UFC - Tuesday Night


CTG Partner
I'm bored out of my mind with no football...

So I'm just tossing down some fun bets, I know very little about this shit.

$10 Herman over McDonald -274
haha mike. That guy was pretty nice techinically. I thought he was more of a striker, but he looked pretty good in that fight.
Yea for sure Mike. Hes been locked up in black bear training for a while..
As soon as he came in the ring you saw Tito was going to win... shamrock looked awful. I'm hooked on this shit though now. Was a cheap $20 bucks for some enjoyment. Just wish the fights would have lasted out of the first round...
Fondy they hardly do.. google tito vs lidell ( on video ) and watch that ass kicking

My fav is matt hughes
KingKrunked said:
holy fuck! scourge, thats the beating he got?!?! i saw some replays but holy fuck!!!

I know, go to UFC.com and they got some photos and an interview with "Sham"

bitch got wrecked