Tuesday's Milleb...and a UEFA CL bonus


CTG Regular
Ended 1-3 and down 5.57 Sunday. Thanks to Clint Fucking Hurdle for taking Cole out when the guy had 2-3 more good innings him. The Pirate bullpen was great last year, but one statistic that fluctuates from year to year is bullpen ERA. The run last year was largely unsustainable going forward because of how many guys down in the pen had career years. Regression in 2014 was (and is) immiment. Now 33-33-1 and -0.47 on the year. Perfectly mediocre so far. Have to get it in gear soon if I want to have the year I did last in 2013.

Made the Reds a bit higher but missed the number this morning when they were fucking around with it on the exchange so will pass. Slight lean to Gee with all of the STL struggles on offense, but hard to bet against Wainwright and the Cards seemingly never lose two games in a row, let alone 3.

Atlanta doesn't score, doesn't concede and we get an "E" sighting tonight in Fulton County with the Marlins' best and a rising stud for the Bravos. I made this game 5.5u15 and am pleasantly surprised to go UN 6.5 at plus money.

The play: Braves UN 6.5 +101 medium 2u.

Detroit game a big setup, all the sharps, poker etc will be on the ChiSox if they aren't already. I can't see that for my life. Leesman is a LOOGY type guy, he doesn't belong as a starting pitcher in Detroit tonight. ChiSox have been raking most of the year and could give Zoo some fits, but I don't see the Tigers winning this game by 1 run. I will wait out the QT-types who are a cinch to bet Chicago +1.5 based on the math etc. and will lay the -1.5 when they are finished. I expect to be able to lay -1.5 -105 tops. Waiting it out until it goes down, but this will be for 2 units, and I'll get back in the thread at some point to update an official bet.

The continued infatuation with Salazar is hard for me to figure out, especially in a spot like this where he goes against a proven veteran, a top 5 pitcher in baseball. How can Big Game James possibly be a dog? A few people I respect say the game will go up and I might be able to take +110 or better, but fuck it, i'm not missing out on plus-anything with the Royals here.

The play: KC +105 (after commission) medium 2u.

Tanaka finally faces an offense with a pulse tonight; I expect him to struggle somewhat. The Molester seems to have things going good at this point, so expect the superior team laying the cheap price to get it done in this spot.

the play: Boston -110 medium 2u.

I like Martinez from what I saw from him in Tampa. PECOTA isn't nearly as bullish, lmao. Oakland has been beating up on mostly mediocre teams to solidify its standing as the best team in the league as of now. They found tougher sledding against Yu last night and I don't like Milone much either.

The play: Texas +152 medium 2u. (after commish).

I'm anti-McHugh but also not much on Ramirez either, as he has the "one bad inning" syndrome virtually every time out there. Pass.

GL today!

bonus - Chelsea and Atletico Madrid play today in leg 1 of a UEFA CL semi at the Estaduio Vicente Calderon. I expect Mourinho to park the bus and try to get the tie back to London on level terms. Both teams are the best defensively in their respective leagues in Spain and England. Both are very good at scoring off set pieces, but the defenses should take some of that away. Let's hope the ref lets them play. Any goals from the run of play would surprise me.

The play: UNDER 2 +113 medium 2u. Would take +110 or even +105 for the same. I'm calling for 0-0 or 1-0 tops.
with ya on Shields and that under, liked the BoSox but still not convinced by their offense yet
I owe you a few pipas for that soccer action.

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Detroit -1.5 -103 I got on Tigers after commission, for 2 units medium. Sorry for the late post, but I advised earlier. Official now for record-keeping purposes. They're down 1-0, bottom 1.
Any adjustment to Tanaka after tonights performance? I think he's the real deal.
He looks good DR....I think the real test will be when he isnt pitching with the lead to see how he handles that aspect....That is what I want to see...Molester just didnt have it tonight/Yanks hit em

he definitely has nasty shit though(disclaimer I am a Yanks fan)

not to answer for rex, just talkin bases:cheers: