Tressel: Beanie "doubtful" (Now OUT)

Take every Beanie update with a grain of salt. Tressel is fucking with USC and the media. Do you really think he isn't in complete control of this situation and every bit of information that comes out isn't completely calculated?

I'm still not sure the whole thing isn't a complete hoax and Wells is 100% on Saturday. It's a much bigger game for tOSU than USC and I think the Bucks cover, if not win outright.

Don't believe ANY updates on Wells. I'm just being as honest as I can. Is there any coincidence that every report is different from the last?
The last time I read about Wells he was said to be "75%" ready to go
I just got USC-10 (-122). It's really going to be a tough game for OSU now, as I thought it was before. I see USC winning by 14-17. It will be tough for our offense, so will probably be on the under as well. USC should be able to shut the running game down to practically nothing, and if you want to play OSU you're putting your money on Boeckman to make some big plays. USC, under, or no play imo.
Totally agree Mort.

That being said, if better information comes out Saturday most likely their will be even more value presented.

Def. a mind game but too risky because if he doesn't play or is really banged up then this is an ugly outcome imo.
this scares me. i think it may be mind games the other way. there's plenty of rumors out there that the tendon was ruptered and he's unable to play all season. that picture that jump (i think) posted seemed to prove otherwise then we get the positive report so i went ahead and placed the wager and then this...really fuckin with me...couldnt' they have waited an hour longer before i tied up my money....fuck!
Even if he does play i don't think there is enough fire power for OSU to cover unless they really shut USC down to nothing...I have a bad feeling about this game.
The Guy at the Presser from Scout who reported it had this to say........

Just an observation from today...

If Jim Tressel is sandbagging, give the man an Oscar after an OSU win on Saturday because he sure as heck did not look very upbeat today. It's just how I saw it, but he seemed a little deflated talking to us today about Beanie.

Like I said, that was just my perception, but he didn't look or sound like normal Jim Tressel.
Take every Beanie update with a grain of salt. Tressel is fucking with USC and the media. Do you really think he isn't in complete control of this situation and every bit of information that comes out isn't completely calculated?

I'm still not sure the whole thing isn't a complete hoax and Wells is 100% on Saturday. It's a much bigger game for tOSU than USC and I think the Bucks cover, if not win outright.

Don't believe ANY updates on Wells. I'm just being as honest as I can. Is there any coincidence that every report is different from the last?

Tressel is not a guy that plays mind games or is intentionally deceitful. If he says he's doubtful, thats exactly what he means. Look for pryor to play quite a bit and for the bucks to chuck it in spread formations... makes me even less confident in their chances than I was earlier in the week. this sucks.
That sure looked like an achilles tear from the get-go. Wasn't the ultimate diagnosis I guess, but sure looked like it.
Damn.. Now the question is how high will this line go up..

Do I see a +12 on the horizon..
Well, if he practiced this week, I can guarantee you he doesn't have a torn achilles.

I don't believe for a minute that Tressel is sandbagging; if he says Beanie is doubtful, then I believe him. A foot injury to a RB really compromises him and even if he does try and play, he'll surely be limited. Hell, is he even making the trip?! When are they flying out, today or tomorrow?
Beanie will play and will be fine saturday. I dont post much but you can ask collegekingrex that my info is usually reliable... I know from a very reliable source that beanie is fine and he flat out said.. "There is nothing wrong with beanie" Take it for what you want.. Im not revealing the source and Im not going to get into one of those arguments about whether Im one of those people who post trying to fool people or make people believe something to boost my ego or make people think I know people etc... just trying to help fellow gamblers thats all
I wonder why Tress said Beanie was 75% yesterday and good to go?? Tress knew he would be sore today, it just seems odd that he would be premature and switch within a day from definite to doubtful unless he reinjured it, instead of the basis of just being sore.

At the same time I'm not sure if Tress would pull a Belichek like that.

--Not sure what to think, some with "sources" are claiming it's fine while others with "sources" are saying it's worse than anyone is letting on.
Beanie will play and will be fine saturday. I dont post much but you can ask collegekingrex that my info is usually reliable... I know from a very reliable source that beanie is fine and he flat out said.. "There is nothing wrong with beanie" Take it for what you want.. Im not revealing the source and Im not going to get into one of those arguments about whether Im one of those people who post trying to fool people or make people believe something to boost my ego or make people think I know people etc... just trying to help fellow gamblers thats all


and airbakin's pic is pretty eyeopening.
Beanie will play and will be fine saturday. I dont post much but you can ask collegekingrex that my info is usually reliable... I know from a very reliable source that beanie is fine and he flat out said.. "There is nothing wrong with beanie" Take it for what you want.. Im not revealing the source and Im not going to get into one of those arguments about whether Im one of those people who post trying to fool people or make people believe something to boost my ego or make people think I know people etc... just trying to help fellow gamblers thats all

Well, I'm not saying your source isn't credible, but I have talked to guys that were at practice yeserday and this morning that have said he definetly was NOT 100% yesterday, and was very sore this morning. He was on the plane that left a short while ago and he is expected to dress. I take it as even if he does play, he won't be the horse we are used to seeing and probably only as effective as some of the healthy guys.
lmfao at the sandbagging and he said she was all a guess until the kid practiced..

Yesterday was the first time he did that and they would monitor the soreness...the 75% comment came from Bollman who said as practice wen't along it starting flaring up on him...they would monitor and see today.

He was much sorer today and didn't take part in the mornign practice, the last one before the trip...they are about to fly out now..

Sure all the soreness could go away...but it's doubtful....Beanie will be in Tressel's ear no doubt...he was last Saturday...but anyone who knows Tressel knows he errors on the side of caution most of the time.

It's better than 50/50 he won't play...I would cap it assuming he won't...
Adding, you can't bet your bottom dollar Chris will be on Tress and Doc and the rest of the staff that he's playing...

It will be interesting if he can't get Tress to listen...there's a reason he always advises eligible draftees to bolt if it's in their best interest...he's the anti Bud Kilmer and extremely conservative by can bet Tress will tell Beanie if he allows him to go it's against his best interest.
Does this really change things that much? I know Beanie is good, but isn't this game really going to come down to who controls the LOS? I think USC wins this game in the trenches whether Beanie or Maurice Clarett or Eddie George or whoever plays at RB on Saturday. Am I way off here?
I think the difference Galt is Beanie can make a crease into a long run ...or just about will some runs...w/ the younger kids saine and boom the holes need to be a little rather than control the LOS, tOSU prolly has to dominate it...also Mo wells just isn't big or physical enough for the LB's usc will throw at ya...tOSU has to stay with the run successful or not for Boeckman to be at his best...

But yes, OL play is the key on both sides..overrated/underperforming OL vs young/inexperienced/untested OL..
I agree with jump. If you've seen wells play, he doesn't need much room to operate and is a load. It takes about 3 steps for him to be at max speed and if you get in his way he will punish you. I heard carroll compare him to jonathon stewart, but in all do respect to jonaton stewart which was tough at oregon, he is no comparison to wells when healthy.
Does this really change things that much? I know Beanie is good, but isn't this game really going to come down to who controls the LOS? I think USC wins this game in the trenches whether Beanie or Maurice Clarett or Eddie George or whoever plays at RB on Saturday. Am I way off here?
Watch this video and you'll see more what I takes beanie two steps to get going but if he does it's 5 yds minimum...

also most big runs are cutbacks...the younger backs aren't there yet..

also if beanie doesn't go, Tress has way more confidence in Mo Wells...esp because he's the best in pass pro and USC blitzes a TON...but he's the worst of the four at running our offense..esp between the tackles..

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No updates yet today...
<TABLE class=formWrapper style="WIDTH: 95%; HEIGHT: 100%"><TBODY><TR><TH class=formHeader vAlign=top><TABLE id=tableHeader width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD class=defaultFont align=left>General Alert! </TD><TD> </TD><TD class=defaultFont align=right> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TH></TR><TR><TD style="PADDING-RIGHT: 2px; PADDING-LEFT: 2px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 2px; PADDING-TOP: 2px" vAlign=top align=left>Time/Date: 09/12/2008 09:10:00 PM
Cicled Game: 167 Ohio State @ USC
Ohio State RB Chris Wells (toe) downgraded to out for Saturday vs USC

Tressel's comment: "He would cut his foot off for these guys, but I don't think as I listen to the medical people that it would be the right thing to do. I don't think he'll ever speak to me again, but I think it will be the right thing to do."
For you conspiracy theorists....

Does Tress hold him out so later in the season he can pick up some more votes for the MNC by saying "Yeah, we lost to USC, but Beanie didn't play and he would have made a difference..." if this is the only game they lose? I know most of you will dismiss this off-hand, but the team I watched last weekend doens't have a prayer of beating USC, even with a 75% healthy Beanie. I know it sounds crazy, but wouldn't this be a good strategy in terms of getting votes in the polls at the end of the year if it's them and someone else with 1 loss?
For you conspiracy theorists....

Does Tress hold him out so later in the season he can pick up some more votes for the MNC by saying "Yeah, we lost to USC, but Beanie didn't play and he would have made a difference..." if this is the only game they lose? I know most of you will dismiss this off-hand, but the team I watched last weekend doens't have a prayer of beating USC, even with a 75% healthy Beanie. I know it sounds crazy, but wouldn't this be a good strategy in terms of getting votes in the polls at the end of the year if it's them and someone else with 1 loss?

give me a break, dude. the kid is hurt and thats it, there is nothing self-serving behind it.
Yeah, he is hurt..but defense wins games anyways..USC has a great one, OSU's is better.
give me a break, dude. the kid is hurt and thats it, there is nothing self-serving behind it.

You act like this is something that would never happen in CFB, yet we see politicking by coaches at the end of every year with this ridiculous BCS system we have. Not saying it's true, just throwing it out there.
Never is REALLY hard to believe...but Tressel is a pretty honest guy.
Chris Wells Out For USC Game

By Bucknuts Staff
Posted Sep 12, 2008

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Beanie Wells
The fears of Buckeye fans everywhere have come true -- running back Chris "Beanie" Wells will not play against top-ranked USC. OSU head coach Jim Tressel informed media members earlier this evening that he has decided to keep Wells on the sidelines against the Trojans. (Note: Story updated at 10 p.m. Eastern)
At about 6 p.m. Pacific time (9 p.m. Eastern), Ohio State head coach Jim Tressel emerged from his team's walkthrough at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum and broke the bad news to the media that running back Chris "Beanie" Wells will not play against USC.
"He would cut his foot off for these guys, but I don't think as I listen to the medical people that it would be the right thing to do," Tressel said. "I don't think he'll ever speak to me again, but I think it will be the right thing to do so we won't have Beanie tomorrow."
The 237-pound Wells, a 1,600-yard rusher last year and preseason Heisman Trophy candidate this year, injured his right foot in the season opener against Youngstown State.
Tressel was asked if it was a tough decision to sit Wells.
"It is because these kinds of opportunities for kids don't happen every day," Tressel said. "He was working so hard. He was getting treatments 50 times a day. I just think my job is to keep the best interests of each youngster in mind. I think it's the right thing to do as I listened to the medical people."
Tressel was asked if Wells fought him on that decision.
"Beanie is such a great kid," Tressel said. "If looks could kill, he fought me. But Beanie is a team guy. If you tell him to come out of the game so you can put somebody else in, he comes out of the game and somebody else runs the ball.
"He's hoping to get back in the game fast, but it won't be tomorrow."
Tressel said he told the team of the decision after the walkthrough at the Coliseum.
"Everyone does different things with their minds," the coach said. "But it's real and I thought it was important that our guys know that that's what I felt we needed to do. Everyone will handle it their own way."
OSU played without Wells last week against Ohio U. and struggled to a 26-14 win. The Buckeyes amassed just 273 yards total offense and had difficulty rushing the ball for nearly three quarters against their MAC opponent.
Tressel was asked if Wells' absence would dramatically change the OSU offense.
"There were some things that Beanie can do only like Beanie can do," Tressel said. "But that doesn't mean that some other guys can't do them."
Tressel was asked if Wells was cleared medically and then it was the coach's call to sit him.
"Medically, typically, the doctors will tell guys, 'Hey, here is my opinion, but it is all on how you feel,' " Tressel said. "So I just think as I listen to the doctors and think about the situation, a decision had to be made."
When asked who would replace Wells, Tressel said, "I would think Boom (Herron). Boom might get the first tote. But I should ask my older brother (running backs coach Dick Tressel) about that decision."
Last week, senior Maurice Wells started and finished with 48 yards on nine carries. Herron, a redshirt freshman, had 50 yards and a touchdown on 12 carries. Sophomore Brandon Saine had five carries for 16 yards and a score.
Tressel was asked how the team responded to the news.
"They just found out 30 seconds ago, but we've got good kids," Tressel said. "They are going to do the best they can do. They will get after it. We always say that you get as your works deserve so we'll find out."

Earlier in the week, Tressel said this would be his first visit to the historic Coliseum. He was asked about his impression after making that first visit.

"This is like history -- you're talking about Olympic Games and Super Bowls ... all of that stuff," he said.