TUF 6 Finale


Fiance made him quit gambling
The main event here is just sick. These 2 absolutly got at it and bang. Huerta has great power/speed and Guida has great speed/transitions. They better not even think about taking this off free T.V. and move it to the NYE event since Serra/Hughes is now off!!

Four fights added to UFCs The Ultimate Fighter (TUF) 6 Finale card

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With the semifinalists almost set for season six of The Ultimate Fighter (TUF), the UFC made four more bouts official for the TUF 6 Finale on December 8 from The Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Here are the welterweight match ups:
  • Jared Rollins (5-3) vs. John “War Machine” Koppenhaver (4-1)
  • Troy “Rude Boy” Mandaloniz (2-1) vs. Richie Hightower (7-1)
  • Roman Mitichyan (3-1) vs. Dorian Price (7-2)
  • Paul Georgieff (5-1) vs. Jonathan Goulet (19-9)
Interesting (and good) to see Mitichyan on the card — he was sent home on the first episode because of a broken elbow sustained during training. It made for some great television but it also revealed how badly he wanted a chance to compete inside the Octagon.
Now he’s got the opportunity to demonstrate his skills in front of a nationwide television audience on the SpikeTV special.
Surprised to see that Goulet is getting another bite at the UFC apple so soon after yet another loss his last time out against Dustin Hazelett at UFC Fight Night 11 back in September. The “Road Warrior” boasts an underwhelming record (2-3) within the eight-sided cage. He should be the favorite against the relatively inexperienced Georgieff (He got knocked out in the first round by “Rude Boy” in episode five).
For all the latest of TUF 6 and episode recaps check out our archive. There’s also the developing TUF 6 Finale fight card right here.
Remember, lightweights Roger Huerta and Clay Guida will clash during the main event of the evening, and the two remaining finalists will throwdown to see who becomes the next TUF champion. Stay tuned for more updates and fight announcements regarding this upcoming event.
My play of the Night (Possibly the Month)
Clay Guido Guida -130 to win 5 Units
I really like this play and have extra time right now so Ill do a write up...

Huerta has won all 5 of his fights in the UFC but all have been against low quality competition. Looking at his last three (Garcia, Evans, and Crane), Ive seen nothing from him that has impressed me.

Against Garcia: it was Garcias first fight in the UFC and I think he showed that he doesnt belong. Garcia is a small 155 probably, he should be fighting at 145. In the fight Huerta was able to land a lot of clean punches but never really stunned or put Garcia down. On the ground Hueta was able to GNP but again never really hurt (maybe hurt but wasnt in a position to finish) Garcia. Huerta gave up his back a couple times, was put in a guillotine, and left his chin open but Garcia was never able to capitalize because he was over powered and underskilled (he was also gassed after the first round). Basically, to me the fight showed Huerta lacks knock out power, cant finish and leaves himself open. Recently, Garcia lost to a 23 year old tuff fighter, which further shows hes not a UFC level fighter.

Against Evans: Huerta got schooled by Evans in the first round which came as a surprise to most ppl. He got controlled in wrestling and also outstruck on his feet. Looking at Evans, hes very small (a bantom weight from alaska and his first fight in the UFC) he looks like he should fight at 145 and would probably be effective there. In the first round Evans got on Huertas back and looked like he was close to submitting Huerta but was simply to small and weak to do it. In the second round Evans eventually gassed, which isnt surprising given he was attempting to control a much bigger fighter. Huerta was able to take advantage and finished Evans in the second.

Against Crane: It was cranes first fight in the UFC and again he looked like he should be fighting at 145. Crane lacked striking ability and was one dimensional. He has good jiu jitsu, but lacked the power of a wrestler making him an ineffective grappler at 155. Crane, like the others, gassed early from trying to handle a much larger fighter. At times Huerta gave up a limb or was in a bad spot but crane could not take advantage do to his small stature and lack of energy. Though he gassed, Huerta was unable to finish the fight.

So basically looking at Huetas last three wins I find that he lacks knock out power, ability to submit opponents, ability to control opponents, and leaves himself open for takedowns and strikes. In my oppinion, his wins have come against bantom weights who belong in WEC. Not to say Huerta isnt tallented or has been dodging but his competition has been poor.

Clay Guida, has fought top level competition in his last three (Thomas, Griffin, and aurelio) he lost two of the fights, though controversial. He has shown strong wrestling, decent stand up, and amazing cardio. Also, he is strong and can control opponents on the ground.

Against Thomas: Unfortunatly I never seen this fight I know Din is a very good fighter unfortunaly it looked like he blew his knee against florian. I think the fight with Flo would have been very close otherwise. Din won the decision against Clay though Ive heard it was close and some say it should have gone the other way (if somebody knows a place where i can view this fight id appreciate it).

Against Griffin: this was an amazing fight I watched it several times and I think it was obvious Guida won the fight though he lost the split decision. In the fight guida showed strong ground skills against a top level grappler. As well, Guida showed his amazing cardio.

Against Aurelio: Guida won a split decision though I believe guida won all three rounds I dont know how anyone could have had Aurelio ahead. In the fight Guida attempted to keep it on the feet and was succesful. Aurelio tried to take it to the ground but either failed or ended up with guida in position. Again, Guida showed his ability to control a top grappler on the ground.

Huerta vs. Guida: Huerta is fighting a guy that is basically a weight class bigger than what hes used to and at a skill level above what hes fought in the past. I think Guida will take Huerta to the ground at will and control him from there. If Hueta, gives up his back, or neck, or arm (like he has done in the past) Guida will take full advantage of his position and have the strenght to finish. In the past Huerta has been bailed out of bad situations due to his overpowering size and opponents gassing but this wont happen with Guida. Guida will be stronger and better conditioned than anyone Huerta has faced, when he has position he will keep it and I see him controlling the entire fight possibly finishing Huerta in the second round via GnP.
In Guidas last two fights the judges have done a poor job. I think it may be inpart due to Guidas long hair making it look like the punches he takes are harder than they are. My main concern is Huerta winning a close decision but I dont think it will happen based on my past reasoning. Huerta was not able to finish Crane or Garcia so I really doubt he finishes Guida. I got the line at -130 and I think it should be about -250 so I see a lot of value.
GL what ever you choose.
This is a toss up fight. I wont be surprised to see either win. But if I bet, it will be on Huerta.


**Huerta did finish Crane**

I actually consider Huerta a finisher. 14/19 fights have all ended w/out the judges. Grant it, it wasnt BJ Penn he was finishing. Huerta has faced some weak competition, but 2 of those fights, his opponent pulled out at the last minute due to injuries. And so he did what he had to do and won. It seems like he has a collapse of focus during the fight at some point. And after that he gets going. He has good stand up and excellent TD defense. This is where I think Huerta wins the fight. Guida will not be able to get him on the mat. His spawl will be Chuck Liddell legendary once his career is over. This will keep the fight standing where I think Huerta has, not huge, but a nice margin in advantage.

Guida on the other hand I dont consider much of a finisher. Definatly not standing. 7 of his last 9 fights have gon to the judges. Yes Guida has fought better fighters, but he has lost them, except one and that was a split decision. His cardio is off chart, but so is Huerta's. Comparing the 2 is like saying who throws harder. Someone that throws 99 mph or 98 mph? They both are throwing gas. Same here: Guida is 99 mph and Huerta is 98 mph. If Guida can get Huerta on the ground then he will have control of the fight. But I dont see Guida getting Huerta on the mat.

Regardless who wins, this has fight of the year potential.

Wilde, I like the angle of Guida losing those fights due to the perception of being hit "hard" because his hair flies everywhere.
I dont think it fair to label him a finisher based on those past results you could probably label any UFC fighter a finisher based on there pre UFC days. In the UFC he only finished Halverson via knee to the head of a downed opponent and Evans who gassed himself. I dont see him as being heavy handed or having strong submission skills. If he cant knock out Garcia with the way he was leaving himself open I find it hard to believe he could Guida.

I do think Guida will be able to take Huerta down without too much trouble. His strikes arent strong enough to keep him at bay and he stands tall when he fights. Also, Huerta is a tall light weight at 5'9. After seeing the way evans was controlling him, I think Guida should be able to do the same. If you look at how wide evans back is compared to guida, youd think they're from a different weight class (which they kind of are).

Huertas conditioning seems untested to me. Sure he hasnt looked gassed in his fights, but hes always been fighting smaller guys and never been hit hard. Guida on the other hand has had his endurance tested several times.

I do agree, I dont think Guida is a finisher, though i do think he has a good chance of stopping huerta. Maybe Huerta will suprise me this fight but I have a hard time seeing it happen.
UFC Quick Quotes: Roger Huerta vs. Clay Guida on TUF 6 Finale fight

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“What I’m going to do with Clay Guida will be no different than my other fights…. Everything he has I can do way better.
– Roger Huerta on Clay Guida main event fight at The Ultimate Fighter (TUF) 6 Finale on December 8 via FOXSports.com.
“I believe I will be able to take him down but I will stand and throw until he makes a mistake. My takedowns come off of punches. Roger has a really wide stance and keeps his left leg forward quite a bit which leads into my takedowns … once I start wearing him down I’ll hold him there as long as I want. I’ve held better fighters down I believe. He’s an athlete and he and I scramble a lot so it’s also a timing matter…. In the later rounds, when he’s looking for a way out I’m going to give him a way out.”
– Clay Guida on Roger Huerta main event fight at The Ultimate Fighter (TUF) 6 Finale on December 8 via FOXSports.com.
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It really is difficult to please some people. Despite coming out victorious in all five of his UFC appearances — including stopping three of his opponents inside the distance — a fair amount of mixed martial arts (MMA) spectators remain skeptical about Roger "El Matador" Huerta's chances of climbing to the top of the 155-pound division.

Huerta has heard the criticism that he hasn't faced any stiff competition in the octagon, and that perhaps the UFC has fed the 24-year-old fighter less than stellar opposition to pad his record. Those are harsh words, especially when you take a close look at the list of opponents that make up Huerta's 21-1-1 record.

Still, Huerta couldn't care any less about what his detractors have to say.
"Everyone's allowed to have their own opinion," Huerta says nonchalantly.
The doubters point out that each of his five UFC foes — Jason Dent, John Halverson, Leonard Garcia, Doug Evans and Alberto Crane — were making their UFC debut, but Huerta knows how tough those guys are from firsthand experience. He's gone toe-to-toe with a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu world champion (Crane), an accomplished wrestler (Evans) and an iron-chinned scrapper (Garcia), and he found a way to win each time.
On top of that, Huerta took the Evans fight on just two weeks notice. "I don't think that's being protected," he says.
Huerta adds, "Before I made my UFC debut, no one knew anything about me. All over the world there are great fighters that haven't been exposed to the public."
The discussion could soon be moot as Huerta squares off against fellow contender Clay Guida on December 8 in the main event of the UFC's Ultimate Fighter Finale in Las Vegas. Guida (22-5), of Johnsburg, Ill., has a 2-2 record in the UFC, including a win over Marcus Aurelio — one of the few men to conquer lightweight kingpin Takanori Gomi — and two razor-thin and controversial decision losses to Din Thomas and Tyson Griffin.
A win over Guida would certainly end any doubt that Huerta can compete with the best in the lightweight division, and there's no doubt in Huerta's mind that his record in the UFC will remain unblemished.
"What I'm going to do with Clay Guida will be no different than my other fights," Huerta says.
Regardless of whether he has to rely on his striking, wrestling or submissions against Guida, Huerta feels he'll have the edge.
"Everything he has I can do way better," Huerta says confidently.
There's plenty riding on the outcome of this fight and Huerta knows it. In case fighting in a main event on national television watched by millions of people isn't enough, a win over Guida could put Huerta on the short list of title contenders. But Huerta is keeping his focus firmly on the task at hand and blocking out the distractions.
"I don't think about it," Huerta says. "The only thing I'm thinking about right now is Clay Guida."
Huerta, who trains in Minneapolis, Minn., credits coach Dave Menne — a longtime veteran of the sport and a former UFC middleweight champion — with much of his success.
"The guy has a ton of knowledge about the sport," Huerta says. "He's been a world champion and he even fought back before the sport had a lot of rules. He's seen it all, so he's a great teacher."
Menne's guidance was pivotal during Huerta's UFC debut. Entering the top organization in MMA for the first time can be overwhelming. Although Huerta says he wasn't nervous, it's easy to fall into the trap of feeling content by simply making it to the big show.
"I wasn't nervous, but it was more like, 'Oh my God, I can't believe I'm here,'" Huerta says. "(Menne) told me, 'You made it here, but now you've got to go out and win.'"
And win he did, with a high-energy, all-action style that would make the Energizer Bunny pass out from exhaustion. That's where Justin Hagan comes in. Hagan, who has a degree in biology, approaches Huerta's nutrition like a science experiment, seeking the right balance of nutrients to allow Huerta to recover from the rigors of training and push his body to the limit.
That's not too unusual in the world of professional athletics. What is unusual is that Huerta doesn't take any supplements other than whey protein, even though multivitamins and other supplements are virtually the norm amongst world class athletes.
Huerta says he prefers to stay as natural as possible in his training methods. "I believe in hard work," he says.
Considering the circumstances of his childhood, it's not surprising that Huerta has relied on hard work to accomplish what he has in MMA and his personal life. It was a difficult journey growing up, to say the least. Born in the rough neighborhoods of Los Angeles, Calif. Huerta endured a drug addicted father, homelessness and being bounced around to family members as far away as El Salvador, before finally finding the sport of wrestling and an English teacher in Minnesota named Jo Ramirez that would give him stability and hope.
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"It definitely makes me want it more," Huerta says, describing how his rough upbringing has enhanced his desire to succeed in his fighting career and overcome adversity. "You tend to find a way to dig deeper during the fight. You learn about how there's always a way to get out of any situation."
Now, not only is Huerta on the verge of UFC glory, but he's also a few credits away from earning his bachelor's degree in business management from Augsburg College.
"It'll mean a lot," Huerta says of graduating college. "I never really thought I'd graduate from high school, let alone college." Whatever you think of the quality of the opposition Huerta has faced thus far, it's safe to say that he's proven he can handle anything you throw at him.
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ELIAS CEPEDA/InsideFighting.com
Special to FOXSports.com, <!-- Meta Tag For Search --><!-- meta name="author" content="ELIAS CEPEDA/InsideFighting.com"--><!-- meta name="source" content="SpecialtoFS"--><!-- meta name="eventId" content=""--><!-- meta name="contentTypeCode" content="1"--><!-- meta name="editorContentCode" content="1"--><!-- meta name="blurb" content="Clay Guida is hoping his strength will be the key when he faces Roger Huerta in Saturday's Ultimate Fighter 6 Finale, says Elias Cepeda."--><!-- meta name="modDate" content="December 6, 2007 02:20:21 GMT"-->Updated 16 hours ago<SCRIPT> // front-end hack to remove postedTime from Rumors page until a better way can be determined if (document.URL.indexOf("/name/FS/rumors") != -1 && document.getElementById("postedTime") != null) document.getElementById("postedTime").style.display = 'none'; </SCRIPT> </TD><TD align=right><!-- next line IS JUST FOR UNIT - STANDALONE testing --><SCRIPT language=JavaScript1.2 src="/fe/js/site_wide.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT><SCRIPT language=VBScript>on error resume nextflash6Installed = (IsObject(CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6")))If (flash6Installed) then flash5Installed = TrueElse flash5Installed = (IsObject(CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.5")))End If</SCRIPT><SCRIPT language=VBscript>'This will scan for plugins for all versions of Internet Explorer that have a VBscript engine version 2 or greater.'This includes all versions of IE4 and beyond and some versions of IE 3.Dim WM_detect_through_vbWM_detect_through_vb = 0If ScriptEngineMajorVersion >= 2 then WM_detect_through_vb = 1End IfFunction WM_activeXDetect(activeXname) on error resume next If ScriptEngineMajorVersion >= 2 then WM_activeXDetect = False WM_activeXDetect = IsObject(CreateObject(activeXname)) If (err) then WM_activeXDetect = False End If Else WM_activeXDetect = False End IfEnd Function</SCRIPT><STYLE> .storyTools { background-image:url(/fe/img/Story/tools_bg.gif); background-color:#ffffff; background-repeat:repeat-x; background-position:top; height:40px; } .storyTools td { font-size:10px; font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color:#9b9b9b; text-decoration:none; } .storyTools td a:link, .storyTools td a:visited { font-size:10px; font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color:#1c67ba; text-decoration:none; } .storyTools td a:hover { text-decoration:underline; } .storyToolsHdr { font-size:11px; color:#75767a; } .storyToolsRoot { font-size:11px; color:#75767a; }</STYLE><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=303 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=storyToolsHdr style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" align=left> STORY TOOLS:</TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE class=storyTools height=40 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>
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There was a time when Clay Guida, a lightweight mixed martial arts fighter out of Northern Illinois, didn't know if he would ever get a call up to the "big leagues" of the sport; the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). When Guida did get his chance, a fight at UFC 64 against Justin James, he took the opportunity seriously and came out with a second-round TKO win.

Since that fight back in October 2006, Guida has fought three more times in the UFC, including back to back controversial decision losses to two of the division's best; Din Thomas and Tyson Griffin, and a decisive decision victory of his own against top five global lightweight Marcus Aurelio this past August. Guida has seemed to improve and supersede outside expectations with each subsequent fight and leave many wondering how the undersized scrapper gets it done.

But Guida isn't surprised at all by his success and says he owes it all to hard work and smart training. "Once we got (the call to fight in the UFC), we pulled out all the stops and I really believe one hundred percent that I've turned a corner with my training," says Guida a week before he'll leave Illinois for Las Vegas and a main event engagement with Roger Huerta on the Dec. 8 Ultimate Fighter 6 Finale card, televised on Spike TV.
In order to rise to the task of being a UFC headliner, the Gilbert Grappling team member Guida has integrated Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai training at the Midwest Training Center as well as intense physical conditioning work at the Institute for Human Performance. Guida says his training has come a long way from when he and his teammates used to simply beat on one another for hours on end. <STYLE>.moreTeamsDiv { position:relative; float:right; padding-right:10px;}.moreTeamsHdr { background-image:url(/fe/img/Story/moreTeamsOn_header.gif); background-repeat:repeat-x; background-position:top; height:35px; color:#000000; font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; padding-top:4px; padding-left:4px; font-weight:bold;}.moreTeamsLinks a:link, .moreTeamsLinks a:visited { color:#1266a4; text-decoration:none; padding-top:4px; padding-left:4px; padding-right:4px; padding-bottom:4px;}.moreTeamsLinks a:hover { text-decoration:underline;}.moreTeamLinks { font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; text-decoration:none;}.storyPoll { padding-bottom: 5px; float:right;}</STYLE>
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Guida has picked up "a lot of the technical things" and learned that top tier training is not only about "going into the gym and beating the hell out of each other for one and a half hours just to break a sweat. It's about kicking it back a gear or two, soaking it up and learning so that you can shine in the cage where it matters."
The cumulative effect of Guida's improved training has been an increase in what was already impressive conditioning. "I've really begun to feel it in the last month. My conditioning, strength and power are improving and all my teammates have seen that. They are telling me, ‘You are freaking strong'," says Guida.
Guida hopes that his strength will play a big role in successfully fighting Huerta, who is undefeated in five fights in the UFC. Even though Huerta sports the more nearly flawless career record and is more recognizable to fans thanks to magazine covers and television spots, Guida believes he matches up very nicely with the fighter out of Minnesota.
"I don't think he will be able to stop my takedowns," says Guida, who is known for his wrestling ability. "He fought Doug Evans who has good wrestling but he doesn't have half the wrestling I do."
In the fight with Evans Huerta found himself in trouble early after being taken down and giving up his back. To his credit, Huerta survived and went on to score a stoppage victory. But Guida believes he'll give Huerta even more trouble than just in the wrestling category of the fight.
"I believe I will be able to take him down but I will stand and throw until he makes a mistake. My takedowns come off of punches. Roger has a really wide stance and keeps his left leg forward quite a bit which leads into my takedowns," assesses Guida.
It's clear that Guida and his team have been dissecting Huerta's game carefully. It's also evident that they like what they see. Guida seems to believe he'll hold the better hand against Huerta in just about every aspect of the match up.
Taking an opponent down is one thing but keeping him down long enough to do damage, especially one like the hard scrambling and athletic Huerta, is another. Guida has no illusions of things being easy against Huerta, but he's confident that eventually he'll grind him down and achieve the desired result.
"Definitely," responds Guida when asked if he'll be able to hold Huerta down and control him.
"It may not be that way from the beginning but once I start wearing him down I'll hold him there as long as I want. I've held better fighters down I believe. He's an athlete and he and I scramble a lot so it's also a timing matter," says Guida. And despite the fact that Huerta has shown himself to be an aggressive striker, Guida believes he'll hold the technical advantage while on the feet.
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"Definitely. You can see a lot of his punches are hooks and looping punches. They are never straight down the middle. He also doesn't have a lot of coverage. He doesn't really throw leg kicks. He throws head kicks and body shots and yeah, that's great. That's him bringing the takedown on himself," Guida says.
And lastly, Guida believes having faced seemingly tougher competition in the UFC than Huerta lends him an experience advantage. All of Huerta's opponents in the UFC have faced him in their organization debut while Guida has faced the likes of Aurelio, Thomas and Griffin, each an experienced top level competitor.
The result? Guida is certain that he will have more answers as the fight with Huerta goes on and gets increasingly difficult. "In the later rounds, when he's looking for a way out I'm going to give him a way out."
NOT SURE WHO I LIKE IN THE ULTIMATE FIGHTER FINAL. I think the red head gets taken down and submitted via rear naked choke by Mac
NOT SURE WHO I LIKE IN THE ULTIMATE FIGHTER FINAL. I think the red head gets taken down and submitted via rear naked choke by Mac

Mac, as big of a douche bag as he is, is too experiencd and Tommy is too raw. Tommy is stll very young, 22, if he would get in with Team Quest or another wrestling based gym, he would be a heck of a fighter.
Not too familiar with either fighter.
I think GSP takes out Hughes again though which is a shame since I wanted him to fight Serra.
mac wins the TUF Finale over the farmboy.

i like guida to win the main event over huerta.

what are the other fights on the card???
I wanted to see Hughes/Serra too, but it will be nice seeing Hughes get bloodied up again. I think it was last night before TUF they interviewed him about the upcoming fight and he said, "well, it isnt the fight that I wanted, but".....doesnt sound too thrilled about this.

If you remember during the UFC that Serra KO'ed GSP, the camera panned over to Hughes and he was jumping saying, "I love it", he thought he had an easy road to the belt. Serra is easier than going through GSP. He wanted that Serra fight bad because he thought he would 100% beat him and he can sit his arrogant ass back up on top of the 170 lb division.
Main Event:
Clay Guida (22-8) vs. Roger Huerta (19-1)
Main card (televised):
170 lbs.: Mac Danzig (16-4) vs. Tommy Speer (9-1)
170 lbs.: Jared Rollins (5-3) vs. John “War Machine” Koppenhaver (4-1)
170 lbs.: George Sotiropoulos (7-2) vs. Billy Miles (2-1)
170 lbs.: Ben Saunders (4-0-2) vs. Dan Barrera (0-0)
Under card (May not be broadcast):
170 lbs.: Troy “Rude Boy” Mandaloniz (2-1) vs. Richie Hightower (7-1)
170 lbs.: Matt Arroyo (2-1) vs. John Kolosci (8-4)
170 lbs.: Roman Mitichyan (3-1) vs. Dorian Price (7-2)
170 lbs.: Paul Georgieff (5-1) vs. Jonathan Goulet (19-9)
Only 2 fights i want to see are Dan Henderson vs Anderson Silva
And Fedor vs Randy
besides that i could care less about the ufc right now zzzzzz
You and I are on the same page. Mac is a definate play and Huerta is a small paly for me.

-135 is cheap for Mac considering his skill set and number of fights.
UFC The Ultimate Fighter (TUF) 6 Finale betting odds: Free tips and advice from Desert Dog

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Desert Dog here with tips and “Smart Bets” for The Ultimate Fighter (TUF) 6 Finale this Saturday, December 8, at The Palms in Las Vegas, Nevada.
It’s a fight card that has been literally months in the making. And in about 24 hours we’ll get to see all the action and drama unfold for FREE on SpikeTV at 9 p.m. ET. This special event has some solid betting opportunities and we want you to take advantage of them before the lines narrow.
Let’s get to it.
Here are the “Smart Bets” for the TUF 6 Finale:

Main card picks:
(Note: + = Underdog, - = Favorite)Roger Huerta -115 (Bet $100 to win $86.96)
or -160 over 2.5 rounds (Bet $100 to win $62.50)
Jared Rollins -105 (Bet $100 to win $95.24)
George Sotiropoulos -500 (No action)
Ben Saunders -260 (Bet $100 win $62.50)

Preliminary card picks:
Richie Hightower -145 1/2 Bet (Bet $50 to win $34.48)
Roman Mitichyan -500 (No action)
Matt Arroyo -310 1/2 Bet (Bet $50 to win $16.13)
Jonathan Goulet -500 (No action)
NOTE: MMAmania.com recommends BetUS.com to place wagers (FREE $75 play with a deposit of $50 or more … you actually make money). However, Bodog.com is also a good place to bet and compare odds.)

As always — if you are going to bet — only play with what you are willing to lose.
There aren’t any standout values on this card except perhaps Tommy Speer (+120). Another relatively safe bet is to forgo picking a winner in the main event between Roger Huerta and Clay Guida and take the over/under to go past 2.5 rounds.
Now onto a more detailed breakdown of the fights for those bettors who require a little more reassurance.
Main card bouts:
Roger Huerta (-115) vs. Clay Guida (-115)
The question is can Guida win a decision over the Latino poster boy? Yes, but I don’t think he will.
“El Matador” may not have fought the names “The Carpenter” has, but he is undefeated in the UFC (5-0) and he finished three of those via technical knockout. Huerta’s biggest weakness in this fight is his submission game, by that I mean he’s very unlikely to finish this one with anything other than his fists. His wrestling and ground defense should allow him to keep this fight where he wants it — on the feet — at least enough to maintain control. He has more than shown this ability in his last three fights. Huerta’s takedown defense did seem exposed while fighting Evans, but he adjusted and poured on the aggression to win the bout in convincing fashion.
Guida shows tremendous pace and technical skill, but he has not demonstrated the ability to finish high level fighters. Guida’s last three fights went to decisions and although the fights were exciting and fun to watch, he never put them away. Clay has a solid submission game but it’s not good enough to finish Huerta — his standup is also good but it’s mostly defense and counter striking. Clay’s biggest strength has been his wrestling and ability to avoid being controlled on the ground. That won’t be enough to win against a skilled wrestler with good submission defense and excellent scrambling. Guida will push for ground control and leave all of his relentless energy inside the Octagon.
The stage is set for a great three-round battle for control.
Current odds have this one as a “Pick ‘em” fight, which is right on the money. I placed a bet when Huerta’s odds hit +125, but at this price it’s up to you. Overall the odds are very high that this fight will go the distance (-160 over 2.5 rounds), which might be your best value if you don’t want to pick a winner.
Prediction: Huerta via decision
Mac Danzig (-150) vs. Tommy Speer (+120)
TUF 6 coach Matt Hughes probably hit the nail on the head on this match up: “skill vs power.”
The one advantage I see building on the side of Speer is continuing to train with Hughes. I doubt he’s a submission specialist by now but this amount of time in Matt’s camp should have provided him with some solid defense against Danzig’s submission skills. Danzig’s best shot at a win is a submission, while farmboy’s best shot is by technical knockout.
If this goes to decision it could come down to the final round, Danzig is hoping Tommy will tire and make mistakes, but dealing with a fighter this much stronger for the first two rounds could leave him unable to take advantage of any errors. I think Speer may be the young new Matt Hughes protege and pull out this win. It may sound odd but having a motivated Hughes training Tommy is the edge in this fight.
Prediction: Speer via decision
Jared Rollins (-105) vs. John “War Machine” Koppenhaver (-125)
Another close fight.
Jared Rollins holds a slight strength advantage but he may be worried that beating the crap out of the “War Machine” will just lead to another upper decker. Damn these kids got bored fast. Rollins has great Brazilian jiu-jitsu training and experience including a fight under the Pride FC banner. There’s some question about his chin, but I don’t think that comes into play in this fight. Overall he has a slight edge on the ground where this fight is going to be often.
John has been through some very good training camps as well and has put together a very solid game in the cage. His biggest weakness still seems to be mental — his confidence is so up and down it makes me very nervous. He looked great against Speer, until he’d spent his load and got bulldozed. It looked like both physical and mental failure. I don’t think he’ll be able to catch J-Roc in an early sub and as the fight goes on look to him to fade.
Prediction: Rollins via submission
George Sotiropoulos (-500) vs. Billy Miles (+300)
Billy “please don’t hit me” Miles looked lackluster at best on the show. George’s skill and composure in the cage will easily translate into an early submission victory.
The odds do not provide enough value for a bet here.
Prediction: Sotiropoulos via submission
Ben Saunders (-260) vs. Dan Barrera (+200)
This rematch from the show is actually intriguing simply because of the characters. Ben Saunders — the very skilled Jeet Kune Do practitioner and all around goof ball — is paired up again with the ADD, god fearing loon, Barrera. I don’t see this fight going much differently simply because Dan is very inexperienced and one dimensional — he punches … that’s about it. Ben is very well rounded, healthy and knows what he’s facing. It adds up to a relatively easy pick, unfortunately it’s right on the edge for value. I’d prefer to get a return of more than 40 percent, but I’m placing a bet for the sake of action.
Prediction: Saunders via submission

Preliminary bouts:
Richie Hightower (-145) vs. Troy “Rude Boy” Mandaloniz (+115)
Hightower, annoying as he may be, has a much more well rounded game than Troy. If Richie sticks to a solid game plan of getting the fight to the ground and working subs he has a very good chance of pulling out a win. However, if he decides to make it a stand up battle he’ll eventually get knicked. I’m giving Richie the benefit of the doubt on this one and I’m putting a half bet on him.
Prediction: Hightower via submission
Matt Arroyo (-310) vs. John Kolosci (+250)
This match up again seems like strength vs, skill. Unfortunately for John if he gets the fight to the ground he’s in trouble whether he’s on the top or the bottom. Arroyo will be looking to showcase his skills and make up for dropping from the semifinals. The huge difference in skill levels will shine brightly in this fight. It’s not a great value above -300 but I’m adding another half bet.
Prediction: Arroyo via submission
Roman Mitichyan (-500) vs. Dorian Price (+300)
This one’s is all about the odds. Mitichyan is the favorite in this fight because of his sick judo skills, submission experience, and general ability to curse. But come on … an 80 percent chance to win?! Dorian’s record is decent, he’s got a very solid submission game himself (90 percent of his wins) and he’ll be sporting a significant reach advantage to go along with his solid striking and kicks. Ugh, I feel that Dorian should be around +200, but I’m not convinced that this is his night. The odds say make a bet on Price but my gut says NO.
Prediction: Mitichyan via submission
Jonathan Goulet (-500) vs. Paul Georgieff (+300)
To be honest I know almost nothing about Georgieff. He didn’t look too good on the show and as soon as he lost he basically vanished from the series except for a few blurbs about other fighters. Goulet has been on a roller coaster ride in the UFC, but he’s is at a much higher skill and experience level than Paul. The odds are too heavy for a bet, but the pick is easy.
Prediction: Goulet via technical knockout
mac simply ownd the farmboy. easiest money you could have made. congrats to those who got that at +$ or early.

also those were some great fights in huerta/guida and war machine/rollins.

the 3rd round comebacks in those absolutely action packed fights was just awesome. i thought both huerta and war machine were done but that extra heart and effort got them the wins and made those matches that much better.

looks like this board was on the right side of the main fights.

nice picking guys!!! congrats abc, mutosufan, liquid!!!

:cheers: :cheers:
A lot of people said when Mac was picked that the UFC was just setting it up for Mac's entrance into the UFC. And we all saw how much better Mac was than everyone else. Last season of TUF, Clay Guida was actually turned away because he was "too good".
abcs that picture is fuckin' sick!!!!!

i remember thinking guida looked possessed when i saw that part. i love it. such raw, intense emotion.
That's great. A few quickies here.

I have gotten my brother into mma and he called right after that fight and we were talking about Huerta had that crazed look in his eyes. Where we knew he was either going to knock Guida out or he was going to get knocked out. Awsome!

And they are talking about that over on another mma board I go to. So it is making it's way around.
Those idiots are still wanting to dis Huerta. He is one of the most down to Earth guys, skills, looks (this is why they dont like him), personality, great fights, great cardio and over on the mma boards they still say he sucks, he is lucky, it has even gotten a little racial now. This guy is a stud.
Dont have much time, but if that is the Huerta fight you can also go to mmaplayground and watch. They should have it for good there. Go to mma videos, type in one of their names and it will pop up.