Travis Henry tests positive for weed

mile HIGH city.

the nfl is going to get that " thug" reputation the NBA already has... I don't like it.
Selvin Young immediate pickup in all Fantasy football leagues
the nfl is going to get that " thug" reputation the NBA already has... I don't like it.

A league centered around violence, whodda thunk it.

That said, when you've got over 50 guys a roster on 32 teams, that you get four or five guys a year testing positive for weed or getting busted for whatever really isn't all that shocking.

If you owned a company with 1600 employees you could probably count on five to ten employees every year getting busted with weed, getting a DUI, or something of that ilk.
man that fucker just cost me. I have T. Henry on my fantasy team. Now how the hell is he gonna feed his 9 babies??!!! Dumbass.
Now how the hell is he gonna feed his 9 babies??!!! Dumbass.

He has a call into Shawn Kemp, that guy has it all worked out.
Since weed is not a performance enhancement drug, I don't think NFL should sanction it more than perhaps symbolically.

If it is a criminal offense to smoke weed in the U.S. then let the offenders take their lawful punishment and that's it.

I wish all players in the league would smoke the pipe in solidarity and let the hippocrate NFL management shove their virtuous principles up their ass on this one.

Btw, I don't even smoke weed.
man my main team is 1-3 and i just picked up young

god knows i need the help

and oh yeah - travis henry is a fuckin moron
I cant believe more players dont get caught doing this. I almost guarantee more than 50 percent do it. Or atleast it seems like that
Well, let's look at it logically.

If there are, let's just say, 1600 players in the NFL, and let's assume the vast majority of them are under 30. Let's say, 65% are actually under 26 (which is probably a conservative estimate). That's 1040 players.

Hell, I'll even round that down.

So let's say there are 1000 players in the NFL under 26.

If you took 1000 26 year-olds off the street today, how many of them would you imagine smoke weed recreationally?

My guess, 20%, maybe 30%--and, again, I'm trying to go low.

So that's at least 200 players or two a team, and again to me that number feels extremely low.

Not being logical and just trying to put a number to it, I'd say at least 10 guys a team smoke weed on a fairly regular basis, that being once or twice a month.

So to get five or whatever guys we get a year getting busted to me isn't surprising at all.
pass it :bong:
feed the kids!

Maybe 20 or 30 percent of 26 year olds that are degenerate gambelers.

Not the people with "real" jobs.

but if you are taking a poll with "street thugs" then yeah, you are probably correct. Mike Vicks friends are probably high right now. It's not like they have to wake up and go to work or anything. They can smoke their weed, fight their dogs, and live off the system and their dumb rich friend.

Get people pregnant? Who cares. Somebody else will pay for it.
The Touchdown Robots snatched up Young last night in the ctg $50 league!!!!

grrrrrrrr :eyes:
NICE....picked him up on my fantasy team a few days ago. My fantasy RB's are on bye weeks and are both hurt.....Rudi Johnson and Westbrook.
Maybe 20 or 30 percent of 26 year olds that are degenerate gambelers.

Not the people with "real" jobs.

I disagree. And it's not a shot at people under 26.

When I was in my younger twenties, of anyone I knew with a job that paid them a decent amount of money--or if they were rich kids in college--a high percentage of them experimented with drugs.

And when I say "high percentage" I mean fairly high (no pun intended). I'd say 60% or 70%. They weren't junkies or anything, not even close, nor were they 'thugs,' they were all ranges of people and the common thread being that they had the disposable income to make it happen.

That's just the time of your life when you try those things, it's the end of that window that starts in your early teens. Eventually most people grow out of it, but when you're young, especially if you have the means, I think we'd all agree you're more willing to try s**t.

Hell, I've had people who've worked for me in this same age range and I know for a fact that at least 50% of them smoked weed regularly. Not daily or anything, but at least once a month.

And with weed it's not like we're talking about breaking out the rubber hose and shooting up some smack. It's commonly accepted that a little weed is going to do as much or less damage to you than a few beers.

So, with the set in question, young football players (or really, young athletes in general), you have this exact demo, younger age guys with disposable income.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying 60% or 70% of the NFL smokes weed regularly or anything, but I'd say at the very least 60% or 70% of the players in the NFL have smoked weed in their life and that a higher percentage than we'd like to believe probably smokes it somewhat regularly. At least a higher percentage than the one that gives us the three or four players a year who test positive for it.
Big difference between trying weed in the hippie 60's and the kids of today joe.

There is a difference between trying weed in your lifetime, and having a number of guys testing positive regularly...

especially when the guys KNOW they are going to be tested. That just shows how little they give a shit.

Travis Henery won't even slap on a jimmie to prevent another life from entering our world, why the fuck woudl he care about passing a drug test?

It is one thing to smoke weed when you are not subjected to these tests, but to smoke weed when you are going to be tested is just plain fucking stupid.

The again, these Clinton Portis types really are that dumb.
It is one thing to smoke weed when you are not subjected to these tests, but to smoke weed when you are going to be tested is just plain fucking stupid.

I agree with this, especially with the money that's at stake. That said, when there are all these ways to conceal or cheat your way around the tests it doesn't shock me that these guys try to have their cake and eat it too.

Because these guys almost all fall into another demographic as well and that's star athletes who've almost certainly been enabled by family, friends, and all the rest for a large part of their life. So I'm sure there's a bit of a level of invincibility that they, like almost all pro athletes, have as well.
Approximately 49.1% of college students and 57.0% of young adults (ages 19–28) surveyed in 2005 reported lifetime use of marijuana.<SUP>9</SUP>

This comes directly from the National Institute on Drug Abuse at the University of Mich.
Approximately 49.1% of college students and 57.0% of young adults (ages 19–28) surveyed in 2005 reported lifetime use of marijuana.


Don't tell me I can't cover a number.

Thanks, Jackal.

you said 26 Joe... results are skewed

Don't you make me come up there, Santa. 'Cause I'll cross that border. You know I will, then you'll get a skewing, oh, will you ever get a skewing.
But drafted in round 15 in my 16 team fantasy draft as my break out RB

So I was patting myself on the back for already having him on my roster.

NICE!!! i was lucky enough to pick him up last night in 3 of my 4 leagues, 2 of which i actually have Henry on my squad...
