Turkey Week College Foots


CTG Partner
Staff member
2-1 +4.76 last week

108-84-5 +44.59 units overall

Well, the season is winding down. I have eclipsed my goal of 25 units(5000) by almost 20 units and couldn't be happier. That being said theres a handful of games one can always look at and wonder after a season is over. Thats where the improvment takes place for the following seasons.

Heres the full week card. Everything is one unit for now. No discussion this week as i will approx 10 minutes a day to post. I'll be back in full swing about next Sunday.


Bowling Green +6 +100


Miami(fl) +4.5 -102


LSU +1 +100


NC State -2.5 -111
Georgia -1.5 -107
Hawaii -16.5 -105
Notre Dame +7.5 -114

Have a great and profitable week CTG Cappers:shake:
gl bro..against you on lsu and with you on nd...my only two plays this week.
Love Miami U!!! ML +180 as well

Why Miami? Have you watched any of the BC road games in the ACC? I would guess you didnt like BC like this weekend at home versus Maryland. If you did like BC that would be an interesting twist.

Basically no matter what people will say Miami is still playing hard but cant seem to make playes when they need to. However there defense is still stout and BC has lost @ NCST and @ WF cause they couldnt put points on the board. This line is inflated due to Miamis losing streak and BC somewhat big win at home vs Maryland. If you cant score on the road then rule #1 I preach is how can you lay points on the road? Realistically you shouldnt expect BC to do any bettter offensively then they have maybe even worse. BC barely won @ FSU as well. Which BC was +7 in...

This game should maybe be BC -3 . If you look at BC you see VaTech in terms of relative strength in line value. I know BC playing for a piece off the ACC but Miami's last game of the season and going for 500 will keep them motivated IMO.

Conclusion - Miami's D is go to good to be giving it 4.5 points at home....and Miami can run the ball on BC.

Another bad line is Texas ONLY -12.5 probably should be -16 / -17. Look how Lville and WVU bounced back afte bad road losses
Even with Colt, I think the line is about right. Between 13 and 14. I would take Aggy +14.
I owuld still lay the -12.5 just not as heavy. UT will run and run some more on them and A&M wont crack 20 IMO.
A&M is basically equal to Ok State , probably a TD better the Baylor on a neutral field , slightily better then a Kansas or Kansas State. There propensity to lose close games probably makes them look valuable.

UT at home vs Ok ST -18.5 held them to 10 points.
UT at home vs Baylor -27.5
UT at home to Iowa State -24.5

JMO but A&M as I said basically equal to Ok State and probably 7 or so points better then the others on neutral fields.
BOL this week, buddy

It's been great to watch you kick ass this year. Just an incredible season. So go enjoy some of the fruits of your labor this long weekend.

And i'll be joining you on a couple shortly.:drink:
THAT OSU avatar looks kinda ghey. Yeah, you better wager on the rematch and get the BLUE back where it belongs.

texsn95 said:
Fran's such a pussy. Just another season of "what could have been", what a fucking joke.

Never thought I would say this to an Aggie but I know EXACTLY how you feel. :cheers:

LSU now -2.5 nice line you got there
Marland -1 -120 2 units

played UGA another half unit as well but will not count since game is alreayd underway