Unders are on quite a run...


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Staff member
10 overs to 26 unders this week since Monday.

29-46-1 overall with regards to totals.

Over adjustment to last year? Sloppier offense? Earlier season throwing guys off?



-I expected some inflation but wasn't quite sure who/what to play off the bat. It is pretty easy to identify quickly in games though.

-We haven't had as many wild 4th quarters so far

-Player movement has changed a few teams chemistry and even somewhat, philosophy.
I think it's like you say, the over-inflated totals from last year. I tempted to blindly play UNDERs for a while. Small bets though if I do.
Obviously there will be a correction at some point but I think it will take another few weeks for the numbers to settle in...
There also seems to be more key injuries to start a season than I recall in previous years. That might be messing with offensive chemistry also.

But mostly I agree also, overreaction to last season. Correction is coming
I wonder how much the timeout changes have to do with things...definitely changes the game from being extended late. We are talking quick scores and multiple possessions late being removed. Could be minimal but I think from a coaching standpoint this makes a difference -- more empty possessions.
I wonder how much the timeout changes have to do with things...definitely changes the game from being extended late. We are talking quick scores and multiple possessions late being removed. Could be minimal but I think from a coaching standpoint this makes a difference -- more empty possessions.

That's actually a very interesting point and probably has an effect although I am hard pressed to quantify it. I would guess the net effect would be -2 to -4 pts per game on average but that's a pure guess.