Tuesday MLB


Head of Loggerhead Turtle Society
updated record pending


Stl -105, 3 units (got number earlier and posted in daily thread)

It will be a playoff atmosphere in the Lou tonight.. Go to a game in South Florida on a Tuesday night in August. Then go to a game in the LOU on the same night and you'll understand the difference. The Milw choke begins IMO, just like last year.

Punk Braun's (and yes he is a punk albeit a very talented one) walkoff HR, watch it for 20 seconds , pull my shirt out bullshit in Brewers home sweep of STL a few weeks ago made this a huge motivational play for Stl IMO.. Agree, baseball is baseball and you can only do so much when revenge is in play but I refuse to believe Mil continues to dominate in Stl.

Sheets has been very ordinary and red hot Pujols owns him.. What do you want Wellenmyer to do?

Cards at home in a pick with hot pitcher and hot Pujols with very big revenge angle..Yep. Everytime

Lots more discussion on this in daily thread..

Sorry about the KC pick yesterday guys. First one I have really been way off on in awhile.. Happens.
yep rough start. "Only" 1:0 but two men on, 1 out, Ankiel and Glaus on deck and nothing, now Wellemeyer GIDP.

Not the best of starts but it doesn't have to mean anything.

Just hope Wellemeyer holds his part of the bargain.
IMO Todd gets nothing if he walks Braun and/or Fielder, you only get to pitch to Hart and sizzling hot Cameron.
ok this is insane by now.

Again runners on corners, 1 out and NOTHING.

Heard of sac flies La Russa? Fuck.
Cards do this every game. They get the pitcher up with runners in scoring position and then the #9 guy strands the runner out also.

Then when the pitcher and #9 hitter gets on Pujols and his crew always strike out and also strand the runners--

Cards are an all or nothing O, any good pitcher can shut out the cards easy, walk PUJOLS every time and that is it, they have no hitters, Glaus is washed up, pitcher batting 8th, makes no sense also.
I'd say they've got pretty good hitters in Shumaker, Ludwick, Ankiel (who is out of form at the moment but still) Glaus and Pujols.

Name 1 team in NL sans the Cubs with a better lineup.
also, Sheets didn't exactly shut them down, 5 hits, same as Wellemeyer.

The difference here is, they missed all their chances, 2 runners on, 1 out and NADA. Zilch.
Cards should have some runs, they need to get more aggressive and drive in runners with sac flies. Also they need to stop swinging at pitches out of the zone-

Unreal stupid play not throwing to 1st base there-- Thinking the cards are done, they are playing way too tight and not loose tonight
The key will be this Schumaker guy, if he can get on and Ludwick does something, they will walk PUJOLS, then its up to ANKIEL and GLAUS--

Looking at Schumaker, Ludwick, Ankiel and Glaus and you can tell how well the Cards did and how many runs they score. Pujols is a non factor in tight games, because they will pitch around him and walk him usually.
Yeah true if a pitcher can hit his spots, this lineup is not scoring anything, sheets has done it in critical spots, Cards IMO are only good vs struggling command pitchers,
Yep Cards are done-- they have the worst clutch hitters, they are crap, they foul pitch after pitch and then strike out. Sheets is going through them like they are a minor league team, he is pitching at a super fast pace, and Cards are just sucking

This team has horrible hand eye coordination, hit fly balls or strike out over and over
Cards should have won this game, they had chances early and were unlucky. Overall it was the right side, and I am positive they will probably win big tomorrow night over the BRew Crew-

These things happens in baseball, when you don't capatalize, but we were on the right side and will win most of the time. Would be nice though if the Cards show up at home soon.

We will get them back as Cards are better than what they showed today.
Cards should have won this game, they had chances early and were unlucky. Overall it was the right side, and I am positive they will probably win big tomorrow night over the BRew Crew-

These things happens in baseball, when you don't capatalize, but we were on the right side and will win most of the time. Would be nice though if the Cards show up at home soon.

We will get them back as Cards are better than what they showed today.

agreed. Not sure I back them tomorrow though, think I'll skip and hit myself with a hammer instead. :D
I bet them and lost. How are they the right side when they lost 12-0 ? They had blown chances absolutely but Ben Sheets is an All Star SP and for as good as Wellenmeyer has been well he is Todd Wellenmeyer AKA 5th SP material . Yes, STL is a good team but so is MILW ...its a toss up and it lost

Milw had dropped the last 2 Sheet starts and well I am sure an SP of his quality is aware of that. Milw has there number for now . We paid to fade an ACE SP and well we STL dropped the ball it happens . Cant see STL as cheap as last time Sheets laid -120 @ STL when he was truly lucky to win as the Cards pen blew it . The Cards have improved since then but I guess not enough .....

I just think its best to rexamine the situation and ask what was a bad sign ....like MILW opening favored and closing as the dog ...

Do think its a blessing STL lost 12-0 today . I am not sold on Wainright's health but I'll take just about vet team after they get shutout in a blowout with a DD margin . Factor in it was home ......

I'll bite gimme STL ace when 100% healthy vs Milw # 5 SP at 30cents more then the opposite oftoday after this embarrassment .....if STL loses they have no heart ......think its a great spot to play STL now..... :cheers:
The everlasting argument :D.

I'm not saying it was the right side in correlation to the game, as it obviously lost, but BEFORE the game, meaning before the 1st pitch we had only that much info to deal with.

STL surging lately, hitting .312 with RISP in the last 15 days, .355 v RHP, having a better part of the pen available for the game, revenge off a sweep a month ago, divisional rivalry, Sheets regressing + the team not getting him any run support, Fielder in a funk, Braun off an injury...Wellemeyer improving drastically...

but the biggest thing for me was revenge spot in a divisional rivalry game and the Cards being 3.5 GB
But what can you do when they squander runners on corners, 1 out THREE TIMES.

Once 1:0 down, once 3:0 and once 5:0 down.

Get a sac fly and a double there and it's a new ballgame.

They got nothing. You can't cap that I wrote about it. I don't "like" the Cards more than Milwaukee I'm unbiased 100%, I don't care for any of the teams even if I do tend to follow the M's and the Angels a bit more but if it makes money I'm going to fade them every time.

So before the game I feel STL was the right side.

After the game, well 0:12 is never the right side but it was anyone's game through 6 or even 7 innings until MIL got up 5:0, then it was far fetched to think STL gets back...

they just imploded then, MIL went on steamrolling them. Not sure if La Russa would have used those arms from the pen and would they muster such an under par effort had the Cards tied the game at 3 for instance

but again we're talking two different standpoints, I'm talking without correlating to the game, just dealing with pregame info, STL was the right side.

MIL won so MIL backers obviously knew better and expected them to roll. They do own STL this season and even back to the last to some point so it's not something to disregard...

anyways, I'm not backing STL tonight, GL