

Pretty much a regular
LN: 1-3 -162
1st Half: 162-160 -980
2nd Half: 136-125 +1130

After a nice run, have now had 2 straight losing days.

Pitt RL 100/115

Minnesota 100/129

Cle/Boston over 9 122/100

Tor/Phil over 8 110/100

Cinc 120/100
Keying LAD in a bunch of 2 teamers...................

LAD with Pittsburgh 100/116

LAD with Milwaukee 100/138

LAD with SD 100/122

LAD with LAA 100/125
Wow sexy card bro,will be on a fewwith ya,love those overs sprinkled in with pirates,dodgers..
Milwaukee RL 100/155
Milwaukee TT over 4 125/100

Wash/Colo over 9' 100/105 (might be a sucker bet, but can't pass up a total under 10 at plus money in Coors)

SD RL 100/125

Sea/Texa over 9' 103/100

Det/Cubs over 8' 120/100