Tuesday Night

ljc I hope you are on it with thisone...I have had such a bad weekend...then mnf that I am afraid I will not be able to pay my internet, power, mortgage, insurance,car, or boat payments after I have my bookies....yes bookies, plural, I am getting bled to death over here. So should I lay off tonight?? or go for the DOG??
ljc I hope you are on it with thisone...I have had such a bad weekend...then mnf that I am afraid I will not be able to pay my internet, power, mortgage, insurance,car, or boat payments after I have my bookies....yes bookies, plural, I am getting bled to death over here. So should I lay off tonight?? or go for the DOG??

quit betting man. those things are a lot more important then these games. when u think u can win your money back u lose more. just stay away, pay all your bills save up some money. Read through the through the talkin shop forum till u get you get a bankroll. then come back with a new strategy, and make your bookie pay u.
ljc I hope you are on it with thisone...I have had such a bad weekend...then mnf that I am afraid I will not be able to pay my internet, power, mortgage, insurance,car, or boat payments after I have my bookies....yes bookies, plural, I am getting bled to death over here. So should I lay off tonight?? or go for the DOG??

Dude...if you can't pay your bills, you shouldn't be gambling. And if your going to gamble, only bet what you can afford to lose. Just we remember, most of us are degenerates and need action on a Tuesday night game. If this was a Saturday game, I guarantee most of us would pass on this game.
ljc I hope you are on it with thisone...I have had such a bad weekend...then mnf that I am afraid I will not be able to pay my internet, power, mortgage, insurance,car, or boat payments after I have my bookies....yes bookies, plural, I am getting bled to death over here. So should I lay off tonight?? or go for the DOG??

Buddy, I'm down a little this week as well. Went with the Wash. with you. I play a certain percentage of my bankroll every play. I don't chase, so I advise you lay off. I play em as they come.

Don't risk it and don't follow me if you do. I don't need the added responsibility.
LOL I love you guys...ok I am exagerating a bit...I have been gettin my ass kicked but I got the bills covered. and ljc I will use your posts only for amusement purposes!!!
With ya tonight, need the defense to show up here in the 2H. I also have the OVER so I'm torn here...