Tuesday May 8


Blame it on the boogie
really likin the suns here

+297.6006 units

Cavs 2nd H -1.5 (-105) Nets- 11.25 units to win 10 win<!-- / message -->
Cleveland -3 (-130) NJN- 19.5 units to win 15 win
--Cleveland -4 NJN- 10 units to win 10 win
Detroit ML(check)/Phx ML: 20 units to win 19.898 units win
Teaser: PHX pk, GS +9 (check)- 9.6 units to win 8 win
Teaser: PHX pk, GS +8 (game 2)- 16.5 units to win 15
1st Q Suns -2 (-115) Spurs- 47.35 units to win 41 lose
--1st Q Suns -1.5 (-125) Spurs- 5.5 units to win 4.4 lose
1st H Suns -3 Spurs- 33 units to win 30 win

so far:
+62.9051 units

looking to play Phoenix 1st Q, 1st H, and whole game huge
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Suns here is the 2nd best spot I've found in these playoffs: the first being Warriors in game 3 against Dallas.

Suns should cruise here, its hard to make a big bet against the Spurs, especially giving them points, but this spot is too good to ignore.

Suns cannot/will not go down 0-2 to start this series. Don't get me wrong, I think the Spurs are the better team, as shown thru my huge series bet on SA. I also have SA in 6 games. so far so good: game 1: Spurs, game 2: suns, then the rest just goes by homecourt.
Thanks guys. This game will probably be the biggest of my career of yet. Playoffs have been good to me, so have the money to cover a big loss. Don't know whether to buy it now or wait a bit. I'm guessing it'll be distributed somehting like

1st Q: 35 units
1st H: 15 units
(already have about 28 units in parleys/teasers)
30 units to win 20 at -3
30 units at -5

really have high expectations on the Suns here, but we'l have to see. Might even decide to small it out
Thank for the luck guys. After a night sleep, I'm not gonna be playing this one as ridiculously large

Troutman: thank you for your ongoing advice. I still remember our talk before of money management, but then also the other oart of me is pushin me. I'll have to see, but thanks for all the help and concern
and I chase and chase

2nd Q Suns -2.5 (-140)- 11 units to win 7.8571
--2nd Q Suns -3.5 (-115)- 15.75 units to win 15