Undeniable Proof of SEC Homerism/Suicide Pact

RJ Esq

Prick Since 1974
It's the Ess-E-See vs. the world to them and you can't tell them otherwise.

Talk about a solid voting block.


No, the post isn't actually to say that Colt is better. I just find it very interesting about how tight the SEC sticks together.

Maybe my brain isn't functioning well this am.
Tebow won the Heisman last year, and I think the SE looks at UT letting OU post 35 while Bama was impressive vs Clemson, vs UGA, and posted a similar score on Arkansas in Fayetteville that Texas did in Austin.

I'm not discrediting what UT achieved yesterday; hell, I was rooting for Texas. Congrats burnt orange nation.
I know this is kind of unrelated, but...I'm getting sick of all the SEC homers who rant on and on about how untouchable the SEC is.

The SEC isn't THAT good. And, the Pac-10 isn't THAT bad.
Looks like those 2 maroon states are the only ones that know what the hell theyre talking about on that first question

Looks like those 2 maroon states are the only ones that know what the hell theyre talking about on that first question


And Penn St myopia rears its' ugly head.

Honestly I'd be very surprised if Penn St isn't in the national championship game. They are a very good team, but--more importantly--they play in the weak and down Big Ten.

Get past Ohio St and you're in--to lose to an SEC or Big XII team with speed.

I think we've seen this show before.
Not to gang up, but I'm with Jump here RJ. SEC is still at least two or so notches above Big 12. Not taking anything away from your boys (in fact, they gave me some money in my pocket) or Okie or Okie Lite or Mizzou, but you guys need to learn how to play some defense before I'm going to class you with those SEC teams.
Not to gang up, but I'm with Jump here RJ. SEC is still at least two or so notches above Big 12. Not taking anything away from your boys (in fact, they gave me some money in my pocket) or Okie or Okie Lite or Mizzou, but you guys need to learn how to play some defense before I'm going to class you with those SEC teams.

If we need to learn how to play defense, the SEC needs how to learn to play offense.

I agree about the North, or the Big XII outside the top 5 teams. But the same can be said about the SEC. SEC has a HUGE dropoff after the top 2 teams to the second tier of 3 or so and then a third tier of the rest of them.

Jump--Big Ten is way down and you know it. Not taking anything away from Penn St but they haven't been tested yet and will not be tested until Ohio St, if ever.
And Penn St myopia rears its' ugly head.

Honestly I'd be very surprised if Penn St isn't in the national championship game. They are a very good team, but--more importantly--they play in the weak and down Big Ten.

Get past Ohio St and you're in--to lose to an SEC or Big XII team with speed.

I think we've seen this show before.

I dont give a shit how they get there...as long as they do

And yup, because Ohio State is slow and sucks ass, that automatically means PSU is slow and sucks ass...that makes sense

I never really got all this conference love anyway...fuck the rest of the Big 10...I dont give a shit about any of them and want every one of them to lose every game they play...Im a PSU fan, not a Big 10 fan...we should go back to being an Independent anyway!!
i'm with you smoke, fuck the conference. i kept hearing people chant SEC SEC at the Bama Clemson game and i was like SHUT THE FUCK UP DEUSCHBAGS
I think a combo of the two of UM and tOSU would be the correct answer.


(we're gonna steamroll both you bastards this year to make up for the years of anti PSU bias that has been going on within the big 10 by its member schools and officials....)
But back to the ridiculous statement at hand that PSU would get automatically smoked by the bigger and faster SEC or Big 12 team it would face merely because Ohio State did (and in fairness to Ohio State, I dont know how the Big 12 somehow got lumped into this seeing it seemed to be the SEC that was stomping OSU, but I digress...)

Since 1990, PSU is 6-2 vs the big, bad, fast SEC
Since 1989, PSU is 6-2 vs the big, bad, fast Big 12 (or teams that are currently members of the big, bad, fast Big 12)

So clearly, because of these stats, PSU would have roughly a 75% chance of beating anyone it faces from the big, bad, fast SEC or the big, bad, fast Big 12...
I'm laughing at the no defense comments. OU has a pretty damn good offense and a ridiculous OL, QB, WRs, and TE.

Also go ask the SEC Arkansas fans on their boards which defense was the most dominant they've seen this year Florida, Alabama, or Texas? Or even better go watch the games again and tell me which one was the best vs a common opponent since we like making assumptions based on one game.

Texas has for sure 5 guys on that defense that will be good on Sundays (Miller, Orakpo, Kindle, Houston, and C. Brown) and others that are young but may eventually get there (Thomas, and Norton, Beasley). And most importantly one of the deepest DL in the country and a guy calling the shots who learned his defense under SEC Jesus Saban.
Tebow won the Heisman last year, and I think the SE looks at UT letting OU post 35 while Bama was impressive vs Clemson, vs UGA, and posted a similar score on Arkansas in Fayetteville that Texas did in Austin.

I'm not discrediting what UT achieved yesterday; hell, I was rooting for Texas. Congrats burnt orange nation.

Does the unimpressive game vs Kentucky not count?
Since 1990, PSU is 6-2 vs the big, bad, fast SEC
Since 1989, PSU is 6-2 vs the big, bad, fast Big 12 (or teams that are currently members of the big, bad, fast Big 12)

You realize we are talking about CURRENT teams that field 18 and 19 year old kids that were born in those years, right? And most teams have had 2 or 3 or more HC changes since then and probably a system or two change as well?

You're reaching with that stat.
By the way its good to be talking national smack again with you guys.

Where are my USC whipping boys from Covers at? Those guys were my favorites.
You realize we are talking about CURRENT teams that field 18 and 19 year old kids that were born in those years, right? And most teams have had 2 or 3 or more HC changes since then and probably a system or two change as well?

You're reaching with that stat.

Im reaching no further with that stat than you are with your assertion that PSU would get beat by any Big 12/SEC team with speed...
By the way its good to be talking national smack again with you guys.

Where are my USC whipping boys from Covers at? Those guys were my favorites.

Thats the team Im most worried about

I cant wait for the outrage when its a PSU/USC national title game this year

I like how this thread started by pointing out the "stick together" nature of the SEC--if one team is down, doesn't matter, we're COLLECTIVELY the SEC and we're COLLECTIVELY awesome.

Now we've degenerated into conference homerism.

But I'll stick by my initial thesis: there are no conference homers like SEC conference homers.
I think they are all even.The best teams can lose any game. You just never know.I would say the Big 12 and SEC are even.If you made a Big 12 Vs. Sec all star game it would be a damn good game. To me their that even.

The Pac-10 isn't bad but there not on the same level as the Big 12 and SEC in football.

Anyway who we got for the week. All I care about is how are we going to get paid.:cheers:
Perhaps the best way of comparing conferences is not to look at the top 3-5 teams but the bottom 3-5 teams.

It gets alot more interesting looking at it that way.
B12 has its best players / better athletes on offense, SEC has their best players / better athletes on defense.
The funny thing about this argument is that after watching PSU on Saturday I think they have all the speed that is "necessary" to stick with big bad Big 12 and SEC teams. They are the most complete team I have seen all season in all 3 aspects of the game. I would put them against any team in the nation right now at a neutral site and would love my chances. You guys can say it, its not going to hurt you. There might be a decent team from the Big 10. Enough bashing on this damn conference
The funny thing about this argument is that after watching PSU on Saturday I think they have all the speed that is "necessary" to stick with big bad Big 12 and SEC teams. They are the most complete team I have seen all season in all 3 aspects of the game. I would put them against any team in the nation right now at a neutral site and would love my chances. You guys can say it, its not going to hurt you. There might be a decent team from the Big 10. Enough bashing on this damn conference

Signal, B10 sucks. Seriously..top to bottom, it sucks.
Signal, B10 sucks. Seriously..top to bottom, it sucks.

Compared to the SEC and Big 12 yes it does. It doesnt automattically mean that PSU sucks. Basically what they are saying in this thread is that they stand no chance against the Big 12 and I think its total bullshit.
Compared to the SEC and Big 12 yes it does. It doesnt automattically mean that PSU sucks. Basically what they are saying in this thread is that they stand no chance against the Big 12 and I think its total bullshit.

Word, I would take PSU against anybody as well...you know damn well you will be getting points. BUT, if OSU beats them..it's a moot point.
Mythbusters: Where do loyalties lie?

By Phil Guidry

Once again, the good old (read: tired and annoying) conference superiority debate is rearing its ugly head. The SEC, the traditional bully on the block, has seen its preeminence challenged by the Big 12, which had the audacity to place four teams in the top seven of the coaches poll, including the top two. And the whole thing calls to mind a myth that has doubtlessly tormented fans from L.A. to Athens:
You have to root for your entire conference

Conference rooting is a strange and relatively recent college football phenomenon.

The theory goes, in the BCS era you need all your teams' opponents to also do well... that way, when you beat them it improves your credibility on the national scene. Call it the 'Hansel and Gretel' effect: fatten 'em up with praise, so you can feast on their tasty, bloated carcasses.

But how did we get to the point where once-hated rivals root for each other on every Saturday but one? Since when did the performance of the other conference teams somehow dictate the worthiness of your team? And can we dig ourselves out of this moral morass and give ourselves the freedom to once again hate our rivals year-round? We can only hope.

First, let's isolate a few culprits. The ACC is still primarily a basketball conference, and with the likes of Florida State and Miami outside the top twenty, they're not a major factor in the regional chest-thumping. The Big East is also a basketball conference, and, well, they're the Big East. So let's reign the discussion in to encompass the other four BCS conferences: SEC, Big 12, Big Ten and Pac-10. And if you want to get really personal with it, the SEC and Big Ten are the Hatfields and McCoys of this movement.

Florida and LSU consecutively blowing up Ohio State was seen as a referendum on the relative strengths and weaknesses of the SEC and Big Ten (Michigan's win over Heisman winner Tim Tebow and the Gators in the Citrus Bowl -- with a lame duck coach -- apparently did little to alter the consensus). Even though those LSU and Florida teams were also faster and better than the other teams in the SEC, fans and analysts took those title game blowouts to mean that the SEC as a whole was simply faster and better than the Big Ten. Battle lines drawn by north and south geography... call it Civil War II, only with a lower body count. And less relevant. And dumber.

Now, this isn't a referendum on which conference is the best: there's simply no way to address that topic without completely obliterating the e-mail inbox, so we'll leave it alone. But let's be honest with ourselves: this silly habit of cheering for the entire conference has got to stop. Is there anything lamer than fans chanting "S-E-C! S-E-C!" or "Big Ten! Big Ten!"?

Your rooting interests should be confined to your university, not the collective geographic region where it just happens to be located. Mississippi State doesn't get to claim Alabama's or LSU's national championships any more than Cornell gets to claim the presidents produced by Harvard and Yale (sorry, Andy Bernard). USC's Heisman trophies don't collectively belong to Oregon State (even though the Beavers do kinda own the Trojans). Baylor has as much to do with Oklahoma's success as smoothly paved asphalt has to do with Ferraris being fast.

Does it make rational sense to root for your enemies so your computer average goes up? In theory, yes. But if you're from one of the power conferences and you find yourself passionately rooting for your rivals, chances are your team has already blown it. Don't blame the conference superiority debate -- blame your heavily favored squad that forgot to show up for the first half in Corvallis or the second half in Gainesville.

With the exception of Auburn in 2004, there hasn't been a team in the BCS era from one of those conferences that has gone undefeated and not played for the national title. Last year, even a one-loss team from the SEC, Pac-10 or Big Ten was virtually assured of playing for the crystal.

So does it help? Yeah, certainly it helps a little. But are a few extra tenths of a point worth a Georgia man actually doing the Gator clap? Or a Missouri Tiger flashing the "Hook em" sign? If you find yourself sitting in your home stadium rooting for your hated archrival to help redeem your team's lost honor, you should probably reexamine your life.

After all, where does it end? Do you scrap your Nebraska Cornhusker apparel and just buy 'Big 12' apparel? Do you swap your 'University of Georgia Alumni' license plate frame for one that reads 'SEC Alumni'? Forget "Fight On," do you need to sing, "Our (Pac-10 conference) fights on to victory"? And forget safety schools, maybe high school seniors should be sure to always have a safety conference, just in case.

You know you don't like it. Gator fans should never cheer for Rocky Top under any circumstances. Longhorns don't need to memorize all the words to Boomer Sooner. Buckeyes and Wolverines don't need to have each others' backs, it goes against the natural order of the universe. Plus, it's just dirty. And Auburn fans rooting for Bama and vice versa, is even worse.

Life is complicated. College football shouldn't be. You root for your team and against their rivals, polls and computer averages be damned. That's simply one of the pillars upon which our Jeffersonian democracy was built. Without that moral certainty, we have anarchy.

There's no reason to sacrifice your integrity and dignity in the name of wishing your team into a better bowl game. Then again, 'integrity' and 'dignity' aren't words commonly associated with college football fandom, so people will probably keep doing it anyway.

That's all for this week. Remember: Just because college football fans think it's true, doesn't mean it is.
I've never rooted for the conference to win. I can't stand A&M and OU and would hope they lose every OOC game on the schedule.

Never understood why SEC guys root for each other so much.
I've never rooted for the conference to win. I can't stand A&M and OU and would hope they lose every OOC game on the schedule.

Never understood why SEC guys root for each other so much.

They do it for self fulfilling prophecy.

The SEC is the best conference , therefore every win is more quality than other conferences and every loss is more quality than other conferences. That way you can say things like .."if byu played in the SEC , they would be lucky to win 5 games a year" and other ridiculous garbage like that.

As long as you convince everyone that your conference is the best then OTHER things being equal the SEC team gets the nod come poll time and bowl time.

Same thing with smaller conferences. They are weak because we say so. Who cares if the mwc is beating the crap out of the pac-10 , if usc finishes with 1 loss and utah finishes undefeated ( having played in the tougher conference and beaten the same team that beat usc ) , USC can go to the title game but Utah cannot.

It's all about self fulfilling prophecies.