

Philly Phanatic
With the current news with Bell most likely not playing week 1 and who knows when. Would you guys trade

Howard for Bell.

I have gurley as my one, Howard as my two and then penny is my next best option.
I think it depends on if you think you can make it to playoffs without him. He should be there for playoffs... but if you have a 12 team league and only 4 teams make playoffs I'd be a bit more hesitant thinking losing Howard to your new 2nd best RB may cost you a win or two... If you can make playoffs, or think you have a good chance, I'd pull the trigger.
Thanks gents.
Due to the uncertainty of Bell, I’m just not sure the risk is worth it. If I had a better third backup I probably would do it, but not sure penny can hold me over while bell sits out.
Obviously its a big risk. Like Steed said, I think he’ll be back by week 2 or 3 at the latest, BUT I thought for sure he’d be back this past Monday. He may show up tomorrow to collect his first weeks pay. If he doesnt he may dig in and say f you to the Steelers and not show til week 10.

All that being said I wouldnt do it because theres to many unknown factors.

If you do it and he comes back week 2 you win big time

He’s a guy you take even if he sits five weeks (see Zeke last year). Re-draft today and he’s going in everyone’s Top 10 still. It’s a no-brainer.