm watching N Dakota State. It was sheer randomness. Just played Army team total over 19. CTU.
Let's hope you are reading the sign correctly. Maybe the overweight girl was representing a speed advantage for Navy. Perhaps signalling navy running all over army?
38-21. K Johnson we might do a double Universe Special. The universe communicates to everyone differently. Let's both get our plays.