Tuesday Bases w/writeups......


Brian Windhorst
Thanks SN
MLB 2007

37-17 (+61.9 UNITS)

Last 21 games- 18-2-1

***all plays are based on 4 units unless other wise noted***

OK this has been popular question..."Why do you post this at the top of your thread? Why don't you make your units 1 instead of 4? There are a few reasons why I do this: 1) For what I am betting, it is easier for me to keep track of and translate to cash- for my records. 2) 4 units is not the only ammount that I play on the game. 4 units is probably about the average I play on a game. I do not want to mess with decimals into the hundreths so I just usually play an even number ammount of units. 3) I post it, so when you look at my record with units, you realize that I usually play 4 units on each play. Therefore my Units could move a lot in one night 4) Right now I am only playing a few games a day. As the season wears on, I will play more games...sometimes I will forget to put units so I will always have that as backup- for those not familiar with my plays.

Games that I post the night before, usually will use stats prior to that night's games. I do take into effect(in my thougth process) what transpired that night.

New York Mets/Philadelphia UNDER 9 (8.8-8)

I have to get back to school but I do have one that I want to throw out there....insert Glavine wherever you see Maine...lol do not have time for another w/i but I love this game for some of the reasons listed below...also both teams have had 2 off in a row so everyone will be available in the pen....this is my writeup from yesterday when it was supposed to be Maine vs Garcia...

Both of these comes into this game after getting rained out yesterday. New York has surprised me with their inconsistancy this year. I have come to expect that out of Philadelphia. They Phillies come into this game with a 3-8 record.

Freddy Garcia will get the start for The Phillies. Garcia's only start against the Mets was back in 03 where he pitched a 1 run CG. He has been in the American League and many of these Mets hitters have barely seen him, if at all. Garcia has had a great career facing many tough offensive teams in the AL (8 year caree with 4.00 ERA). I look for him to have a good year in this NL East.

Opposing Garcia will be John Maine. In his previous 2 starts Maine has put together a 1.54 ERA and a 1.200 WHIP. He is quietly turning into a very solid pitcher in this league. Maine has had prior success against the Phillies: In his L3 (including earlier this year) he has put together a 2.35 ERA and his team has won all 3. In all outtings he is 2-0 and his team is 4-0 against the Phils.

Yes the Mets do have some good offensive numbers: 6 per game on the road, 5.4 overall....batting .279 in all games and .287 on the road. Surprisingly, they have struggled against righties though. In 8 games they are hitting .256 and are scoring 4 per. Also, they have struggled in their L4 games (2,3,2,5 runs per).

Do not have much time left so here it is:

Philly has some decent offensive stats but have struggled against Maine...

NY has one of the best pens in all of baseball....

Philly also has a solid pen, who pitches even better at home.....

4-1 final

Should have a couple more later...BOL all :cheers:
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Cleveland Indians +110

Ok I know that the Indians bats have not been roaring like they usually do. Yes I get that but what other way to wake them up than against AA pitcher? Chase Wroght gets the start for tha Yanks. It will be his major league debut, as he jumped AAA. He has had great stats in the minor leagues, but so did Fauston Carmona (look at him now). Wright is a big prospect, but to lay 130 on your ML debut, at Yankee stadium???? It is is ML Debut isnt it? That is upsurd, especially with an inconsistant team that is struggling. L L W L W W L L W L -that is the Yanks so far this year. They have been hitting but that is about it. I know this Wright guy pitched 6 good innings against the A's in Spring Training- yes I get that, but Yankee Stadium is WAYYYY different than Florida(or wherever it was).

The Tribe have 2 factors working in opposite ways tonight. On the road, they have absolutely crushed the ball- 7.7 runs per BUT against lefties they are only getting 2.7 per...Something has got to give tonight. Also, these stats are just for 3 games each.

Westbrook got beat up in his first go around this year- 7 runs in 5 innings against CWS. Last game he pitche a lot better 6 innings 2 runs...

X factor will be Westbrook. He has been very good and tough on Yankee hitters in the past. In his career he has a 1.74 ERA against the Yanks. Two out of his L3 against NYY he has given up 0 runs.

X FActor 2- Victor Martinez
Guys he is a beast and really defines the Indians lineup.. They struggled without him in that number 4 slot.>.. He is supposed to return tonight and will give a boost to this offense. Also, the Yanks will have to give Pronk pitches to hit....

I like the Tribe to handle this game....Sorry for this shitty writeup but I really do have to bounce....

Will have maybe some more later....BOL ALL:cheers:
YesSir, this is a fantastic record there man, and hitting 37 out of 54 is just top notch.

Love the writeups as well. I might tail on one or two tonight as well. GL :shake: :cheers:
YesSir, this is a fantastic record there man, and hitting 37 out of 54 is just top notch.

Love the writeups as well. I might tail on one or two tonight as well. GL :shake: :cheers:

Thanks bro....gl to you as well:cheers:

18-2-1 is dilerious! WOW!

Thanks...gl tonight :cheers:

Glavines going tonight for the Mets, not Maine....

lol i knew there would be at least one....read the first paragraph

Thanks SN...GL to you tonight:cheers:
Chicago White Sox -140
UNDER 9(2.2-2)

OK, like the Cubs(as stated yesterday), I get that the White Sox are struggling. They have way too much power in their lineup to struggle all year IMO.

Robinson Tejeda will get his first start against the White Sox. He has already had 2 outtings- the best of both worlds. In his first outting he shut out the Boston Red Sox for 7 innings, allowing just 5 base runners. In his last outting he got shelled by no other than the TB Rays- 5 innings 6 runs and 10 hits. So will the real Robinson Tejeda please stand up? The first game he pitched great but was facing a struggling lineup. On stat that stands out to me is that he has only K'ed 5 batters in 12 innings. If he lets runners on against he Sox, he will be in trouble.

Jon Garland gets his 3rd start of the season tonight also. Like Tejeda, he has a good and a bad outting. 5.3 innings 5 runs against the Indians in his first outting and 7 SO innings in his second. Though his career stats against the Rangers are not superb, he has dominated them recently: 3 game - 20.3 innings 5 runs! I like Garland in this spot- he is a solid veteran, coming off of a great year, that understands the Sox need this series.

Both, usually powerful, offenses have been struggling a little this year. Rangers have been solid of late, bringing their runs per up close to 5. On the road they have been awful: .193 average and 3.5 runs per! Chicago is only getting 3.5 runs per and are batting .222 on the season! They bring this up to 4 per at home.

Both pens have done well early in the season: CWS 3.10 ERA and 3.28 at home. Texas' 3.63 ERA is good but suffers drastically on the road(5.59)....

Though the Sox are only averaging 3.5 runs per, they are only allowing 3.8 per....

Batters are hitting .287 off Texas pitching this year...

In road games teams are hitting .310 against Texas and are scoring 6.8 per.....

In their L7 opponents are scoring 6.6 against Texas...compare that to the 2.7 teams are scoring against CWS....

In their L7 CWS are only averaging 2.7 runs per game....Texas= 5.9....

I think this game stays under...5-2 Sox

Think that is it for me.....BOL all :cheers:
The PUSH in the ChiSox game was much more unlucky than your push in Philly. THat game should have gone flying over. Men were left all over bases and balls were hit hard that should have dropped in that didn't. It could have easily been 11-6...

The ChiSox game, you got torched by the pens. Always a risk in this game.

And I fell into the Tribe trap; I had most of my OVER money in that game tied to a parlay with CLE...

Get 'em tomorrow brother...