Tuesday Bases


CTG Psychiatrist - Dr. Tim
YTD Record
Parlays 5-10, -1.47
Favs 29-17, +9.18
Dogs 7-10, -2.31
Totals 16-21-2, -6.61
1 RL 6-8-4, -3.68
1.5 RL 0-1, -1.15
1st 5 Totals 5-0, +5.0
1st 5 Sides 7-2-4, +5.85
1st 5 RL 6-4, +1.6
Grand Sal. 0-1, -1.1
Team Totals 5-8-1, -4.45
Overall 86-82-10, +0.81

1-3 on Mon and continuing to slide.

Nats -1 -124 1.5*
TB 1st 5 +125 1*
LAD -130 1*

GL on the action :badass:
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Thanks guys, Jordan has been really good this year and especially at home. Hoping the Nats can get their offense going.
gonna have to wish you health on this one as the suckers continue to plow away on Washington (or against the Mets?)... here's to a good rest of the week and GL on anything else you might add except Baltimore :shake:
looking into this one myself...really like the LA momentum going into tonight...Gonzalez looked like a little kid last night jumping up and down when they made the last out but Lilly could give it up the ass in a tee-ball game at any time...if you have any other angles on this one please let me know if ya have the time
looking into this one myself...really like the LA momentum going into tonight...Gonzalez looked like a little kid last night jumping up and down when they made the last out but Lilly could give it up the ass in a tee-ball game at any time...if you have any other angles on this one please let me know if ya have the time
Coach was at the Nats gm tonight so wasn't around but fwiw I liked LAD vs. LH's at home where they have done very well and historically against Clayton Richard. SD has never hit Lilly particularly well and struggle vs. LH's on the road.
very sound...that's one of the angles I try to look at but many times I get caught up in pitchers and my xera numbers...I played LAD tonight and just saw the kid tie it up with a 439 ft bomb...I have the last leg of a 7 teamer to play (left over from CWS and Softball WS) and am leaning towards LAD again tomorrow with Kershaw on the mound against a subpar pitcher at best, if they pull this out tonight I will most certainly pull the trigger on LA and ride the Puig momentum...any thoughts you have on tomorrow's LA matchup I would be grateful...gl on your plays