Tricky Traingle

thanks guys

+3 yesterday
YTD +221.35

the odds are so tight on harvick and kyle right now it's hard to justify.
going to try and ride the older brother Kurt, JJ (they seem to be getting closer) Hamlin and throw a little on jones
we shall see
to win
Kurt Busch 5 = 110
JJ 4 = 230
Jones 5 = 110
Hamlin 4 = 66

Top3/top 5/ top 10
Hamlin 4 = 15.6 / 4 = 8
Kurt B 4 = 22 / 4 = 9
JJ 4 = 60 / 4 = 20 / 5 = 8.75

kurt b o bowyer 10 =11.5
kurt b o logano 10.5 = 10
Hamlin 10 = 12.5
jj o suarez 11.5 = 10
jj o chase 10 = 15

best of luck to everyone
-17.25 today. could have been much worse. Needed JJ to make it in the top 5
YTD - +204.10