Tyreek Hill Gets No Suspension


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...NFL just declared in a statement.

This league is proof that if you have a product that has a high enough demand...you can take 32 rich, arrogant, clueless, out-of-touch old fucks who have zero public relations skills and still succeed.

This is a case where even if the NFL is right (which they usually aren't)...why in the world are you going to want to have every human rights group, every feminist group and every group with any human decency coming out to demand people boycott your product?

This astounds me how stupid these owners are...they get dumber every year. Tom Brady gets suspended for 4 games for deflating footballs allegedly...and Tyreek Hill may have broken a child's arm.

Okay...stellar work as usual NFL.

God damn this league is a joke. They don't care about anything but the color green.
If they suspended him they would be racist

Didn't Zeke get 6 games for a year-long investigation into a domestic violence case....

3 months into a Hill breaking a child's arm accusation, Goddell and the 32 Fuckfaces say, nothing happened. Got it.

The idiocy these people and this league shows makes me embarrassed I love their product....I just hate every one of the pieces of shit that run the product. I don't applaud consistent stupidity, arrogance and lack of common sense.

Has Hill even been 100% cleared yet from the arm of the law?
Hill's quote to his fiance/girlfriend.... "You need to be terrified of me too..."

That's on tape.

NFL (looks left...looks right...) sees nothing.
Hill's quote to his fiance/girlfriend.... "You need to be terrified of me too..."

That's on tape.

NFL (looks left...looks right...) sees nothing.

You took that quote out of context. It‘s just posturing as two people in a soured relationship go back-and-forth
Its recorded because she tried super hard to get him to say something incriminating.

She deleted this ofc after posting:


That can‘t look good next to HER confession that SHE caused bruises and welting in her kid. She‘s the sicko, not Hill
Didn't Zeke get 6 games for a year-long investigation into a domestic violence case....

3 months into a Hill breaking a child's arm accusation, Goddell and the 32 Fuckfaces say, nothing happened. Got it.

The idiocy these people and this league shows makes me embarrassed I love their product....I just hate every one of the pieces of shit that run the product. I don't applaud consistent stupidity, arrogance and lack of common sense.

Has Hill even been 100% cleared yet from the arm of the law?

I was being facetious. The NFL is pathetic and every decision is about their bottom line. Zeke had a woman accusing him while since these documents were under seal the NFL says they really didn't know he did it (vs the baby mamma). Could you picture an instance where the baby mamma broke the arm of Tyreek's son and he just watched it happen and did nothing to stop it or hurt the BM. Give me a break.
I was being facetious. The NFL is pathetic and every decision is about their bottom line. Zeke had a woman accusing him while since these documents were under seal the NFL says they really didn't know he did it (vs the baby mamma). Could you picture an instance where the baby mamma broke the arm of Tyreek's son and he just watched it happen and did nothing to stop it or hurt the BM. Give me a break.

Oh, I know you were, take...

I just cannot get over the idiocy of this league.
You took that quote out of context. It‘s just posturing as two people in a soured relationship go back-and-forth
Its recorded because she tried super hard to get him to say something incriminating.

She deleted this ofc after posting:

View attachment 40964

That can‘t look good next to HER confession that SHE caused bruises and welting in her kid. She‘s the sicko, not Hill

You took that quote out of context. It‘s just posturing as two people in a soured relationship go back-and-forth
Its recorded because she tried super hard to get him to say something incriminating.

She deleted this ofc after posting:

View attachment 40964

That can‘t look good next to HER confession that SHE caused bruises and welting in her kid. She‘s the sicko, not Hill

Cavs, this is a horrible stance and I'm going to tell you why.

This guy has A HISTORY of domestic violence problems...he doesn't get the benefit of the doubt.

For the NFL to look past this and not do anything to Hill is an embarrassment. What does he have to do to get suspended, kill someone? For those words to come out of his mouth (i don't care the context) and have it be on tape and for the league to look beyond this guys' history....it's a fucking joke. You cannot give this guy the benefit of ANY doubt.

If they have all of this on tape and you see he says I'm joking...IT STILL doesn't make it right.
Cavs, this is a horrible stance and I'm going to tell you why.

This guy has A HISTORY of domestic violence problems...he doesn't get the benefit of the doubt.

For the NFL to look past this and not do anything to Hill is an embarrassment. What does he have to do to get suspended, kill someone? For those words to come out of his mouth (i don't care the context) and have it be on tape and for the league to look beyond this guys' history....it's a fucking joke. You cannot give this guy the benefit of ANY doubt.

If they have all of this on tape and you see he says I'm joking...IT STILL doesn't make it right.

Ray Lewis says HMB
Ray Rice basically had his career ended for defending himself when his girl attacked him. Hill hurts a kid and nothing. Pretty awesome consistency.

The power of video tape...

Ray Rice never gets suspended if that elevator footage didn't exist. Pathetic, isn't it?
Cavs, this is a horrible stance and I'm going to tell you why.

This guy has A HISTORY of domestic violence problems...he doesn't get the benefit of the doubt.

For the NFL to look past this and not do anything to Hill is an embarrassment. What does he have to do to get suspended, kill someone? For those words to come out of his mouth (i don't care the context) and have it be on tape and for the league to look beyond this guys' history....it's a fucking joke. You cannot give this guy the benefit of ANY doubt.

If they have all of this on tape and you see he says I'm joking...IT STILL doesn't make it right.

I don‘t get what prior incidents have to do with this one except to generate an unfair prejudice. You‘re refusing to look into a matter because of a guy‘s history. Despite what decisive insight further investigation yields. How biased can you get?!
I don‘t get what prior incidents have to do with this one except to generate an unfair prejudice. You‘re refusing to look into a matter because of a guy‘s history. Despite what decisive insight further investigation yields. How biased can you get?!

If you think that a prior history of domestic violence is creating an “unfair prejudice”, then I don’t even have a rebuttal to that.

He pleaded guilty to strangling his then-pregnant girlfriend in college...

You don’t think that past behavior makes the fact he is on tape threatening his now gf a major issue?

If so, then i cant help you, man.
The problem Cavs is that the NFL is inconsistent I. Applying whatever this personal conduct policy is.

Nobody knows what justifies enforceable punishments and for what level based upon the facts of the situation. It is a fact he is on tape making a threatening statement to a pregnant woman carrying his child after previously pleading guilty to assaulting a woman carrying his child.

If that’s not improper personal conduct then what the hell is?
If you think that a prior history of domestic violence is creating an “unfair prejudice”, then I don’t even have a rebuttal to that.

He pleaded guilty to strangling his then-pregnant girlfriend in college...

You don’t think that past behavior makes the fact he is on tape threatening his now gf a major issue?

If so, then i cant help you, man.

This prejudice of yours is misplaced for instance because it leads you to misread the conversation. It makes you blind to whats being said

Crystal Espinal: "He is terrified of you. And you say that he respects you, but it's not respect."

Tyreek Hill: "He respects me."

Crystal Espinal: "He is terrified of you."

Tyreek Hill: "You need to be terrified of me, too, bitch. That's why you can't keep a f*cking man."

The argument here is over two concepts. She says the baby is terrified of him he calls it respect. When he says she needs to be terrified of him he‘s equating terrified and respect with each other for rhetorical reasons against her—because he thinks its unfair of her to call respect terror. Hes also losing his temper (hence the cuss word) because hes frustrated over this conceptual stalemate. He then says right afterwards thats why she can‘t keep a man. Thats another clear indication that he doesn‘t have violence on his mind—he‘s saying guys leave her because she doesn‘t respect („terrify“) them.

Its clearly just a heated back-and-forth in a shitty relationship. Violence isn‘t only not being threatened, Hill is opposing it. But when you manufacture a collage with his prior history and that one line then you can wrongly say hes threatening violence.

But you take your prejudice and act like the mainstream media taking individual lines out of context to play on those prejudices tying it with past behavior to keep the same image of Hill. And if you dont think thats blind and unfair...then I guess Hill could be talking about roses and you‘d still find a way to use it against him.
Espinal: "I know you didn't. I did. I hurt [our son]. I'm the one that did it. I was hurt and mad at you so I blamed you for everything.

There‘s your evidence! What more do you want. Forensically confirmed text message. She is guilty and trying to accuse Hill of something he didn‘t do.
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The power of video tape...

Ray Rice never gets suspended if that elevator footage didn't exist. Pathetic, isn't it?

I thought he was a piece of crap for how he treated her after he knocked her out. That was telling to me about him but the original punch was self defense.

League is pathetic because the modern athlete is pathetic.

I go back and forth on this stuff because I strongly believe a person's personal life and work life are separate. I don't like the idea of people being fired over their tweets or photos of them drinking on facebook, or their political views. I get that it is the NFL and some of the money they are paying these guys is public relations oriented but I just wish we could keep the work and personal separate
See how hard it is to be a guy in this society. A dad cant tap his baby on the chest (play punches) without having to answer questions and the mom (whos the guilty one!) tries so hard to get him in trouble

If anything, this isn‘t about Hill‘s prior mistakes in life. Its about toxic femininity and masculinity under attack
If anything, this isn‘t about Hill‘s prior mistakes in life. Its about toxic femininity and masculinity under attack

So just so I can understand this part of your quote...are you blaming her and saying Hill is the victim?

Not trying to put words in your mouth so I just am seeking to clarify what I think you said.
So just so I can understand this part of your quote...are you blaming her and saying Hill is the victim?

Not trying to put words in your mouth so I just am seeking to clarify what I think you said.

If anything. I don't want some criticism of an extracurricular attempt at abstracting from this an observation about society to be applied to my analysis of the situation. My analysis is as clear as I can informally make it
The issues in INCONSISTENCY lie in the lack of CLEAR MEASURED POLICIES in place by the NFL...

Discipline is only as good as your POLICIES and REGULATIONS...

The reason why some athletes like ZEKE get 6 games and HILL gets no games is because there is NO CLEAR DEFINED POLICY..

In this case the NFL has stated "Due to the evidence available at this point they do not have any evidence that HILL breached the player personal conduct policy.. They are basically stating that they do not have a CONVICTION or a CRIMINAL CHARGE against HILL-- FAIR ENOUGH--

The NFL is in a tough position- IN some cases they have suspended guys like ZEKE and kicked RAY RICE out of the league, and in some cases such as with HILL ( Fastest player in the league-- A LEVEL ASSET FOR THE NFL) they have overlooked the incident by stating its under investigation and with the evidence available they cannot make a determination..

The NFL is in a tough position here-- I feel they have taken this position...

If there is clear VIDEO TAPE EVIDENCE of any assault misconduct I feel it would draw PUBLIC OUTRAGE-- They will act and suspend that player 100%.....

If there is NO CLEAR VIDEO evidence of assault misconduct I feel then they will not suspend, and will conclude the incident is UNSUBSTANTIATED.

I feel that the NFL is being unfairly blamed in these situations-- The NFL DID NOT HIT ANYONE OR encourage any violence.. NFL is an entertainment league in which a majority of their players are not exactly SAINTS-- BY them getting over involved in player discipline I feel that it would hurt their bottom line..

More focus should be placed on the individual athletes and not the NFL-- THE NFL IS A FOOTBALL LEAGUE-- They do a good job of providing football to us... I say they are doing the right thing here.. Although HILL has a past history and is no saint..

However the NFL will act only if the circumstances are clear as day. The NFL does not want these situations to play out like court cases-- Either have clear evidence like a video or forget about any discipline--
I was being facetious. The NFL is pathetic and every decision is about their bottom line. Zeke had a woman accusing him while since these documents were under seal the NFL says they really didn't know he did it (vs the baby mamma). Could you picture an instance where the baby mamma broke the arm of Tyreek's son and he just watched it happen and did nothing to stop it or hurt the BM. Give me a break.

To the NFL the bottom line is everything.. Rules and Morals make the OWNERS POOR, so they choose to just focus on the bottom line.. It's how most big corporations run, especially leagues like NFL, UFC, WWE