UAB @ Houston Talk


Pretty much a regular
my initial reaction here is to take the cougs at the home front coming off a bye versus a UAB team that hasn't had a lot of time to prepare. the cougs d is giving up 400 yards per, which is scary, but 200 yards of that is rushing yards, which is scarier yet imo when trying to cover 17 or 17.5. houston should be able to name the score offensively but........

i'd like to hear what SHSU thinks.
I really want to take Houston, but I think the line is dead on. Really feels like a 42-24 game, which doesn't leave much room for error.
All I want to know about is the weather ...good weather then OVER ...

Houstons defense is terrible and Webb can move the offense so laying abnout 3 TDS with a bad defense vs a terrible defense despite Houston's firepower is a tough sell for me . Unless UAB self destructs totally I am confident they get at least 24 points here and unless the Houston offense completely self destructs which has happened many a time already I think they crack 42 worst case . So Over 66 (even I pay -120) is gonna be a strong play for me and also agree Houston TT over maybe even UAB depending on weather .....

Bad defense vs Houston's spread offense . Self explatanory in that you spread a weak defense out and make them even thinner and ask for them to cover more spaces and players .......

Houston defense has been pretty bad when you look at the breakdowns and Webb is a very solid QB who hopefully is healthy after the memphis game as he was banged up going in .

Over 66-120
Thinking along the same lines as SportsNut here myself. 18 is a lot of points for Houston to cover...especially with that defense...especially if they are up by 21-24 w/ 9 min to go. The only chalk side I think w/ value will be the 1st H line...I say at 10 or less its worth looking at.

I'll try to put up some numbers soon...right now I see the 1H at Hou -10.5, so if I were to take it, I might have to buy a full point...
i see the numbers as misleading given the schedule. houston is giving up 200 yds a game on the ground but afa and okst are pretty potent rushing teams and capable of putting up those figures on just about anyone. i also think it important to consider some influence from the hurricane when evaluating the afa and colst games. i don't think there is any question about the ability of houston to score at will against the blazers. i'm not putting allot of wieght in the 400 yds/game that houston has given up to date and pretty much see this as a woodshed affair.
Good point . Especially since this is there 1st home game in quite sometime with AFA game being moved . I am more in line with Big raktor as I prefer to go 1st H if I am going to lay points . You just dont want to see a late 27- 31 pt game get moosed in the last 8 minutes ....:cheers:
agree sn. prolly playing this one with my local with no half lines. that is a concern i always have with larger spreads but i'll sweat it...
i believe that this is houston's first home game since early september. still undecided on a side but i am leaning towards the over. the weather is gonna be great tonight.
All I want to know about is the weather ...good weather then OVER ...

Houstons defense is terrible and Webb can move the offense so laying abnout 3 TDS with a bad defense vs a terrible defense despite Houston's firepower is a tough sell for me . Unless UAB self destructs totally I am confident they get at least 24 points here and unless the Houston offense completely self destructs which has happened many a time already I think they crack 42 worst case . So Over 66 (even I pay -120) is gonna be a strong play for me and also agree Houston TT over maybe even UAB depending on weather .....

Bad defense vs Houston's spread offense . Self explatanory in that you spread a weak defense out and make them even thinner and ask for them to cover more spaces and players .......

Houston defense has been pretty bad when you look at the breakdowns and Webb is a very solid QB who hopefully is healthy after the memphis game as he was banged up going in .

Over 66-120

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</TD><TD class=breadCrumb>Sports & Recreation: Sporting Events > Local Forecast for Houston, TX (77204) </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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Local Forecast | Averages & Records | Event Details
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</TD><TD vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff><!--inserst obs title module here--><!--inserst obs module here--><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=233 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=CCTextsm width=5>
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</TD></TR><TR><TD class=CCTextsm>
</TD><TD class=CCTextsm vAlign=top align=left colSpan=3>Houston, TX (77204)
Updated Oct 9 01:05 p.m. CT
</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=3>
</TD><TD vAlign=top align=middle>
</TD><TD class=obsTempText vAlign=center align=middle>78°F</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=3>
</TD><TD class=obsText vAlign=top align=left>Fair</TD><TD>
</TD><TD class=obsText vAlign=top align=middle>Feels Like: 79°F</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=3>
</TD><TD class=obsText vAlign=top align=left>UV Index:</TD><TD>
</TD><TD class=obsText vAlign=top align=left>7 High</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=3>
</TD><TD class=obsText vAlign=top align=left>Wind:</TD><TD>
</TD><TD class=obsText vAlign=top align=left>From the East at 4 mph</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=3>
</TD><TD class=obsText vAlign=top align=left>Dew Point:</TD><TD>
</TD><TD class=obsText vAlign=top align=left>55°F</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=3>
</TD><TD class=obsText vAlign=top align=left>Humidity:</TD><TD>
</TD><TD class=obsText vAlign=top align=left>44%</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=3>
</TD><TD class=obsText vAlign=top align=left>Visibility:</TD><TD>
</TD><TD class=obsText vAlign=top align=left>10.0 miles</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=3>
</TD><TD class=obsText vAlign=top align=left>Pressure:</TD><TD>
</TD><TD class=obsText vAlign=top align=left>30.01 inches and falling</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=3>
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD width=1 bgColor=#ffffff>
</TD><TD vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff><!--inserst CMS module here--><TABLE style="BORDER-RIGHT: #863637 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #863637 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #863637 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #863637 1px solid" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD class=blkVerdanaText12 align=middle bgColor=#fffae2>

@ Houston (Schedule)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

</TD></TR><TR><TD><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><COLGROUP><COL><COL></COLGROUP><TBODY><TR><TD bgColor=#863637 colSpan=2>
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=inDentA style="COLOR: #ffffff" align=left bgColor=#863637 colSpan=2>

Event Day Forecast for Oct. 9
</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#863637 colSpan=2>
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=inDentA align=middle bgColor=#ffffff colSpan=2>

Daytime High:88°F
Overnight Low:60°F
Probability of Precipitation: 0%
Wind: From the East at 9 mph
</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#863637 colSpan=2>
</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#fffae2 colSpan=2>
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=dataText align=middle width="60%" bgColor=#fffae2>Spectator Index</TD><TD class=dataText align=middle width="40%" bgColor=#fffae2>UV Index</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#fffae2 colSpan=2>
</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#863637 colSpan=2>
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=dataText align=middle width="60%" bgColor=#ffffff>9</TD><TD class=dataText align=middle width="40%" bgColor=#ffffff>Very High</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#ffffff colSpan=2>
</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#863637 colSpan=2>
</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#fffae2 colSpan=2>
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=dataText align=middle width="50%" bgColor=#fffae2>Sunrise</TD><TD class=dataText align=middle width="50%" bgColor=#fffae2>Sunset</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#fffae2 colSpan=2>
</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#863637 colSpan=2>
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=dataText align=middle width="50%" bgColor=#ffffff>7:20 AM</TD><TD class=dataText align=middle width="50%" bgColor=#ffffff>6:57 PM</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
UAB tied the game last week vs. Memphis at 30-30. Memphis got the ball 4:00 minutes left in the 4th, ran a total of 9 plays on a 72 yard drive to secure a FG for a 33-30 win. The fact that Memphis is no offensive juggernaut like Houston and the poor play of defense by both teams. There is more value on the over than a side. UAB has some issues on defense, not as bad the Cougars as the home team can name their price. The fact that this will be Houston's home game in a long time added they shit the bed against A.F., these guys might hang close to 50.
Also lets remember what FAU looked like the other night and see what they score was vs UAB .

<TABLE class=data cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2><TBODY><TR class=datarow><TD colSpan=2>4th Quarter - 0:40</TD></TR><TR class=datarow><TD>TD </TD><TD bgColor=#ffffff>Florida Atlantic 49 - Alabama-Birmingham 34
Charles Pierre 73 yd. run (Warley Leroy kick)

Put that in because the spread was FAU -13 / 56.5 total . In fairness I do feel that FAUs recent game was its worst of the season . I also think the line was just to perfect and probably would be cheaper nowadays then it was back then . So I dont want to imply that because they were +13 at FAU then +18 is cheap @Houston because FAU wasnt exactly cheap on the road looking at there road spreads . They were only +17 @ Michigan State . So while I like somethings I am not sold this game should be higher then 17 points even though I could easily see Houston taking them to the shed . Its just Houston has some issues IMO . They have a few turnovers , they have the gambler mentality and seem to get alot of Turnover on downs which kill momentum & give the opponent shit field position & waste clock. I am comfortably thinking Houston gets there 42 actually 45 and UAB is going to be around or so IMO . Like I said Houston has not maximized its offense and has some turnover problems I would like to see corrected here .
Team Stats

<TABLE class=data cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2><TBODY><TR class=datahead><TD></TD><TD>Alabama-Birmingham</TD><TD>Florida Atlantic</TD></TR><TR class=datarow><TD>Score</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>49</TD></TR><TR class=datarow><TD>First downs</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>25</TD></TR><TR class=datarow><TD>3rd Down Efficiency</TD><TD>8-for-19
</TD></TR><TR class=datarow><TD>4th Down Efficiency</TD><TD>3-for-5
</TD></TR><TR class=datarow><TD>Total Yards </TD><TD>482</TD><TD>554</TD></TR><TR class=datarow><TD colSpan=3>Rushing</TD></TR><TR class=datarow><TD>Rushes-Net Yards</TD><TD>35-156</TD><TD>25-196</TD></TR><TR class=datarow><TD>Average Per Rush</TD><TD>4.5</TD><TD>7.8</TD></TR><TR class=datarow><TD colSpan=3>Passing</TD></TR><TR class=datarow><TD>Comp-Att</TD><TD>26-48</TD><TD>22-35</TD></TR><TR class=datarow><TD>Passing Yards</TD><TD>326</TD><TD>358</TD></TR><TR class=datarow><TD>Average Per Pass Play</TD><TD>6.8</TD><TD>10.2</TD></TR><TR class=datarow><TD>Penalties-Yards</TD><TD>4-34</TD><TD>5-65</TD></TR><TR class=datarow><TD>Fumbles-Lost</TD><TD>1-0</TD><TD>1-1</TD></TR><TR class=datarow><TD>Interceptions Thrown </TD><TD>0</TD><TD>0</TD></TR><TR class=datarow><TD>Time of Possession</TD><TD>34:32</TD><TD>24:15

-Lowest scoring Quarter was the 3rd with 16pts @ FAU .

-Even scarier is the fact 41 pts @ ECU for the Cougars is misleading they should have had more comiling 621 YDS!! You want insanity look at this its longer then any thread I ever composed .....

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=560 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top width=275><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=ysptblhead><TH colSpan=6>Houston Drives</TH></TR><TR class=ysptblhead2><TH colSpan=6>1st Quarter </TH></TR><TR class=ysptblhead3><TH>Start
</TH><TH># of
</TH><TH vAlign=top>Result</TH></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD class=c>14:55 </TD><TD class=c>0:47 </TD><TD class=c>Hou 30</TD><TD class=c>3</TD><TD class=c>8</TD><TD class=c>Punt</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2><TD class=c>12:17 </TD><TD class=c>1:26 </TD><TD class=c>Hou 36</TD><TD class=c>5</TD><TD class=c>63</TD><TD class=c>Fumble</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD class=c>10:40 </TD><TD class=c>0:48 </TD><TD class=c>ECU 21</TD><TD class=c>2</TD><TD class=c>21</TD><TD class=c>TD</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2><TD class=c>7:19 </TD><TD class=c>0:45 </TD><TD class=c>Hou 8</TD><TD class=c>3</TD><TD class=c>5</TD><TD class=c>Int</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD class=c>6:28 </TD><TD class=c>1:58 </TD><TD class=c>Hou 20</TD><TD class=c>5</TD><TD class=c>80</TD><TD class=c>TD</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2><TD class=c>3:05 </TD><TD class=c>1:06 </TD><TD class=c>Hou 17</TD><TD class=c>3</TD><TD class=c>11</TD><TD class=c>Fumble</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD colSpan=6></TD></TR><TR class=ysptblhead2><TH colSpan=6>2nd Quarter </TH></TR><TR class=ysptblhead3><TH>Start
</TH><TH># of
</TH><TH vAlign=top>Result</TH></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD class=c>14:52 </TD><TD class=c>4:00 </TD><TD class=c>Hou 35</TD><TD class=c>11</TD><TD class=c>49</TD><TD class=c>Downs</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2><TD class=c>7:06 </TD><TD class=c>2:38 </TD><TD class=c>Hou 25</TD><TD class=c>8</TD><TD class=c>47</TD><TD class=c>FG Miss</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD class=c>2:40 </TD><TD class=c>2:29 </TD><TD class=c>Hou 20</TD><TD class=c>9</TD><TD class=c>80</TD><TD class=c>TD</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD colSpan=6></TD></TR><TR class=ysptblhead2><TH colSpan=6>3rd Quarter </TH></TR><TR class=ysptblhead3><TH>Start
</TH><TH># of
</TH><TH vAlign=top>Result</TH></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD class=c>13:19 </TD><TD class=c>0:13 </TD><TD class=c>ECU 49</TD><TD class=c>1</TD><TD class=c>17</TD><TD class=c>Fumble</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2><TD class=c>11:27 </TD><TD class=c>2:39 </TD><TD class=c>Hou 22</TD><TD class=c>6</TD><TD class=c>4</TD><TD class=c>Punt</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD class=c>6:00 </TD><TD class=c>4:28 </TD><TD class=c>Hou 29</TD><TD class=c>13</TD><TD class=c>64</TD><TD class=c>FG</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2><TD colSpan=6></TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD colSpan=6></TD></TR><TR class=ysptblhead2><TH colSpan=6>4th Quarter </TH></TR><TR class=ysptblhead3><TH>Start
</TH><TH># of
</TH><TH vAlign=top>Result</TH></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD class=c>14:50 </TD><TD class=c>0:44 </TD><TD class=c>Hou 20</TD><TD class=c>2</TD><TD class=c>80</TD><TD class=c>TD</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2><TD class=c>12:45 </TD><TD class=c>0:41 </TD><TD class=c>ECU 3</TD><TD class=c>2</TD><TD class=c>3</TD><TD class=c>TD</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD class=c>12:00 </TD><TD class=c>2:04 </TD><TD class=c>ECU 15</TD><TD class=c>4</TD><TD class=c>4</TD><TD class=c>FG Miss</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2><TD class=c>8:05 </TD><TD class=c>4:17 </TD><TD class=c>Hou 40</TD><TD class=c>8</TD><TD class=c>44</TD><TD class=c>FG</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD class=c>2:00 </TD><TD class=c>2:00 </TD><TD class=c>ECU 19</TD><TD class=c>3</TD><TD class=c>1</TD><TD class=c>End Reg</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD width=10></TD><TD vAlign=top width=275><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=ysptblhead><TH colSpan=6>East Carolina Drives</TH></TR><TR class=ysptblhead2><TH colSpan=6>1st Quarter </TH></TR><TR class=ysptblhead3><TH>Start
</TH><TH># of
</TH><TH vAlign=top>Result</TH></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD class=c>14:08 </TD><TD class=c>1:51 </TD><TD class=c>ECU 4</TD><TD class=c>3</TD><TD class=c>3</TD><TD class=c>Punt</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2><TD class=c>10:51 </TD><TD class=c>0:11 </TD><TD class=c>ECU 5</TD><TD class=c>1</TD><TD class=c>0</TD><TD class=c>Int</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD class=c>9:52 </TD><TD class=c>2:33 </TD><TD class=c>ECU 25</TD><TD class=c>5</TD><TD class=c>19</TD><TD class=c>Punt</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2><TD class=c>4:30 </TD><TD class=c>1:25 </TD><TD class=c>ECU 40</TD><TD class=c>3</TD><TD class=c>4</TD><TD class=c>Punt. Fumble</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD class=c>1:59 </TD><TD class=c>2:02 </TD><TD class=c>Hou 28</TD><TD class=c>6</TD><TD class=c>20</TD><TD class=c>FG</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2><TD colSpan=6></TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD colSpan=6></TD></TR><TR class=ysptblhead2><TH colSpan=6>2nd Quarter </TH></TR><TR class=ysptblhead3><TH>Start
</TH><TH># of
</TH><TH vAlign=top>Result</TH></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD class=c>10:52 </TD><TD class=c>3:46 </TD><TD class=c>ECU 16</TD><TD class=c>8</TD><TD class=c>32</TD><TD class=c>Punt</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2><TD class=c>4:28 </TD><TD class=c>1:48 </TD><TD class=c>ECU 28</TD><TD class=c>5</TD><TD class=c>19</TD><TD class=c>Punt</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD class=c>0:07 </TD><TD class=c>0:07 </TD><TD class=c>ECU 30</TD><TD class=c>1</TD><TD class=c>-2</TD><TD class=c>End Half</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD colSpan=6></TD></TR><TR class=ysptblhead2><TH colSpan=6>3rd Quarter </TH></TR><TR class=ysptblhead3><TH>Start
</TH><TH># of
</TH><TH vAlign=top>Result</TH></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD class=c>14:51 </TD><TD class=c>1:32 </TD><TD class=c>ECU 11</TD><TD class=c>4</TD><TD class=c>8</TD><TD class=c>Punt</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2><TD class=c>13:06 </TD><TD class=c>1:39 </TD><TD class=c>ECU 14</TD><TD class=c>3</TD><TD class=c>7</TD><TD class=c>Punt</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD class=c>8:48 </TD><TD class=c>2:46 </TD><TD class=c>ECU 30</TD><TD class=c>6</TD><TD class=c>70</TD><TD class=c>TD</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2><TD class=c>1:25 </TD><TD class=c>1:35 </TD><TD class=c>ECU 32</TD><TD class=c>3</TD><TD class=c>8</TD><TD class=c>Punt</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD colSpan=6></TD></TR><TR class=ysptblhead2><TH colSpan=6>4th Quarter </TH></TR><TR class=ysptblhead3><TH>Start
</TH><TH># of
</TH><TH vAlign=top>Result</TH></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD class=c>13:58 </TD><TD class=c>1:13 </TD><TD class=c>ECU 29</TD><TD class=c>3</TD><TD class=c>3</TD><TD class=c>Int</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2><TD class=c>12:00 </TD><TD class=c>0:00 </TD><TD class=c>ECU 20</TD><TD class=c>1</TD><TD class=c>-7</TD><TD class=c>Fumble</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD class=c>9:56 </TD><TD class=c>1:50 </TD><TD class=c>ECU 20</TD><TD class=c>5</TD><TD class=c>80</TD><TD class=c>TD</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2><TD class=c>3:42 </TD><TD class=c>1:42 </TD><TD class=c>ECU 9</TD><TD class=c>8</TD><TD class=c>10</TD><TD class=c>Downs</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Granted a sloppy game but possessions by quarter
1st - ELEVEN
2nd - Six
3rd - Seven
4th - NINE

Seeing a game with 33 offensive possessions is crazy and worrisome in a sense they only scored 66 pts that day . What I like is the fact these teams despite there defense shortcomings and offensive prowess havent really lit up the scoreboard yet minus 1 game each . So its hopefully not something that everyone is comfortable taking looking soley at scores and ppg.

On the Houstin side of the ball it looks like thus to me .

They got 2 gift wrapped TDs from ECU the ball at the ECU 21 and 3 yd lines . The 1st gift TD though came after they fumbled going in on the 1yd line so really its a wash out IMO . The were stopped on downs at the ECU 14 to start the 2nd Q so lost 3 pts there and maybe 7pts if they get it . They settle for a FG after stalling and miss a makeable distance 45yder . Then after the half start at midfield and go 17 yds on 1 play and fumble so that was near the ECU 30 losing out on at worst a FG opportunity . They settled for a FG inside the ECU 10yd line . They had the ball early 4th Q on the ECU 15 and didnt get a 1st down and then missed a short FG the kicker concerns ME ! Then again settle for a FG when they move into the ECU red zone .

So they were given 14 pts and lost a TD , lost at least a FG maybe more , miss a FG costing them 3 pts , fumble away at worst a FG opportunity , settle for a FG inside the 10yd line , have the ball on ECU 15 and not only dont punch it but also get zip after a miss FG , and then settle for a FG near the ECU 15 .

Now that was a road game and ECU came in playing some real good defense not the type unit that UAB is . So maybe those drives they settle for 3 or FG attempts turn into TDs of course I am just implying but my point when I do this is to show there was opportunity to do more . Some games a team scores 40 and just maximized evevry opportunity or some games teams dont score more then 10 pts but had numerous opps and fucked up or some never had a chance to . I think its important to weigh what did happen and what could have happened if a play is made he and there .

So they missed out on 19 clear points and maybe could have had another 38 !! They lost a TD and lost out on 4 FGS by missing two and fumbling twice when it was in FG range . I have to look at the kicker more to see how likely he makes FG and what his sfae distances maybe. In college you could give a kid 10 tries at 41yder and he may miss 9 of them so no guarnatees with anything .....

Anyway if they gota cheap 14 and missed at least a cheap 19 but possible 38 even a slightily better job on executing gets then 5 more points and makes 41 into 46 on the road vs a tough defense coming in .

I also think some of the guys like Scraps might be right about the Houston defense because it did a pretty good job @ ECU now that I look real close . 1st H only a pick 6 and FG from good starting Hous 28 after a Cougar fumble . They didnt have a real drive until they scored middle 3rd Q 6plays 70yds and later middle 4th Q when they scored 5palays 80 yds. Which actually Kass led thanks to a 41yd reception and later Pinkey returned to lead the TD drive featuring a 47yd pass ...

Still a very medicore at best CSU offense hung 400+ yds on them . Only gainly 10yds on 7 plays in teh 4th Q as well and they had good field position the 1st time at midfield . So really they did the damage in 3 quarters and that includes missing a short FG after an INT set them up at the Houston 24 , having a TOD inside the red zone and the Houston 33 in the 3rd Q as well . Houston left the ball at the 1 on a possession getting just 3 pts after a long drive rather then 7 and they were picked in the end zone at the end of the game . CSU had just 1 possession in good starting field position at the Hous 49. Also Houston had a TOD at the 50 and a fumble plus some INTs that robbed them off possessions ....

AF and Houston tough game as it was an early start as it had to moved due to the hurricane and was played in wind and rain . Again Houston had a fumble at AFA 35 , a TOD at the AFA 36 and INT in the AFA red zone . Still a 31-28 game . AF also had 31 pts bythe start of the 4th and probably with a big lead just kept it simple more then anything .

Now UAB allowed only 26 at South Carolina but the Gamecocks took them lightily giving Garcia a shot to play but also some point sleft on the sidelines as well. Well they did have a TOD inside the UAB 5 but god defense got them the ball back with a short field and they punched it so really a wash. SC didnt punt till 1st possession 2nd H but also settled for some 1st H FGs and had a fumble. In the 3rd ball at the UAB 44 and only get 3 despite being inside teh 10 yd line. Then B2B INTS for SC which they ran the INT pass play from the UAB 47 and UAB 31 so good chance at some points . Then probably still on cruise control again get it at the UAB 40something and just gett 3 out of it . So the defense played okay but should have been at least 35 points there by SC IMO who was using a new QB and struggling with there offense .

Tenny who has been a bust on offense had 5 TDs , 35 pts and over 500 yards of offense . Its good that UAB playe dokay on offense IMO @ Tenny and @ SC two solid SEC programs and defenses ...

Also UAB had 11 penalties last week and a ton personal fouls think 5(highest penalty count in conference 44 so far ) . Obvioulsy penalties concern me on offense because they often wipe out huge plays .

Scouting The Defense: The Blazers are last in the league and 115th in the nation in pass defense (283.2 yards per game) and 113th in total defense (461.3). Opponents are 22-for-26 on scoring opportunities inside the red zone, including 16 touchdowns.

UAB - Forrest WR ????missed 2 games leading WR to date still

While UAB is considered to have a solid run game I thin we have to realize its basically Joe Webb as the offense as he has 500yds rushing which is half the teams production. So while they may want to slow the game down and keep it away from Houston they havent shown they can hand it off and do it . Webb was also banged up before Memphis and some questioned that he may not run it much but he did . 18 x in fact with 3 TDs .

Really I would expect this to be alot the UAB game vs Tulsa which was a home one for UAB. Dont overlook that UAB played a terrible 2nd H in that one despite leading at half and having the clock run out on them in the red zone. The 3rd Q was all Tulsa as we saw UAB punt 3 times and then have 2 costly fumbles in the 4th quarter !......
