Tuesday Picks - 3 Unit play


Flying Frenchman
I do believe the planets are aligned perfectly for the habs to win tonight.

Montreal Canadiens -0.5 2.450 3 units
Montreal Canadiens -1.5 3.280

Tampa Bay Lightning -0.5 2.330
Tampa Bay Lightning -1.5 3.200:cheers:
GL Cat, sets up nice with Isles coming back etc and the Habs can only win on the road, lol. ... couldnt resist, since well the Leafs cant win anywhere.

Does this fall into the B.A.R. system for NBA in which a team has, in this case 5, away games followed by a home and immediate away? The away game is only in NJ, but I thought this looked like the system I briefly read about.
Does this fall into the B.A.R. system for NBA in which a team has, in this case 5, away games followed by a home and immediate away? The away game is only in NJ, but I thought this looked like the system I briefly read about.

Yes it does. I had mentioned it a couple of times already but I didnt want to overkill. Its true NJ cant be looked at as a road game really. But theres many other angles about this game. The Isles are off a big road win and the road team coming back at home after a long roadtrip is prone to lose their first game back; even moreso after a win. The habs are off a road loss. Huet is off a bad performance, he usually bounces back big right away.
Ill also add that under the pure form of BAR's system it is 2-0 so far this season. Also, the -at least 4 games on road- 1 game at home- 1 game back on the road 2 days after the home game is also 6-1 this year. Very nice hitting percentages.
OK, I guess that's my short term memory failing me again. Looks solid, it seems the Isles are bad after a win, as you mentioned, and the Habs pretty solid coming off a loss. Some other interesting tidbits that look solid too. Good luck
Thanks BAR and yes good luck to us. Thanks gsro, big herm, devil, SC...Im gonna add one more:

San Jose -0.5 2.200

Great price here in my opinion. SJ owns Phoenix, SJ is off a road loss and we know theyre beasts on the road.
Thanks guys, its nice to see my biggest play call didnt blow up in my face, I got to give some credit to BAR's system though, Id have played the game the same way but just one unit. I tell you I couldnt bear to watch the game, ended up playing pong on the computer lol My other picks went to the crapper though. But hey I been having a good run lately, certainly cant win them all. So my 3 unit play is 1-0 (+4.35) and the 1 unit plays went 1-3 (-0.72). Congrats to all that went along on the habs play.:cheers:
Nice job on the Habs last night and you are right about not being able to win them all. I was watching the NHL.com live update of the TB game and noticed that Tampa had a ton of shots in the third, but killed themselves with penalties in the 2nd and the goals that resulted. Amazing that they had 22 shots in the 3rd and couldn't avoid the shutout.