Tuesday's NBA Plays...


The Truth Is Out There
12-8 (+5.11)

1-0 last night.

Brooklyn Nets at Denver Nuggets

The play...

Nuggets -11 (2 units)

Like the spot for Denver, decent 'situational' play.

Warrants a bigger play but will keep it standard for now.

Grande line but no harm in playing the -11.5, -12 or even -13.

Have it lined at 13.5, numbers say Nuggets by 15+.

Another decent situational play pops tomorrow as well...
A LOL finish right there, up 25 with 8 mins to go and end up winning by 8.

Nuggets a young and dumb team, refs obliged in that 4th quarter as well.

Gotta take the good with the bad in this league.

You're gonna get fucked every once in awhile.

Get it back tomorrow.
Sure was, Cog.

Never liked Will Barton, dude been shady since his Memphis days.

Dude thought he was Kobe in those final minutes something he sure as fuck ain't.

Pretty good spot tomorrow though to get it back.