Tuesday Pick

Lets hope it goes better for me today than the last 2 days, well I took yesterday off...Lots of big games...For one I dont get Florida being a road fav in TB, first time this year Florida is a road fav...Boston-Toronto, another interesting tilt, no numbers out yet but its 2 cornered rats going at it...I think nashville and detroit get it done...Thoughts?
Phoenix is a good sized home underdog, wonder what kind of effort San Jose will bring...Washington in a must win against Carolina, I hope they get it done, the caps deserve it.
BOL, cat.
thanks for sharing your insights; it's really helped me enjoy the sport more. and i think you're going to get it done tonight.

I'd love to take Ottawa, but their goalkeeping recently... - everyone should know by now Buffalo only wins when they score 4 or more. Nothing about either OTT goalie says to me that I can feel comfortable neither will let in 4 or more. I feel like, you play OTT, you're betting on the under. I couldn't play under here.

BOL catfood.
I hear you BC. Though I dont know about judging Ottawa by yesterday's game, Montreal had a couple of lucky bounces that caused goals that put them behind the 8-ball right at the beginning. But like I said, I been on the wrong side last couple of days, I even got clobbered 3 times at some dice game over easter by my father in law; a game I usually win lol Any thoughts on the San Jose effort tonight BC?
I wouldn't touch SJ on the road again. As soon as that division title is def. locked up, I'll look to bet against them on the road. Until it is, I'll have to pass based on not knowing how desperate they are to seal matters.
I was thinking maybe Phoenix is worth a shot, cant see SJ being hell bent on securing home ice advantage.
i just saw the lines, and right now im liking the cbj/nash over today! gotta look into it more
There is a trend that I learned from someone when TB and Florida play the home and home, one team rarely wins both. So the trend would be to play TB tonight. I don't post very often, so take it for what it's worth.
ok, I get on this thread, see the first two plays and ask myself "but where is the Detroit Red Wings PL play" :D

Oh there it is :D

GL Cat ;)
There is a trend that I learned from someone when TB and Florida play the home and home, one team rarely wins both. So the trend would be to play TB tonight. I don't post very often, so take it for what it's worth.

Thanks for the input Cannon. Im staying away from the game personally.
Savard wont play for the bruins...I also put a little on Florida.

Toronto Maple Leafs -0.5 2.100 :shake:
The NYR ml has risen at my books a bit - is there a personnel issue for them?
small bet on NYR ml

OTT scored a goal from inside their own half, lmao
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oops. Just took another look at Gerber. 4-2 on Tuesday this year which I saw. 7-0 last year. Lazy Tuck may get the boot.
Rangers score 1.41 in
oops. Just took another look at Gerber. 4-2 on Tuesday this year which I saw. 7-0 last year. Lazy Tuck may get the boot.

I dont think you need to worry. Im watching the game and I dont know whats wrong with Ottawa but that team is not trying.
They dropped a whopping 20 cents at my book which has a history of huge line movers turning into ugly outcomes. BOL.

Oh, and gotta love that BUF defense - once again they must win scoring 4 or more, lose with 3 or less.
Would you believe I shut down my tv in the basement after it was 3-1 for Buffalo. Then I come on the computer and I didnt even see this comeback.
Would almost think its end of the line for Buffalo. Giving up 5 goals and a 2 goal lead with 6 minutes left in regulation. Are they going to be able to play at all remainder of the season?
Would almost think its end of the line for Buffalo. Giving up 5 goals and a 2 goal lead with 6 minutes left in regulation. Are they going to be able to play at all remainder of the season?

Well I dont know if the comeback was Ottawa being amazing or Buffalo sucking. All I know is Ottawa, they played possum last year and they are now as well or so I think.
Well Im down to Detroit to salvage a positive night. I think you Tuck had the draw in NYR, works out well after that Buffalo debacle.
..because once again their PP is in a total dysfunction mode. Broke my rule not to bet them, and paid for it, for the very reason my rule exists. Not again.

Jersey lost today because of a PP goal. I'll seriously look at them at NY in a couple of days. They dont have to fear being scored upon a man down.
my god. robbed by legace again.

he has been an absolute brick wall tonight.....like he usually is at home.

A bounce finally goes our way!!!! Sweet deflection, we'll take it


fuck, draper robbed on a breakway right after too.
we could have had #3 right there.

11 min left....