UFC 62: Lidell vs. Babalu ***Picks and Analysis***


Saturday night boys. Here are the odds. Please feel free to chime in with some thoughts. I will be back with selections tomorrow.


Cheick Kongo -181
Christian Wellisch +171

Forrest Griffin -243
Stephan Bonnar +223

Hermes Franca -510
Jamie Varner +460

Wes Combs -102
Wilson Gouveia -108

David Heath -206
Cory Walmsley +186

Rob MacDonald -151
Eric Schafer +141

Yushin Okami -197
Alan Belcher +177

Chuck Liddell -300
Renato Sobral +270

Nick Diaz -156J
Josh Neer +146
Babalu once had it but I don't think he can make Iceman tapout tonight. Regardless, this is gonna be a kick ass PPV. My picks are:

Chuck Lidell -284

Wes Combs +106

Corey Walmsley +186

On a side note, George St. Pierre has pulled out of UFC 63 and BJ Penn is now fighting against Matt Hughes. That fuckin sucks.
Official Weights of UFC 62 participants:
Chuck Liddell (205) vs Renato ‘Babalu’ Sobral (205)
*For Liddell's UFC light heavyweight championship
Stephan Bonnar (204) vs Forrest Griffin (205)
Nick Diaz (170) vs Josh Neer (170)
Christian Wellisch (231) vs Cheick Kongo (230)
Jamie Varner (155) vs Hermes Franca (155)
Yushin Okami (185) vs Alan Belcher (184)
Eric Schafer (205) vs Rob MacDonald (205)
Wes Combs (205) vs Wilson Gouveia (205)
Cory Walmsley (205) vs David Heath (205)
I took a three guy parlay:

Forrest Griffin -243

Chuck Liddell -300

Nick Diaz -156

$50 to win $94

The Liddell fight won;t be close as Babalu can NOT take Chuck down...hence Liddell's hands will knock him out 1st rd.

The Griffn/Bonnar rematch can NOT live up to the first fight...which is in my top 3 fights of all time. Bonnar has lost last 2 times, Griffiin should have had a draw (at least) vs Ortiz last time out. Griffin can take damage to the head multiple times and still stand up and kill...last fight didn't go to the ground hopefully the same thing happens here.

Should be loads of fun.

FLAVA: Saw Bj Penn vs Hughes for 63...interesting but was hoping to see GSP.
Nice picks Noose and good luck with those. So disappointing that GSP is out and Penn is in. I know Penn is bad ass but man, GSP was gonna win the belt off Hughes imo.

Enjoy the PPV.
I'm a big fan of Diego Sanchez...you think he could beat Hughes, Penn or GSP?

GL to you as well..hadn't heard of some of these participants...I've only been into MMA since March of 06.
Diego Sanchez won't beat either of those three imo...not right now anyways. Give him another year though and he will beat BJ Penn and Hughes. However, GSP won't be beatable for the longest time once he beats Hughes or whoever for the title.

GSP is the next big thing.
added another 3 guy parlay:

Cheick Kongo -181

Hermes Franca -510

Rob MacDonald -151

$50 to win $96
Hit the first paraly...then watched the 3rd of my 2nd 3 guyer lose by submission...DAMN!!

5-1 though.

Thought it was a good PPV and can't wait for UFC 63!